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1 | Elements
2 | Parts
3 | Rules
4 | Constraints
5 | Fields
6 | Aggregation
7 | DisCo VR
X | Experimental

Field-driven Aggregation

Aggregate the given parts according to a given scalar field. New parts are added following higher values in the field.
The component works additively, hence increasing the number of parts in an aggregation just adds new parts on the existing ones, without triggering recomputing of the previous element
Provided by Wasp 0.5


PARTPARTParts to be aggregated (can be more than one)Goo
PREVPREVOPTIONAL // Previous aggregated parts. It is possible to input the results of a previous aggregation, or parts transformed with the TransformPart componentGoo
NNNumber of parts to be aggregated (does not count parts provided in PREV)Goo
RULESRULESRules for the aggregationGoo
FIELDFIELDScalar field to drive the aggregation (parts will be added following higher values in the field)Goo
MODEMODEOPTIONAL // Switches between aggregation modes: 0 = no constraints, 1 = local constraints, 2 = global constraints, 3 = local + global constraintsGoo
GCGCOPTIONAL // Global constraints to apply to aggregationGoo
IDIDOPTIONAL // Aggregation IDGoo
RESETRESETRecompute the whole aggregationGoo


AGGRAGGRAggregation objectGoo
PART_OUTPART_OUTAggregated parts (includes both PREV input and newly aggregated parts)Goo

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