Load Combination (ggLC) Create Load Combination | |
Decompose Combo (ggDecomposeCombo) Decompose Combo | |
Load Pattern (ggLP) Create Load Pattern | |
Decompose Load Pattern (ggDecomposeLP) Decompose a Pattern and retrieve all associated loading | |
Load Pattern Auto Seismic NZ1170 (ggLPASNZ) Create Load Pattern AutoSeismic NZ1170.5 | |
Target Force Options (ggTFO) Target Force Options | |
Results Saved Options (ggRSO) Results Saved Options | |
Non Linear Solution Control (ggNLSC) Non Linear Solution Control | |
Load Case Response Spectrum (ggLCRS) Create Response Spectrum Load Case | |
Load Case Modal Eigen (ggMLC) Create Modal Eigen Load Case | |
Load Case Modal Ritz (ggMRLC) Create Ritz Modal Load Case | |
Response Spectrum Options (ggRSO) Modal and directional Response Spectrum Analysis combination options | |
Load Case PSD (ggLCPSD) Create Power Spectral Density Load Case | |
Frequency Data (ggPSDFO) Load Case Frequency Data Options for Power Spectral Density and Steady State | |
Interpolated Damp Data (ggRSO) Interpolated Damping Data Options for PSD and Steady State Load Cases | |
Load Case Steady State (ggLCSS) Create Steady State Analysis Load Case | |
Load Case Modal Time History Linear (ggLCTHL) Create a Modal Time History Linear Load Case | |
Time History Constant Damp Overrides (ggIDDTH) Constant Damping Overrides for Time History Load Cases | |
Time History Interpolated Damp Data (ggIDDTH) Interpolated Damping Data Options for Time History Load Cases | |
Time History Proportional Damp Data (ggPDDTH) Interpolated Damping Data Options for Time History Load Cases | |
Load Case Buckling (ggBLC) Create Buckling Load Case | |
Auto Wind User Load (ggLPASUS) Create User Load Input Loads to be inputed into Load Pattern AutoWind | |
Load Pattern Auto Wind User (ggLPASUser) Create Load Pattern AutoWind Based on User Load Input Loadsets | |
Load Pattern Auto Seismic ASCE716 (ggLPASASCE) Create Load Pattern AutoSeismic ASCE716 | |
Load Pattern Auto Seismic NBCC2005 (ggLPASNBCC) Create Load Pattern AutoSeismic NBCC2005 | |
Load Pattern Auto Wind NBCC (ggLPAWNBCC) Create Load Pattern AutoWind NBCC | |
Load Pattern Auto Wind NBCC2005 (ggLPAWNBCC) Create Load Pattern AutoWind NBCC2005 | |
Load Case Static (ggSLC) Create Static Load Case | |
Load Case Hyper Static (ggSLHC) Create Hyper Static Load Case | |
Load Case Non Linear Staged (ggNLSt) Create NonLineaer Staged Construction Load Case. Works with SAP2000 V19 and above. | |
Load Case Non Linear Static (ggNLS) Create NonLineaer Static Load Case | |
Load Pattern By Ref (ggLP) Reference a Load Pattern in an Existing Model by name text | |
Load Combo By Ref (ggLC) Reference a Load Combination in an Existing Model by name text | |
Load Case By Ref (ggLCR) Reference a Load Case in an Existing Model by name text |
Query Node Displacements (ggQNodeDisp) Query Node Displacements | |
Query Node Reaction Force (ggQNodeReactF) Query Node Reaction Force | |
Query Node Acceleration (ggQNodeAcc) Query node accelearations from response spectrum or time history analysis | |
Query Node Velocity (ggQueryNodeVel) Query node velocities from response spectrum or time history analysis | |
Query Global Reaction (ggQGlobalReact) Query Global Reaction | |
Query Node Reaction Moment (ggQNodeReactM) Query Node Reaction Moment | |
Query Frame Force (ggQueryFrameFor) Query Frame Element Forces | |
Decompose Result Set Frame Force (ggRD1dSet) Decomposes 1d Element Result Set | |
Query Frame Forces (ggQueryFrameFor) Query Frame Element Forces | |
Decompose Result Set2d (ggRD2dSet) Decompose 2d Elemnt Result Set | |
Decompose Result Set2d Principal Stress (ggRDPrinStress) Decompose 2d Principal Stress Result | |
