Display Tensors (Field@Point) Display Field at point | |
Display Fied (Display Field) Display Field | |
Field Contour (Contour) Create MetaBall-Like contours out of a field | |
Field Wiper (FWiper) Wipe out a field locally ba a geometric element as an attractor element. It either weakens or enervates the tensors nearby to the given geometric object. | |
Field Booster (FBooster) Boost a field's tensors by another field. | |
Field Projector (FProjector) Project a field on a datum. A datum can be: a Plane, MetaVector, Mesh, Surface, or another field | |
Rotate Field (FRotate) Rotate a field's tensors by other fields | |
Traverse On Field (F-Traveler) Creates the traverse path on a field from a source point | |
Transform By Field (Field-Xform) Transform a geometry recursively through a field | |
Noise Field (Noise-F) Generate a Simplex-Noise Field | |
Trap Field (TrapF) Create 'Trap Field' by a Point, Curve, Plane, Surface, or a mesh | |
Monotone Field (MonoF) Create a simple monotone field out of a vector | |
Curve Along Field (AlongF) Create a field that is tangent-aligned to the given curve | |
Curvature Field (CurvatureF) Create a field based on a curve's curvature' | |
On-Curve Field (CurF) Create a curve Gaussian attractor field | |
Drag Field (DragF) Create a drag field, 'Drag Field' represents the Gaussian effect of a single vector in an area with a certain distance. | |
Gaussian Effect Field (GPF) Create a point attractor field with Gaussian decay within a certain distance | |
Radio Field (RadioF) Create a Radio field out of a meta-vector's' elements | |
Surface Curvature Field (SCF) Create a field influenced by a surface's curvature' | |
Radar Vector (Radar) Generate circular antenna distributed vectors from input vectors | |
Eponential Effective Vectors (E-Vectors) Calculates the exponential effective attraction vectors | |
Gaussian Effective Vectors (G-Vectors) Calculates the Gaussian effective attraction vectors | |
Attractor Magnetic attractor with normalized value. It is a quick multi-type multi-attractor returning a congestive always-normal value between 0~1 | |
Bionic Attractor (Biottractor) Advanced multi-attraction system for finding a Congestive value | |
Bulge Bulge set of points by some Bulger points Transforming Vectors are generated in 3-dimensional space by default, but Right-click to choose [Planar] mode if you desire to calculate it along the given plane | |
Similar Vectors (Similar Vector) Selected Meta-Vector Element | |
Construct Meta-Vector (Meta-Vector) Construct a meta-vector out of set of vector elements. A Meta-Vector is a conceptual class consisting of a set of vectors as its components. | |
Plane By Line (LinePlane) Creates a plane by its corresponding line | |
Translated Plane (TransPlane) Move a plane along its axises | |
Project On Vector (PVector) Project a vector on another vector(direction). |
Display Topology (TopoDisplay) Display a network connection topology | |
Cell from Coordinated Network (NetRegion) Create Regions and Dual-Topology from network topology | |
Decompose Dual-Network (CellTopology) Extract all features of a dual topology | |
Cell from Topology (Cell By Topo) Computes Topologic-Cells of a network | |
Flatten Inter-Network (FlatNet) Breaks down inter-topology to flat topology | |
Construct Hyper-Index (HyperIndex) Constructs a Hyper-Index | |
Modify Inter-Network (InterTopDraw) Modify and visualize a network's Inter-Topology | |
Inter-Networt Topology (InterTopologyComponent) Topology of connected nodes of different branches | |
Unflatten Inter-Network (UnflattNet) Unflatten an Network into a InterNetwork. It creates Inter-Topology from flat topology by partitioning the nodes | |
Network From Geometry (GeoNet) Create a network topology from Mesh or Brep | |
Network From Lines (L-Net) Creates a network from a set of crossing lines. | |
Proximity Network (ProxyNet) Extract Proximity Network out of a list of points. | |
Proximity Inter-Network (H-Net) Create an Inter-Network between adjacent points from multiple sets | |
Modify Topology (NetworkEditor) Edit the topology of a network or create a network by topology | |
