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Loads Assign

Function Response Spectrum Euro Code8

Create a response spectrum function based on Eurocode8


NameNName of the Spectrum. Default will be providedText
CodeCEurocode Version.(0=EC8_2004 1=EC8_1994)Integer
CountryCEurocode Country.(0=Other 1=CEN_Default 2=Norway 3=Singapore 4=Portugal)Integer
SoilSSoil Type(0=A 1=B 2=C 3=D 4=E 5=S1)Integer
SpectrumTSpectrum Type(0=Type_1 1=Type_2)Integer
Direction VertDIndicates whether the ground motion direction is Vertical opposed to Horizontal. False by DefaultBoolean
AgrADesign ground acceleration, AgrNumber
Soil FactorSThe soil factor, S. This item only applies when the EURO2004Direction item is Horizontal. If the EURO2004Country item is not Other, then the input value for this item is ignoredNumber
AvgOverAgAThe vertical ground acceleration divided by the horizontal ground acceleration, Avg/Ag. This item only applies when the EURO2004Direction item is 2 (vertical). If the EURO2004Country item is not 0, then the input value for this item is ignored.Number
Behaviour FactorQBehaviour Factor, QNumber
TbLThe lower limit of period of the constant spectral acceleration branch, Tb. If the EURO2004Country item is not 0, then the input value for this item is ignored.Number
TcUThe upper limit of period of the constant spectral acceleration branch, Tc. If the EURO2004Country item is not 0, then the input value for this item is ignoredNumber
TdDThe period defining the start of the constant displacement range, Td. If the EURO2004Country item is not 0, then the input value for this item is ignored.Number
BetaBThe lower bound factor, Beta. If the EURO2004Country item is not 0, then the input value for this item is ignored.Number
Damping RatioXThe damping ratio for the function, 0 <= DampRatio < 1.Number
Damping Correction FactorNThe damping correction factor, n, where n >= 0.7. Only Applies to CODE 1994Number


Response SpectraSResponse Spectrum FunctionGeneric Data

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