Query2d Principal Stress (ggQPS) Query Principal Stress, derived from averaged point values so will not match precisely SAP results | |
Decompose Result Set Modal Freq (ggRDMF) Decompose Modal Frequency Result Set | |
Query Modal Frequencies (ggQMF) Query Modal Frequencies | |
Decompose Result Set Node (ggRDN) Decompose Node Set Result | |
Solver (ggS) This component will execute Structural Analysis solution process and query results | |
Solver Options (ggSO) Solver Options | |
Query (ggQ) This component will extract results from SAP/Etabs Application, most applicable to existing models so use Solve component for GH generated. | |
Decompose Result Global Reaction (ggRDGlobReact) Decompose Global Reaction Result | |
Query Result2d Options (ggQueryResult2dOpt) Query Result 2d option | |
Query2d Projected Forces (ggQ2dProjectedForces) Query 2d Element Projected (Direct) Forces | |
Query2d Derived Forces (ggQ2dElemDerivedForces) Query 2d Element Derived (Principle) Forces | |
Query2d Projected Stress (ggQ2dProjectedStress) Query 2d Element Projected (Direct) Stress | |
Query2d Derived Stress (ggQ2dDerStrss) Query 2d Element Derived Stress | |
Query2d Projected Strains (ggQ2dProjectedStrains) Query 2d Area Element Projected Strains | |
Query2d Derived Strains (ggQ2dDerivedStrains) Query 2d Area Element Derived Strains | |
Query Database Table (ggQDBT) This will enable you to query any database table within SAP2000. XXX Database Tables are accessible in versions ETABS18 and SAP23 and newer | |
Decompose Result Database Table (ggRDDBT) Decompose a Database Table Query Result into Rows of Data | |
Decompose Result Section Cut Forces (ggRDSectCut) Decompose Section Forces | |
Query Section Cut Forces (ggQSectCutForces) Query Section Cut Forces from Defined Section Cut. Analysis or Design analysis results will be derived from the Section Cut Definition | |
Decompose Result Set Frame Forces (ggRDFFSet) Decomposes Frame Forces (1d Forces) Result Set | |
Full Load Application Control (ggFLAC) Full Load Application Control | |
Displacement Load Application Control (ggDLAC) Displacement Load Application Control |
Create Or Find Point (ggPoint) Locate Existing or Create StructuralPoint | |
Transform Structure (ggTransform) Transform Structure | |
Create Group (ggGroup) Create Group | |
Create Area (ggA) Create Structural Area from points | |
Brep Convert Finite Elements (ggBFE) Create Structural Finite Elements from brep with plane faces | |
Mesh Convert Finite Elements (ggMFE) Create Structural Finite Elements from mesh | |
Create Axis (ggAxis) Create Structural Axis | |
Create Frame (ggFE) Create Structural Frame Element | |
Decompose Frame (ggF) Decompose Frame Element | |
Create Link (ggLink) Create Structural Link | |
Create Cable (ggCable) Create Structural Cable | |
Create Tendon (ggFE) Create Structural Tendon Element | |
Tendon Layout Data Point (ggTLDP) Create a Tendon Layout Data Point to Assign to a Tendon Profile. | |
Create Area Perimeter (ggCAP) Create Area by Perimeter Curve | |
Decompose Area Element (ggDA) Decompose an Area Element such as Floor or Wall | |
Create Grid Axis System (ggGAS) Generate an Etabs Grid Axis System | |
Decompose Grid Axis System (ggDGS) Decompose Structural Grid System into Grids | |
Create Stage (ggStage) Create a Stage for a Staged Construction Load Case. This is early work in progress so please contact support@geometrygymc.com if not behaving as intended or to implement further options | |
Create Stage Op Add (ggStOpAdd) Create a Stage Operation which adds objects for a Staged Construction Load Case Stage | |
