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1 | Elements
2 | Parts
3 | Rules
4 | Constraints
5 | Fields
6 | Aggregation
7 | DisCo VR
X | Experimental

Rules Generator

Automated rules generator given a list of parts. It has two separate modes:
- If no grammar is provided in the GR input, the component generates rules between connections of the same type.
- If a grammar is provided, rules are created between connections of different types, according to the specified grammar rules.
Provided by Wasp 0.5


PARTPARTParts from which to generate aggregation rulesGoo
SELF_PSELF_POPTIONAL // Create rules between connections belonging to the same part (True by default)Goo
SELF_CSELF_COPTIONAL // Create rules between connection with same id (True by default)Goo
TYPTYPOPTIONAL // Create rules only between connections of the same type (False by default). Make sure this component is set to False when using Rule Grammars.Goo
GRGROPTIONAL // Custom connection grammar with format "ConnType";"ConnType"Goo


RRGenerated aggregation rulesGoo

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