Reconstruct Topology (ReConstNet) Recreate Lines from topology or convert different types of network topology. | |
Boolean Topology (TopoBoolean) Perform Union, Subtraction, or Intersection on a pair of networks | |
Container Items Matcher (MatchContainers) This component indicates which containers contain which items and which items belong to which containers. It determines which items and containers are associated with each other. | |
Adjacent Items Matcher (MatchAdjacents) Indicates which geometry is closest to which point and the reverse | |
Topology Of Adjacencies (Adjacency) It Computes the adjacency relationship among a list of polylines | |
Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) Solves TSP within the given network with ant-colonies algorithm. It finds the optimum Path s which visits every node | |
Weighted MinSpanTree (MST) Creates 'Minimum Spanning Tree' based on a pre-existed network including connection weights. | |
Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) It creates Minimum Spanning Tree | |
Networt Matching Path (MatchingPath) Find the closest path in the network related to the given curved | |
Shortest Route (ShortestRoute) Find the shortest route through a network between two nodes | |
Space Syntax (SpaceSyntax) Generate Space-Syntax out of a network | |
Display ArrowLines (DisplayArrowLines) Displays lines with arrow | |
Enumerator Enumerate geometries | |
Topology Embody (Embody) Create Lines or Closed Polylines from topology |
Noise Oscilator (Noise) Noise Oscillator(streaming noise) Right-click to choose the internal timer (with three options), or turn-off the self-engine and use a grasshopper timer instead. | |
Wandering Vectors (Wandering) Generating multiple live wandering vectors Right-click to choose options if needed | |
Biased Distribution (Distribution) It distributes a set of input points to different branches | |
Possibility By Attractor (Possib^A) Calculates the possibility of existing points by their adjacency to set of attractors | |
Positional Possibility (PositionalPosib) Calculates the possibility of the existing points by assigning the given values to them | |
Cheater Dice (Cheater_Dice) Dice with unequal chances for items | |
Dice Rolling a Dice containing possible Data, for N times and extract N random items | |
Slingshot Allocator (Slingshot) Allocate each item of one list to random branches; distributions can be made by three different algorithms | |
Weighted Allocator (Chance) Randomly Allocates Items to different branches by defining the chance of each branch. so each item tends to belong to the branch with a higher chance | |
Simplex Vector (SimplexVector) Generates a Simplex-Noise Vector set | |
Curvy Point-Emiter (C-Emitter) Emit a bunch of random point around the give curve | |
Random Direction (RND Direction) Create random unit vectors by each iteration | |
Gaussian Random (GaussianRandom) Generates Gaussian random numbers | |
Point Emitter (Emitter) Emit a bunch of points from each source point (You can also use F5 key or Grasshopper Timer to refresh the component) Right-click to choose [Planar] mode to generate points forced-lied on the given Plane | |
Random Position (RNDPOS) Generate Random positions bounded by a rectangle, Z value Defines the Maximum possible distance for positions along the rectangle's normal direction. | |
Random Plane (RandomPlane) Create a random plane on a point | |
Random Vectors (RandVect) Create random vectors in random directions with diverse lengths in a specific domain. Right-click to choose [Planar] mode if needed | |
Careless Range (CarelessRange) Divide a domain into careless equivalent parts and return the numbers | |
Random Numbers (Random) Generates random numbers Random numbers are generated in a range of [0 to 1] in case of using 'Normal Mode' otherwise the range would be [-1 to 1] in 'Standard' or 'Gaussian' modes. | |
Randomize Numbers (Randomize) Randomize Numbers by percentage | |
Seed Generator (Seed) Generates a set of unique seeds in each recalling | |
Simplex Noise (SimplexNoise) Generates a Simplex-Noise number set |
Interpolate + (Interp+) Interpolate a collection of almost every interpolative data | |