Create Stage Op Load (ggStOpLoad) Create a Stage Operation which adds load patterns to a Staged Construction Load Case Stage | |
Create Stage Op Remove (ggStOpRem) Create a Stage Operation which removes objects from a Staged Construction Load Case Stage | |
Create Stage Op Change Frame Prop (ggStOpFP) Create a Stage Operation which adds or removes objects from a for a Staged Construction Load Case Stage | |
Group Options (ggGO) Group Options | |
Decompose Group (ggDecomposeGroup) Decompose Group | |
Create Solid Prop (ggSP) Create Solid Prop | |
Create Solid (ggS) Create Structural Solid from 8 points | |
Constraint Local (ggCL) Create Local Constraint | |
Constraint Body (ggCB) Create Body Constraint | |
Constraint Equal (ggCE) Create Equal Constraint | |
Constraint Diaphragm (ggCD) Create a diaphragm constraint about an axis | |
Constraint Diaphragm Semi Rigid (ggCDSR) Create a semi rigid diaphragm constraint about Z axis | |
Create Section Cut (ggSC) Creates a SAP Analysis or Design Section Cut by Group or by Group and Planar Brep |
Shell Property Modifier (ggSPM) Create Shell Property Modifier | |
Finite Element Generation Option (ggFEO) Options for generation of Finite Element | |
Element Orientation (ggEO) Element Orientations | |
Create Prop Hinge Fiber (ggHPHF) Create a Fiber Hinge Property | |
Create Hinge Fiber Data (ggHHFD) Create data for a Fiber Hinge Property | |
Create Prop Hinge User Non Interacting (ggHPUNI) Create a User Defined Non-Interacting Hinge Property | |
Hinge Non Interacting Control Force (ggHUNIFC) Specify Force Control Properties for a Non-Interacting User Defined Hinge Property | |
Hinge Non Interacting Control Deform (ggHUNIFC) Specify Force Control Properties for a Non-Interacting User Defined Hinge Property | |
Hinge Deformation Points (ggHDP) Deformation Points for a Non-Interacting User Defined Deformation Hinge Property. Inputs are Point3d where the z value is ignored | |
Hinge Acceptance Criteria (ggHAC) Non-Interacting User Defined Deformation Hinge Property | |
Hinge Non Interacting Deform Scale Fac Params (ggHNIS) Scaling Factor Parameters for Non-Interacting User Defined Deformation Hinge Property | |
Notional Size User (ggPNSU) Create Time Dependent Notional User Size | |
Notional Size Scale (ggPNSS) Create Time Dependent Notional Size auto scale | |
Deconstruct Area Prop (ggDFP) Deconstruct Area Property | |
Create Shell Prop (ggAP) Create Shell Prop | |
Prop Hinge By Ref (ggHPR) Reference a Hinge Property in an Existing Model by a String | |
Prop Shell By Ref (ggSPR) Reference a Shell Property in an Existing Model by a String | |
Point Support (ggPS) Create Point Support Spring, Units consistent with SAP application | |
Frame Auto Mesh (ggFAM) Create Frame AutoMesh | |
Area Spring Simple (ggANSS) Create Simple Normal Area Spring, Units consistent with SAP application | |
Area Axis Spring Simple (ggAASS) Create Simple Area Spring, Units consistent with SAP application | |
Solid Spring Simple (ggSSS) Create Simple Normal Solid Spring, Units consistent with SAP application | |
Create Link Prop Linear (ggLP) Create Linear Link Property | |
Create Link Prop GAP (ggLP) Create Structural Link Gap Property. | |
Link Prop Dir Params Gap (ggLPP) Directional and rotational values for creating a Linear link in SAP2000 | |
Create Link Prop Multi Linear (ggLML) Create Structural Link Multi-Linear Elastic or Plastic Property. | |
Link Prop Dir Params Multi Linear (ggLPP) Directional and rotational values for creating a Multi Linear (Elastic/Plasctic) link in SAP2000 | |
Area Mesh General Divide (ggAMGD) Create General Mesh Divide option for Area meshing | |
