Name | ID | Description | Type |
Plane | P | A plane used to form the base of the solid | Plane |
Width | W | The base circle width | Number |
NumberOfSides | S | The number of sides of the base polygon | Integer |
TopPoint | T | The point defining the top of the solid | Point |
BasePolygonMethod | C | True: the width refers to the radius of the circumscribed circle False: the width refers to the inscribed circle | Boolean |
FillStrategy | F | The filling strategy 0: Skip. No insertions at the targeted faces. 1: Best. Use the best combination available today. 2: Triangle Fan. A fan of triangles, with an addition center point. 3: Triangle Hand. A series of triangles, all pointing towards vertex zero. 4: Triangle Knit. Triangles start from vertex 0 and follow in rectangular way. 5: Triangle Zigzag. Triangles start from vertex 0 and alternate. 6: Quad Stitch. Lays quads except in last segment if it is odd. 7: Quad Fan. Adds a central point and positions quads every two edges. | TessellationEnum |
Name | ID | Description | Type |
OutMesh | O | The resulting mesh () | Mesh |
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