Curvature Graph (CrvGraph) Draws Rhino Curvature Graphs. | |
Length (Len) Measure the length of a curve. | |
Length Domain (LenD) Measure the length of a curve subdomain. | |
Length Parameter (LenP) Measure the length of a curve to and from a parameter. | |
Curve Domain (CrvDom) Measure and set the curve domain | |
Segment Lengths (LenSeg) Finds the shortest and longest segments of a curve. | |
Planar Test a curve for planarity. | |
Closed (Cls) Test if a curve is closed or periodic. | |
End Points (End) Extract the end points of a curve. | |
Deconstruct Arc (DArc) Retrieve the base plane, radius and angle domain of an arc. | |
Deconstuct Rectangle (DRec) Retrieve the base plane and side intervals of a rectangle. | |
Polygon Center (PCen) Find the center point (average) for a polyline. | |
Control Points (CP) Extract the nurbs control points and knots of a curve. | |
Control Polygon (CPoly) Extract the nurbs control polygon of a curve. | |
Discontinuity (Disc) Find all discontinuities along a curve. | |
Evaluate Curve (Eval) Evaluate a curve at the specified parameter. | |
Evaluate Length (Eval) Evaluate a curve at a certain factor along its length. Length factors can be supplied both in curve units and normalized units. Change the [N] parameter to toggle between the two modes. | |
Curvature Evaluate the curvature of a curve at a specified parameter. | |
Torsion Evaluate the torsion of a curve at a specified parameter. | |
Derivatives (CDiv) Evaluate the derivatives of a curve at a specified parameter. | |
Curve Closest Point (Crv CP) Find the closest point on a curve. | |
Curve Proximity (CrvProx) Find the pair of closest points between two curves. | |
Curve Nearest Object (CrvNear) Find the object nearest to a curve. | |
Point In Curve (InCurve) Test a point for closed curve containment. | |
Point in Curves (InCurves) Test a point for multiple closed curve containment. | |
Extremes (X-tremez) Find the extremes (highest and lowest points) on a curve. | |
Curve Side (Side) Find on which side of a curve a point exists | |
Curve Middle (MidPt) Get the point in the middle of a curve | |
Point On Curve (CurvePoint) Evaluates a curve at a specific location | |
Curve Frame (Frame) Get the curvature frame of a curve at a specified parameter. | |
Horizontal Frame (HFrame) Get a horizontally aligned frame along a curve at a specified parameter. | |
Perp Frame (PFrame) Solve the perpendicular (zero-twisting) frame at a specified curve parameter. |
Circle (Cir) Create a circle defined by base plane and radius. | |
Circle CNR (Circle) Create a circle defined by center, normal and radius. | |
Circle 3Pt (Circle) Create a circle defined by three points. | |
InCircle Create the incircle of a triangle. | |
Circle Fit (FCircle) Fit a circle to a collection of points. | |
Circle TanTan (CircleTT) Create a circle tangent to two curves. | |
Circle TanTanTan (CircleTTT) Create a circle tangent to three curves. | |
Ellipse Create an ellipse defined by base plane and two radii. | |
InEllipse Create the inscribed ellipse (Steiner ellipse) of a triangle. | |
Arc Create an arc defined by base plane, radius and angle domain. | |
Modified Arc (ModArc) Create an arc based on another arc. | |
Arc 3Pt (Arc) Create an arc through three points. | |
Arc SED (Arc) Create an arc defined by start point, end point and a tangent vector. | |
BiArc Create a bi-arc based on endpoints and tangents. | |
Tangent Arcs (TArc) Create tangent arcs between circles | |
Tangent Lines (Tan) Create tangent lines between a point and a circle | |
Tangent Lines (Ex) (TanEx) Create external tangent lines between circles | |
Tangent Lines (In) (TanIn) Create internal tangent lines between circles | |
Line (Ln) Create a line between two points. | |
Line SDL (Line) Create a line segment defined by start point, tangent and length.} | |
Line 4Pt (Ln4Pt) Create a line from four points. | |
Line 2Plane (Ln2Pl) Create a line between two planes. | |
Fit Line (FLine) Fit a line to a collection of points. | |
Rectangle Create a rectangle on a plane | |
Rectangle 3Pt (Rec 3Pt) Create a rectangle from three points | |