Area Mesh Max Area (ggAMMA) Create Mesh Max Area for Area meshing | |
Area Mesh Cookie Cut Lines (ggAMCCL) Create Mesh by Cookie Cut Lines | |
Area Mesh Perim Points (ggAMPP) Create Mesh area based on points on area edges |
Load Point (ggPL) Create Point Load | |
Load Network Trib Area (ggTAL) Create Tributory Area Loads for structure grid | |
Load Frame UDL (ggFUDL) Create Uniform Distributed Loads for Frame Elements | |
Load Frame Patch (ggFP) Create Patch Loads for Frame Elements | |
Load Frame Temp (ggLFT) Create Temperature Load for Frame Elements | |
Load Frame Strain (ggFS) Create Strain Load for Frame Elements | |
Load Point Displacment (ggPDL) Create Point Displacement Load, use settlement if node has restraint in applied direction | |
Load Area Uniform (ggFL) Create Uniform Loads for Area Elements | |
Decompose Uniform Area Load (ggDecomposeUAL) Decompose Uniform Area Load | |
Decompose Frame Uniform Load (ggDecomposeFUL) Decompose Frame Uniform Load | |
Load Area Wind Pressure (ggWP) Create Wind Pressure for Area Elements | |
Load Area To Frame (ggFL) Create Area Load to Frame Elements | |
Load Tendon Force (ggTF) Set Target Tendon Forces or Stress for Tendon Element/s. ONE Load per Tendon Object | |
Load Target Force (ggTF) Create Target Load for Curve Element/s. ***ONLY CABLE ELEMENT TYPE SUPPORTED*** contact support@geometrygym.com for further options | |
Joint Pattern (ggJP) Create Joint Pattern | |
Load Joint Pattern By XYZ (ggJPXYZ) Create Joint Pattern By XYZ | |
Load Area Pressure (ggAP) Create Pressure Loads for Area Elements | |
Load Area Temp (ggLAT) Create Temperature Load for Area Elements | |
Mass Source (ggMS) Create Mass Source | |
Load Crv Point (ggCLP) Create Point Loads for Curve Elements | |
Applied Load Response Spectrum (ggSPL) Create a Load Applied for a Response Spectrum Load Case Direction | |
Applied Load Modal (ggMAL) Create a Load Applied for a Modal Eigin or Modal Ritz Load Case | |
LCApplied Load PSD (ggPSDAL) Create a Load Applied for a PSD Load Case | |
LCApplied Load Steady State (ggSSAL) Create a Load Applied for a Steady State Load Case | |
LCApplied Load Time History (ggTHAL) Create a Load Applied for a Time History Load Case | |
Function Response Spectrum Euro Code8 (ggRSEC) Create a response spectrum function based on Eurocode8 | |
Function Response Spectrum NZ1170 (ggRSNZ) Create a response spectrum function based on NZ1170 | |
Function Response Spectrum User (ggRSUD) Create a User Defined response spectrum function from a list of Periods and Values | |
Function PSDUser (ggFPSDU) Create a User Defined PSD function from a list of Frequencies and Values | |
Function Time History User (ggFTHU) Create a User Defined Time History function from a list of Times and Values | |
Function Steady State User (ggFSSU) Create a User Defined Steady State function from a list of Frequencies and Values |
Frame Release Stiffness (RS) Frame Release | |
Frame Release (R) Frame Release | |
Find Frame Prop (ggFFP) Find Frame Property | |
Create Frame Prop (ggFP) Create Frame Property | |
Create Frame Prop Non Prismatic (ggNPFP) Create Non Prismatic Frame Element Section Property | |
Create Lateral Bracing Point (ggLBP) Create a Frame Lateral Bracing at a Point | |
Create Lateral Bracing Uniform (ggLBU) Create a Frame Uniform Lateral Bracing | |
Frame Hinge Assign (ggFHA) Create Frame Hinge Assignment | |
Frame Prop Auto Selection Set (ggFPAS) Create Frame Property Auto Selection Set. Set a list of section properties to that can applied to a SAP Frame Element in design | |
Deconstruct Frame Prop (ggDFP) Deconstruct Frame Property | |
Frame Prop Modifier (ggSPM) Create Frame Section Property Modifier | |
