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Analysis Task Buckling

Space Gass Buckling Analysis Task and Options. To be used when performing Buckling analysis


Load Cases and CombosCLoad Case List. All Load Cases by defaultGeneric Data
No. Buckling ModesNThe number of buckling modes that are required.Integer
TC EffectsTCTension/compression-only effects: (0=Activated 1=Deactivated 2=No_Reversal 3=Gradually_Activated)Integer
TC IterationsIThe number of Iterations for tension/compression effects. Used for Reverse and Gradual OptionsInteger
Non-Linear Axial ForceA The buckling analysis module performs its own static analysis first to determine the axial force distribution and you can nominate either linear or non-linear for this initial static analysis phaseBoolean
ToleranceTThe accuracy to which the buckling load factors will be calculated. For example, a tolerance of 0.01 means that the load factors will be within +/- 0.01 of the exact value.XXX Feature not implemented. Please contact support@geometrygym.comNumber
Load Factor UpperTThe upper limit above which the buckling analysis will no longer search for buckling load factorsXXX Feature not implemented. Please contact support@geometrygym.comNumber
Load Factor LowerTThe lower limit below which the buckling analysis will not search for buckling load factors.XXX Feature not implemented. Please contact support@geometrygym.comNumber
Stabilize NodesSStabilize Unrestrained Nodes. Nodes that are free to rotate or translate in one or more directions without resistance from interconnecting members, restraints or constraints can be automatically restrained during the analysis so that instabilities don’t occur. XXX Feature not implemented. Please contact support@geometrygym.comBoolean
Extra IterationsEThe buckling analysis is complete when the buckling load factor has reached the desired accuracy (as specified by the tolerance), however it is possible that at this point the buckling mode shapes are not totally accurate. Mode shape accuracy can be achieved by turning on the Extra iterations for mode shape accuracy option XXX Feature not implemented. Please contact support@geometrygym.comBoolean
Eigen TheoryTEigen Theory: (0=SignCount 1=Classic)Integer
Solver OptionsOGeneral SpaceGass Solver OptionsGeneric Data


Analysis OptsOSpace Gass Buckling Analysis TaskGeneric Data

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