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Colibri 2.0
TT Tools

TT Toolbox

ADDON. Version 1.9. Released on 2017-May-25. Provides 43 components. Created by Thornton Tomasetti (CORE studio). Features 8 video tutorials.
TT Toolbox features a range of different tools that we from the Core Studio at Thornton Tomasetti (former Advanced Computational Modeling Group) use on a regular basis, and we thought some of you might appreciate these.

TT Tools

Get Hours and Days (GetDays)
Get Hours and Days from Time Range
CAD Exporter (CADExporter)
Export to CAD
Galapagos Listener (GalapList)
Creates a data tree of all Galapagos iterations
Get Geometry Attributes (GeoAttrib)
Gets the name, GUID, and layer of any Rhino object
Match Tree Structure (Match)
Applies Tree Structure of one Tree to a List of Data. Inspired by cluster by A. Heumann
Remove Duplicate Lines (CullDupLines)
Removes duplicate lines in a list
Remove Duplicate Points (CullDupPoints)
Replaces duplicate points in a list with null values, keeping the first instace of the duplicate in place.
TT Safe Delete (TTSafeDelete)
Delete or highlight selected objects in Rhino which are not referenced in Grasshopper
SharedNodes (NodeConn)
This component groups curves that share the same nodes
Sort Curves Along Crv (SortC)
Sorts Curves along a guide curve based on point t along curve.
Tree Branch Index (TBI)
TT Toolbox: Retrieves all items in specified data tree branch when specifying an index value for the desired branch
Tree Item Index (Tii)
TT Toolbox: Retrieves an item from a Tree by specifying an index for the branch and item
TT Sweep (TTSweep)
Draw 3D members given centerlines
TT Sweep Names (TTSweepNames)
Section name selector for TT Sweep component
Unfold (UnFold)
Unfolds developable breps (and points and curves on those breps) onto a target plane.
Unit Converter (UC)
converts between common units and returns Rhino Units.


Spectacles Colibri_3DObjects (3DObjects)
Compiles Spectacles objects into a JSON representation of a THREE.js scene, which can be opened using the Spectacles viewer.
Launch Spectacles Viewer (Spectacles_Viewer)
Launches the Spectacles Viewer in your web browser.
Creates a Spectacles line
Creates a THREE.js Basic Line Material to use with line geometries
Creates a Spectacles mesh from a grasshopper mesh.
Creates mesh material that will always be the same color in a THREE.js scene - it will not be effected by lighting.
Creates a Spectacles mesh and a set of materials from a grasshopper mesh and a list of colors - one color per face
Creates a Spectacles mesh and a material from a grasshopper mesh with color data.
Creates a non-shiny mesh material.
Create a shiny material for meshes
Compiles Spectacles objects into a JSON representation of a THREE.js scene, which can be opened using the Spectacles viewer.
Compiles the views selected to be exported


Launch Browser
Launch 3dplatyp.us in your default web browser.
Platypus Connection (Platypus)
Connect to 3dplatyp.us and get a session key to use downstream.
Pull GH>GH Geometry (PullGH)
Pull Grasshopper geometry in from other Grasshopper users in this session. Each user will have their own branch of each output data tree.
Push GH>GH Geometry (PushGH)
Push Grasshopper geometry to other Grasshopper users in the session. Points, Curves, Breps, and Meshes are supported.
Stream Lines (StreamLines)
Stream lines to 3dplatyp.us
Stream Meshes (StreamMeshes)
Stream meshes to 3dplatyp
Stream Sliders (StreamSliders)
Stream Sliders to 3dplatyp.us

Colibri 2.0

Colibri Aggregator (Aggregator)
Aggregates design data, images & Spectacles models into a data.csv file (and corresponding data set that data.csv links to) that Design Explorer can open.
Colibri Parameters (Parameters)
Collects design parameters (us engineer types would call these 'performance metrics') to chart in Design Explorer
Image Setting (Img Setting)
Defines how Colibri generates images during flights. You can specify which viewport[s] to capture, and the resolution of the image.
Colibri Iterator (Iterator)
Generates design iterations from a collection of sliders, panels, or valueLists.
Iteration Selection (Selection)
Generates an iteration selection for the Colibri Iterator


Read Excel Sheet (ReadXL)
Read data from an Excel worksheet
Write Options (WO)
Option settings for writing data to Excel.
Write To Excel (WriteXL)
Write Data to Excel

Video Tutorials

Site design © Robin Rodricks.   TT Toolbox and associated data © 2024 Thornton Tomasetti (CORE studio).  
Rhinoceros and Grasshopper are registered trademarks of Robert McNeel & Associates.  Hosted by GitHub

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