Function | F | The response spectrum function in-which the load should be applied | Generic Data |
Load Name Dirc | L | Load Direciton:(0=U1 1=U2 2=U3 3=R1 4=R2 5=R3) | Integer |
Load Pattern | P | Optional Load Pattern which will OVERRIDE the Load Direction with a specified load Pattern | Generic Data |
Scale Factor | F | Scale Factor to be applied. The scale factor of each load assigned to the load case. [L/s2] for U1 U2 and U3; otherwise unitless | Number |
Phase Angle | A | This is an array that includes the phase angle. [deg] | Number |
Coord System | C | Coord System to apply the loading too. XXX ONLY GLOBAL CO_ORDINATE SYSTEM CURRENT AVALIABLE | Generic Data |
Angle | A | This is an array that includes the angle between the acceleration local 1 axis and the +X-axis of the coordinate system specified by the CSys item. The rotation is about the Z-axis of the | Number |