Rectangle 2Pt (Rec 2Pt) Create a rectangle from a base plane and two points | |
TwoByFourJam (2x4 Jam) Jam a two-by-four into a crooked room | |
Polygon Create a polygon with optional round edges. | |
Polygon Edge (PolEdge) Create a polygon from a single edge. |
Interpolate (IntCrv) Create an interpolated curve through a set of points. | |
Interpolate (t) (IntCrv(t)) Create an interpolated curve through a set of points with tangents. | |
Tangent Curve (TanCurve) Create a curve through a set of points with tangents. | |
Nurbs Curve (Nurbs) Construct a nurbs curve from control points. | |
Kinky Curve (KinkCrv) Construct an interpolated curve through a set of points with a kink angle threshold. | |
Bezier Span (BzSpan) Construct a bezier span from endpoints and tangents. | |
Curve On Surface (CrvSrf) Create an interpolated curve through a set of points on a surface. | |
Iso Curve (Iso) Construct {uv} isocurves on a surface. | |
Geodesic Construct a surface geodesic between two points. | |
Sub Curve (SubCrv) Construct a curve from the sub-domain of a base curve. | |
Knot Vector (Knots) Construct a nurbs curve knot vector. | |
Nurbs Curve PWK (NurbCrv) Construct a nurbs curve from control points, weights and knots. | |
Catenary (Cat) Create a catenary chain between two points. | |
Catenary Ex (CatEx) Create a variable catenary chain between two points. | |
Blend Curve (BlendC) Create a blend curve between two curves. | |
Blend Curve Pt (BlendCPt) Create a blend curve between two curves that intersects a point. | |
Connect Curves (Connect) Connect a sequence of curves. | |
Tween Curve (TweenCrv) Tween between two curves. | |
PolyLine (PLine) Create a polyline connecting a number of points. | |
PolyArc (PArc) Create a polycurve consisting of arc and line segments. |
Offset Curve (Offset) Offset a curve with a specified distance. | |
Offset Curve Loose (Offset (L)) Offset the control-points of a curve with a specified distance. | |
Offset Loose 3D (Offset (3D)) Offset the control-points of a curve with a specified distance in 3D. | |
Offset on Srf (OffsetS) Offset a curve on a surface with a specified distance. | |
Flip Curve (Flip) Flip a curve using an optional guide curve. | |
Seam Adjust the seam of a closed curve. | |
Join Curves (Join) Join as many curves as possible | |
Rebuild Curve (ReB) Rebuild a curve with a specific number of control-points. | |
Fit Curve (Fit) Fit a curve along another curve. | |
Extend Curve (Ext) Extend a curve by a specified distance. | |
Simplify Curve (Simplify) Simplify a curve. | |
Curve To Polyline (ToPoly) Convert a curve to a polyline. | |
Project Project a curve onto a Brep. | |
Pull Curve (Pull) Pull a curve onto a surface. | |
Polyline Collapse (PCol) Collapse short segments in a polyline curve. | |
Reduce (RedPLine) Reduce a polyline by removing least significant vertices. | |
Smooth Polyline (SmoothPLine) Smooth the vertices of a polyline curve. | |
Fillet Fillet a curve at a parameter. | |
Fillet Distance (Fillet) Fillet the sharp corners of a curve by distance. | |
Explode Explode a curve into smaller segments. |
Shatter Shatter a curve into segments. | |
Dash Pattern (Dash) Convert a curve to a dash pattern. | |
Curve Contour (Contour) Create a set of Curve contours | |
Contour (ex) (Contour) Create a set of Curve contours | |
Divide Curve (Divide) Divide a curve into equal length segments | |
Divide Length (DivLength) Divide a curve into segments with a preset length | |
Divide Distance (DivDist) Divide a curve with a preset distance between points | |
Curve Frames (Frames) Generate a number of equally spaced curve frames. | |
Horizontal Frames (HFrames) Generate a number of equally spaced, horizontally aligned curve frames. | |
Perp Frames (PFrames) Generate a number of equally spaced, perpendicular frames along a curve. |
Site design © Robin Rodricks.
Grasshopper Curve and associated data © 2024 Robert McNeel & Associates.
Rhinoceros and Grasshopper are registered trademarks of Robert McNeel & Associates.
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