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Loads Assign

Link Prop Dir Params Multi Linear

Directional and rotational values for creating a Multi Linear (Elastic/Plasctic) link in SAP2000


Effective StiffnessKeEffective stiffness for direction or rotation axis. Used for Linear Analysis CasesNumber
Effective DampingCeEffective damping for direction or rotation axis. Used for Linear Analysis CasesNumber
Non LinearNLSet whether the directional values are to be analysed as Non-linear. False by defaultBoolean
Force PointsFWhen DOF is U1, U2 or U3, this is a force. When DOF is R1, R2 or R3. this is a momentNumber
Deformation PointsFWhen DOF is U1, U2 or U3, this is a translation. When DOF is R1, R2 or R3, this is a rotationNumber
Plastic TypeKThis item applies only to multilinear plastic link properties. Type(0=Kinematic 1=Takeda 2=Pivot)Integer
a1a1This item applies only to multilinear plastic link properties that have a pivot hysteresis type. It is the Alpha1 hysteresis parameter.Number
a2a2This item applies only to multilinear plastic link properties that have a pivot hysteresis type. It is the Alpha2 hysteresis parameter.Number
b1b1This item applies only to multilinear plastic link properties that have a pivot hysteresis type. It is the Beta1 hysteresis parameter.Number
b2b2This item applies only to multilinear plastic link properties that have a pivot hysteresis type. It is the Beta2 hysteresis parameter.Number
etaetaThis item applies only to multilinear plastic link properties that have a pivot hysteresis type. It is the Eta hysteresis parameter.Number


Link Dirc ParmsMLink property direction parametersGeneric Data

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