Weighted Average + (Wav+) Solve the arithmetic weighted average for a set of items The items could be: {Number, Complex, Color, Vector, Point, Line, Domain 1D&2D, Plane, Box, TwistedBox, Rectangle, Circle, Arc, Transform, Curve, Surface and Mesh} | |
Closest Numbers (CN) Find a set of closest Numbers to a specific number (The closest numbers in set D to number S) | |
Number Digitizer (Digitizer) modularize(digitize) a number by specific Scope size | |
Numbers On Grid (GridNums) Put numbers in a grid with a specified max column number and return the row number and the column number | |
In-Common Numbers (LCM/GMD) Retrieve 'Greatest common divisor' and 'Least common multiple' from a set of integers | |
Min / Max (Extremes) Extract the minimum and the maximum value of a list of numbers | |
Normalizer (Edge) Normalize a list of numbers | |
Number Limiter (Boundary) Limit a number within a specific domain | |
Interval Connection (IntervalConnection) Check the connectivity of a pair of intervals | |
Intersect Domains (Domain^) Calculate an interval by intersecting two intervals | |
Expand Domain (DExpand) Expand or shrink a domain | |
Subtract Domains (Dom-) Calculate the result of subtraction from a set of domains by another set of domains | |
Symmetric Domain (SymmetricDomain) Generate the symmetrical domain based on 'O' and length of 'X' | |
Symmetric Domain Expand (SymetricDomainExpand) BiExtend or shrink a domain with symmetrical value | |
Union Intervals (Dom+) Merge and union a set of domains | |
Incline Value (Bias) Bias a set of numbers by conic function Right-click to use "Bipolar" mode if you need to bias numbers based on Bipolar Conic Function instead of Conic Function. | |
Graph-Mapper + (Mapper+) External Graph mapper Right-click to choose [AutoDomain] mode if you want to define Output domain based on input domain interval; otherwise it'll be set to 0-1 in "Normalized" mode. |
Camera Crane (Camera) Adjusting the active or the specified viewport camera | |
Camera Story (Cam Story) Create a storyline for camera.. Right-click and select [Automatic!] option to put this on auto sequenced mode or choose different available 'Interpolation modes' if you need. | |
Capture Auto-naming Viewport Capture. Right-click and select [Automatic!] option to to automatic mode or choose the other options if you need. | |
Allocate By Key (Key-Allocator) Allocate each item to a specific string for each branch Right-click to choose [Preserve structure] if you want to maintain the given data structure and just add Sub Branches to the main Branches | |
Allocate By Index (i-Allocator) Allocate each item to a specific index of branches. Right-Click to choose[Preserve structure] to maintain the given data structure and add Sub Branches to the main branches if needed. | |
Tools EmptyStructure (O-Tree) Create an empty tree structure out of a list of paths | |
Tools ExtendBranch (ExtendPath) Add an extra element at the beginning (Prepend) or end (Append) of a path | |
ToolsHeteroDispatch (Dispatch) Dispatch the items in a list into multiple target lists based on a pattern of indexes. Right-click to choose the [Purge Outputs] option to remove useless Output parameters | |
Pick Object (Selection) Pick selected objects in rhino. . Right-click and select [Automatic!] option to interactively update with selection change if you need. | |
Allocate By Value (Domain-Allocator) Allocate each item to specific branches by the position of its value within the range Right-click on branch allocator icon and choose "Preserve structure" if you want to maintain data's structure and just add Sub Branches to the main Branches | |
GraphMapper Controller (GraphMapperController) Controlling Interval, Decimal-Number and the number of sliders in a GenePool | |
GenePool Controller (Pool Controller) GNC | |
Http Request (Http_Request) Restful API Request | |
Encrypt / Decrypt (CodeMachine) Encrypt and Decrypt a string with a password (key string) Right-click to choose the method of encryption/decryption | |
ToolsUnicode (Unicode) Generating Unicode Character | |
