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Config - DLP

This component holds the primary configurations needed for 3D printing with an a DLP projector to do SLA. These settings can be passed as a condensed list to many of the components in Xylinus. They can also be broken out and individual setting fed into Xylinus sub-routines.


printer volume domain boxprinter volume domain boxInput a box with X,Y,and Z domains that match the dimensions of your printer. This can easily be created with the Domain Box component. If your printer 0 position is in the bottom left corner (as standard) you can simply use the default world XY plane, and just enter the the dimesions of your printer into the X, Y, and Z inputs.Box
print window rect (mm x mm)print window rect (mm x mm)This is used to determine the size/scaling of the background imageRectangle
Domain²print window domain (px X px)Contains a collection of 2D number domainsInterval2D
Databackground imageContains a collection of generic dataGoo
Geometrycalibration geometryThe calibration geometry is used to establish the proper scaling of the projected print. When the projector window is opened, it will zoom to this geometry. At this point, the calibration geomerty should be projecting at its correct diemensions. If not adjust its size accordingly and retest.GeometricGoo
baud rate (bytes/sec)baud rate (bytes/sec)Contains a collection of floating point numbersNumber
Z print speed (mm/sec)Z print speed (mm/sec)Contains a collection of floating point numbersNumber
Z rapid speed (mm/sec)Z rapid speed (mm/sec)Contains a collection of floating point numbersNumber
Z lift on peel (mm)Z lift on peel (mm)Contains a collection of floating point numbersNumber
layer height (mm)layer height (mm)Contains a collection of floating point numbersNumber
cure times (sec/layer)cure times (sec/layer)You may pass multiple times. They will be used sequentially and the last time will be repeated for all remaining layers.Number
dwell post cure (sec)dwell post cure (sec)Contains a collection of floating point numbersNumber
dwell at top (sec)dwell at top (sec)Contains a collection of floating point numbersNumber
dwell at bottom (sec)dwell at bottom (sec)Contains a collection of floating point numbersNumber
peel time scalerpeel time scalerContains a collection of floating point numbersNumber
Primary config for 3DP_FCOptional configuration for 3D printing with filament. Direct entries will override these config entries.Goo


Boxprinter volume domain boxContains a collection of boxesBox
Rectangleprint window rect (mm x mm)Contains a collection of rectanglesRectangle
Domain²print window domain (px X px)Contains a collection of 2D number domainsInterval2D
Databackground imageContains a collection of generic dataGoo
Geometrycalibration geometryContains a collection of generic geometryGeometricGoo
Numberbaud rate (bytes/sec)Contains a collection of floating point numbersNumber
NumberZ print speed (mm/min)Contains a collection of floating point numbersNumber
NumberZ rapid speed (mm/min)Contains a collection of floating point numbersNumber
NumberZ lift on peel (mm)Contains a collection of floating point numbersNumber
Numberlayer height (mm)Contains a collection of floating point numbersNumber
Numbercure times (sec/layer)Contains a collection of floating point numbersNumber
Numberdwell post cure (sec)Contains a collection of floating point numbersNumber
Numberdwell at top (sec)Contains a collection of floating point numbersNumber
Numberdwell at bottom (sec)Contains a collection of floating point numbersNumber
Numberpeel time scalerContains a collection of floating point numbersNumber
Config DLPCprimary configurations for 3D printing with DLP.Goo

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