Create Prop Cable (ggCP) Create Cable Property | |
Create Prop Tendon (ggPT) Create Tendon Property | |
Tendon Atts (ggTA) Create Tendon Attributes | |
Frame Atts (ggFA) Create Frame Attributes | |
Frame Station (ggFS) Create Frame Station Attributes | |
Cable Atts (ggCA) Create Cable Attributes | |
Frame Prop By Ref (ggFPR) Reference a Frame Property in an Existing Model by a String | |
Create Frame Prop General (ggFPG) Create General Frame Property, all values must be derived from rhino document units (ie mm, inches, metres etc) | |
Create Frame Prop Section Designer (ggSDFP) Creates Section Designer Frame Property from a list of Profile Shapes | |
Frame Section Designer Shape (ggSDS) Create a Section Designer Shape Profile | |
Frame Section Designer Shape Polygon (ggSDS) Create a Section Designer Polygon Shape from a Polyline | |
Frame Prop Params (ggFPP) Frame Property Parameters | |
Line Spring Simple (ggLSS) Create Simple Parrallel Line Spring, Units consistent with SAP application | |
Line Spring Link (ggLS) Create Line Spring by Link Property, Units consistent with SAP application |
Design Code By Ref (ggDCR) Reference a Design Code in an Existing Model by a String. Use already preset default values as per the file | |
Concrete Frame Design (ggCD) This component will execute Structural Analysis Solution and Concrete Frame Design process. XXX THIS COMPONENT WILL ONLY WORK WITH ETABSv18 AND LATER | |
Query Concrete Beam Design Summary (ggQCBDS) Query Frame Element Summary Utilisations | |
Decompose Result Set Conc Beam Design Summary (ggRDCB) Decompose Concrete Beam Design Utilisation Summary set results | |
Query Concete Column Design Summary (ggQCCDS) Query Frame Element Summary Utilisations | |
Decompose Result Set Conc Column Design Summary (ggRDCC) Decompose Concrete Column Design Utilisation Summary Set Results | |
Concrete Design ACI318 (ggCDACI318) Concrete Fram Design ACI318 | |
Steel Design ACI318Over Write (ggSDCSAOW) Steel Design ACI318 OverWrite | |
Concrete Design Eurocode2 (ggCDEC2) Concrete Fram Design Eurocode | |
Concrete Design Eurocode2Over Write (ggSDCSAOW) Steel Design Eurocode2 OverWrite | |
Concrete Beam Design Section Atts (ggCDB) Assign Concrete Design Section Parameters to a Frame Section Property | |
Concrete Column Design Section Atts (ggCDB) Assign Concrete Design Section Parameters to a Frame Section Property | |
Steel Frame Design (ggSD) This component will execute Structural Analysis solution and Steel Design process. | |
Query Steel Design Summary (ggQueryFrameFor) Query Frame Element Summary Utilisations | |
Decompose Result Set Steel Design Summary (ggRUSD) Decompose SAP Steel Design Utilisation Summary set results | |
Steel Design AISC360 (ggSDAISC360) Steel Design Code AISC360 | |
Steel Design AISC360Over Write (ggSDAISCOW) Steel Design AISC360 OverWrite | |
Steel Design CSA (ggSDCSA) Steel Design CSA | |
Steel Design CSAOver Write (ggSDCSAOW) Steel Design CSA OverWrite | |
Steel Design AS4100 (ggSDAS4100) Steel Design AS 4100-1998 | |
Steel Design AS4100Over Write (ggSDAS4100OW) Steel Design AS4100 OverWrite | |
Steel Design NZ3404 (ggSDNZ3404) Steel Design NZ 3404-1997 | |
Steel Design NZ3403Over Write (ggSDNZ3403OW) Steel Design NZ3403 OverWrite | |
Steel Design Eurocode3 (ggSDEC) Steel Design Eurocode3 | |
Steel Design Eurocode3Over Write (ggSDCSAOW) Steel Design Eurocode OverWrite |
Modify Bake (ggMB) This component will open existing model, and then perform the nominated modifications. Advised to have only one bake component on the canvas | |
Modify Inline (ggMI) This component will modify a model AFTER the bake process has occured | |
