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Post Processing


ADDON. Version 1.2.2. Released on 21-Nov-2023. Provides 36 components. Created by Co-de-iT (Computational Design Italy). Features 0 video tutorials.
Assembler is a Grasshopper plugin that helps you create and manage assemblages of parts, conceived with (but not limited to) the architectural scale in mind. With Assembler, you can create assemblages from parts and rules for their connection, manage the criteria for the assemblage growth and its interaction with environmental geometries and data, and perform local (part) and global (assemblage) level computation on the results for analysis or post-processing.

Post Processing

Display Assemblage (AOaDisp)
Display Assemblage with a set of modes
Extract Handles (AOeHandles)
Extract essential Handle information for an AssemblyObject
Remove AssemblyObjects (AORem)
Removes AssemblyObjects from an Assemblage given their indexes - updating Topology
Associate XData (AO<>XD)
Associates XData to a list of AssemblyObjects
Make sure the XData matches the corresponding AssemblyObject kinds present in the list
Deconstruct Assemblage (AOaDecon)
Deconstructs an Assemblage
Tree Branch indexes are the unique indexes of objects in the assemblage
Display Candidates (AOaDispCand)
Displays Candidate Objects at last step in the Assemblage
Extract AOSet (AOaSet)
Extracts the set of unique AssemblyObjects kinds used in an Assemblage
Extract Collision Mesh (AOeCMesh)
Extract the collision mesh of an AssemblyObject
Extract Reference Plane (AOeRPlane)
Extract AssemblyObject Reference Plane
ExtractTopology (AOaTopo)
Extract connection data from an Assemblage
Extract Type (AOeType)
Extract the Type of an AssemblyObject


Construct AssemblyObject (AOCon)
Construct an Assembly Object from relevant data
ConstructHandle (HandCon)
Construct a Handle
Construct XData (XDCon)
Construct an XData instance
XData can be any kind of Xtended/Xtra data (Geometry, String, Numbers, ...) associated to an AssemblyObject Type
Deconstruct AssemblyObject (AODecon)
Deconstruct an AssemblyObject
Deconstruct XData (XDDecon)
Deconstructs an XData item
DisplayHandles (HandDisp)
Displays Handle Type, weight, sender and receiver planes with rotations for all Handles in the input list
Reset AssemblyObject (AOReset)
Resets an AssemblyObject's values to default
Construct Composite AssemblyObject (AOComCon)
Construct a composite Assembly Object
Deconstruct Handle (HandDecon)
Deconstruct Handle
Transform XData (XDTran)
Apply a transformation to an XData item


Construct Field N (AFieldN)
Constructs an empty Field from a Box
N cells along largest Box dimension
Construct Sparse Field (AFieldSp)
Constructs an empty Field from a sparse list of points and optional topology information
Color Field (AFCol)
Generates Field Point colors by scalar values
Construct Field XYZ (AFieldXYZ)
Constructs an empty Field from a Box
Individual n. of cells along Box XYZ dimensions
Deconstruct Field (AFDecon)
Deconstructs a Field
Exogenous Settings (ExoSet)
Collects exogenous related settings
Populate Field (AFPop)
Populates a Field with Scalar, Vector, and integer Weight values (optional)


Heuristic Display (HeuD)
Display Heuristics as visual combination of AssemblyObjects
Heuristics Display Ex (HeuDeX)
Display Heuristics as visual combination of AssemblyObjects - extended version
Heuristics Settings (HeuSet)
Collects Heuristics related settings
Heuristics Writer (HeuWri)
Generates Heuristics Set for an AssemblyObjects Set
Weigh Heuristics (HeuWeigh)
Assigns custom integer weights to the Heuristics rules


AssemblyObjects From JSON (JSON>AO)
Load a list of AssemblyObjects from a JSON file saved with brute force method
AssemblyObjects To JSON (AO>JSON)
Save a list of AssemblyObjects to a JSON file - brute force method


Assembler Engine (AOaEngine)
Assembler Engine
Where the magic happens...

Site design © Robin Rodricks.   Assembler and associated data © 2024 Co-de-iT (Computational Design Italy).  
Rhinoceros and Grasshopper are registered trademarks of Robert McNeel & Associates.  Hosted by GitHub

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