Attribute Attribute to be attached to a part | |
Collider Generate a collider for a given geometry. | |
Connection From Direction Create a connection on a given part geometry from center and X-asix direction (Z direction is determined based on the normals of the component geometry) | |
Connection From Plane Create a connection from a given plane. It can create connections which cause collisions and overlapping of components | |
Deconstruct Attribute Extract values stored in an atrribute | |
Deconstruct Collider Deconstruct a collider object. | |
Deconstruct Connection Extract information from a Connection. | |
Get Attribute by Name Extract values stored in an atrribute with the given name. | |
Get Valid Smart Attributes Get the valid smart attributes from a given aggregation. | |
Smart Attribute Smart Attribute to be attached to a part |
DisCo Aggregation Setup Setup aggregation information for DisCo | |
DisCo Environment DisCo enviroment data | |
DisCo IO Settings DisCo placement settings | |
DisCo Placement Settings DisCo placement settings | |
DisCo Player DisCo Player settings | |
DisCo Rule Group Export Wasp information for DisCo VR software | |
DisCo Tool Settings DisCo tool settings | |
Export to DisCo Export Wasp information for DisCo VR software | |
Load From DisCo Loads an aggregation from a DisCo-generated .json file (e.g., a saved game session). | |
Save to DisCo Saves current status of an aggregation to a .json file, to be imported into DisCo for further aggregation |
Deconstruct Field Generates a scalar field given a grid of points and their relative scalar values | |
Field Iso Voxels Compute a voxel-mesh of the given field at the chosen iso-level. | |
Field Isolines Draws isolines across a field object --> WIP Component: might be incomplete or contain bugs! <-- | |
Field Points Generate a 3d point grid to be fed to the field component | |
Field Generates a scalar field given a grid of points and their relative scalar values | |
Load Field from File Loads an aggregation from a previously saved .txt file | |
Orient Field Changes the base plane of the field, with the effect of creating a transformed copy. | |
Save Field to File Saves current status of an aggregation to a .json file. |
Advanced Part Create a Wasp Part with additional constraints (supports, additional colliders) | |
Basic Part Create a basic Wasp Part to be used for aggregation | |
Deconstruct Part Extract all information stored in a part. Useful for visualization or for further geometry processing | |
Filter Parts by Name Filter a list of parts according to part names | |
Get Part Geometry Extract the geometry of one part (for visualization or further processing). | |
Parts Catalog Part Catalog. It allows to define a fixed number of each type of part to be used in a stochastic aggregation. | |
Transform Part Applies a geometric transformation to an existing part, returning a transformed copy |
Aggregation Graph Extract the aggregation graph. | |
Field-driven Aggregation Aggregate the given parts according to a given scalar field | |
Graph-Grammar Aggregation Sequential aggregation based on graph-grammars. --> WIP Component: might be incomplete or contain bugs <-- | |
Load Aggregation from File Loads an aggregation from a previously saved .txt file | |
Save Aggregation to File Saves current status of an aggregation to a .json file. | |
Save Graph to File Saves current status of an aggregation to a .json file. | |
Stochastic Aggregation Aggregate the given parts in a stochastic process, selecting parts and rules randomly at every step |
Add Parts Add specific parts to an aggregation. --> WIP Component: might be incomplete or contain bugs <-- | |
Assemble Part Hierarchy Applies a geometric transformation to an existing part, returning a transformed copy | |
Get Parts Hierarchy Access sub-parts stored at different aggregation hierarchy levels --> WIP Component: might be incomplete or contain bugs <-- | |
Remove Parts Remove specific parts from an aggregation. --> WIP Component: might be incomplete or contain bugs <-- | |
Serialize Object to File Saves current status of an aggregation to a .json file. | |
Update File This component doesn't update the installation |
Deconstruct Rule Extract information from a rule instance. | |
Rule From Text Generate an aggregation rule from a text string description | |
Rule Generate an aggregation rule from part names and connections ids | |
Rules from Aggregation Extract aggregation rules from an aggregation | |
Rules Generator Automated rules generator given a list of parts | |
Rules Visualizer Visualize the provided rules. |
Adjacency Exclusion Constraint Part Adjacencies and Exclusions Constraint. It allows to control if certain connection should be allowed to be in contact with other parts or not. | |
Mesh Constraint Mesh collision global constraint | |
Orientation Constraint Orientation Constraint. It allows to control if the part should be placed according to a custom orientation. | |
Plane Constraint Plane global constraint | |
Support Support definition for constrained parts. Each set of lines defining support locations can be set |
Site design © Robin Rodricks.
Wasp and associated data © 2024 Andrea Rossi.
Rhinoceros and Grasshopper are registered trademarks of Robert McNeel & Associates.
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