Modify Design Section Inline (ggMDSI) This component will can change the Design Section of a Designed model AFTER the bake, analysis and design process has occured | |
Nominate Frame Section (ggNFS) Nominate Section name to assign to frame | |
Nominate Frame Section Group (ggNFSG) Nominate Section name to assign to group of frames | |
Set Hinge Property (ggSHP) Modification to set hinge property | |
Assign Hinge Property (ggAHP) Modification to assign hinge property to frame element | |
Modify Frame Element Delete (ggNFS) Nominate Frame Element to Delete from Existing Model | |
Relocate Point (ggPR) Relocate Point in an Existing Model by providing an updated Point3d Location | |
Assign Point Spring (ggAPS) Assign Point spring in an Existing Model | |
Modify Steel Frame Design Section (ggNFS) Modify the Steel Frame Design Section after the Design Process. Use this component with the Inline Modify component to test different sections after performing analysis and design | |
Modify Conc Frame Design Section (ggMFS) Modify the Concrete Frame Design Section after the Design Process. Use this component with the Inline Modify component to test different sections after performing analysis and design | |
Modify Append Frame Distributed Load (ggMAFDL) Modify the model appending distributed loads to frame elements | |
Modify Append Frame Point Load (ggMAFPL) Modify the model appending point loads to frame elements | |
Modify Append Point Force (ggMAPF) Modify the model appending forces to points |
Create Elastic Orthotropic Material (ggEOM) Create Elastic Orthotropic Material | |
Point Restraint (ggPR) Create PointRestraint | |
Point Atts (ggPA) Create Structural Point Attributes | |
Generate C (ggC) Generates a ColdFormed C Section | |
Generate Z (ggZ) Generates a ColdFormed Z Section | |
Material Library (ggML) Use Sap Library Material, usually in C:rogram Filesomputers and StructuresAP2000 XXroperty Libraries or equivalent for ETABS, CsiBridge etc | |
Material Params Concrete (ggMPC) Generate Concrete Material Parameters for input into the user defined Material Component. | |
Material Params Rebar (ggMPRB) Generate Rebar Material Parameters for input into the user defined Material Component. | |
Material Params Steel (ggMPSteel) Generate Steel Material Parameters for input into the user defined Material Component. | |
Material Create-Elastic Isotropic (ggEIM) Create Elastic Isotropic Material | |
Material By Ref (ggMR) Reference a Material in an Existing Model by a String | |
Generate Asymmetric IShape (ggAI) Generates an Asymmetric I Shape Profile | |
Create Point Mass (ggPointMass) Create Point Mass Data |
Map Profile (ggMP) Map a profile to an IFC profile | |
2000To Karamba (ggSAPToKaramba) Import SAP2000 model into Karamba | |
Stream Bake To Ifc (ggSBI) Stream Bake Ifc | |
Convert Ifc Options (O) Options for converting from IFC | |
Convert Ifc Filter (F) IFC Elemnt filter for converting from IFC to Structural Analysis | |
Convert From Ifc (ggCFI) Convert From Ifc | |
Bake Model (ggBS) Bake Structure | |
Model Decompose (ggMD) Decompose Model after solve or import | |
Import Data (ggID) Import Structural Analaysis Data |
gg Karamba To SAP2000 (ggKarambaSAP) Export Karamba model to SAP2000 | |
File2000To Karamba (ggSAPToKaramba) Import SAP2000 model into Karamba from file |
Open Modeland Extract (ggOM) Open Model and Extract Model Objects |
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GeomGym SAP and associated data © 2024 Geometry Gym Pty Ltd.
Rhinoceros and Grasshopper are registered trademarks of Robert McNeel & Associates.
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