Division Method | M | An integer parameter for different division methods options:
0 = RoundNumberUp
1 = RoundNumberDown
2 = StartFromCorners
3 = StartFromCornersAdaptive
4 = StartFromMiddle
5 = StartFromMiddleAdaptive
Default is 0. | Text |
Include Ends | E | Whether or not to include the start and end points of the input curve. | Boolean |
Include Inner Corners | C | Whether or not to include the inner corners of the input curve. | Boolean |
Points on First and Last Segments | S | Whether or not to divide the first and the last segments of the input curve. | Boolean |
Offset From Ends | Oe | Offset the points from the ends of the input curves. | Number |
Offset From Inner Corners | Oc | Offset the points from the inner corners of the input curves. | Number |