Pick Item (PickItem) Allows to pick one or multiple items from a data-list or a data-tree. The Rhino's reference object name will be displayed if the item is a referenced geometry and has a name. |
Mesh Traveler (MeshTraveler) Mass additive Vector buffer, considering a mesh as a constraint | |
Number Buffer (NumberBuffer) After being recalled, the input number is added to the sum of the previous input numbers. | |
Vector Buffer (VectorBuffer) Once recalled, it adds the input vector to the previous stack of inputted vectors | |
Event Gate (Event) Checks whether the data has been updated (data with a different value from the previous one) and only passes data (Kicks) if it new | |
Stream Freeze / Gate (Freeze/Gate) The 'Gate' switch determines whether streaming data will be allowed to pass through or not | |
Holding Gate (Hold) This feature prevents any issues caused by NULL items in the output. Instead of allowing NULL items to be inputted, it replaces them with the most recent valid data from its history. | |
Event Toggle (e-Toggle) Boolean toggle responding to the first True value after a False. It can prevent downstream kicks by the menu option. | |
Ease Changes (Ease) It changes numbers smoothly during lapses. | |
Glitch Reduction (GlitchReduction) De-Glitching/Smoothing streaming numbers (replacing the irrelevant numbers with the earlier relevant ones) | |
Time-Shifter (TimeShift) shift a list of changing data to n step before in its history | |
Capacitor Multi-Step Buffer | |
Oil-Can (OilCan) Every time it is invoked, it drops one item from the given list respectively | |
Tap Buffer (Tap) Return an increasing number each time that the component is called (You can also use Internal timer, trigger button, [Win:F5] , [MacOs:Ctrl+R] key or Grasshopper Timer to refresh the component) | |
Display Particles (AgentDisplay) Displays a trailing chain of a set of moving nodes (if N>1 output is represented in Tree-structure) | |
Particle Trailer (Trailer) Generate a set of lines from each point of the current list to their peers from the previous list of points |
Anchor Sweep (AnchorSweep) Quick section sweep with anchor Right-click to either impose [RoadLike] mode, or use [Horizontal] balancing | |
Fast Sweep (FastSweep) Quick single-section sweep Right-click to either impose [RoadLike] or [Horizontal] balancing modes | |
Directional Curve (DireCurve) Convert a line to a directional curve based on a plane | |
Overlay Overlay shapes in order | |
Geometric Shadow (Shadow) Create a 2d drawing on a plane out of a set of objects. Right-click and select [Automatic!] option to put it into interactive computation mode if you need. | |
Find Regions (GeoRegion) Create Regions from a list of curves | |
Group By Axis (AxisGroup) Group a list of 2d lines by their own axis | |
Center Returns the center of geometry and the Diameter of its bounding box as the Dimension | |
Planarize Curve (CPL) Planarizing a curve Once working with multiple Curves: you can Right-click to choose the "ForAll" option if desire to Planarize all curves Based on the same Plane | |
Evaluate Rectangle (EvalRect) Evaluate a rectangle at normalized{uv} parameter | |
Grid In Rectangle (Grid) Create a grid of points using a rectangle. If you're not satisfied using the [Exact Size] of the cells, you can Right-click to choose the related option. | |
Modular Points (Modular) Modularize(digitize) a point by specific Scope size Right-click to choose Which Directions (X/Y/Z) are affected by Modularpoints | |
Shell From Grid (Shell) Create Surface, Mesh or net from a Tree of points |
Find Regional Cells (Region) Create Regions from a list of curves | |
Backing Capture (Baking-capture) {This component is no longer exists}Bake objects and capture auto-naming shots from them, it's useful for creating animation, using viewport's graphical-style |
Dual-Net ([NET]) Dual-Topology Network containing topological Regions | |
Hyper Index (h.Index) Item Hyper-Index |
Site design © Robin Rodricks.
Heteroptera and associated data © 2024 Amin Bahrami (Helioripple Studio).
Rhinoceros and Grasshopper are registered trademarks of Robert McNeel & Associates.
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