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Wallacei Analytics
Wallacei Utilities
Wallacei X

Distribute to Grid

This component distributes the exported phenotypes and their associated data onto a grid in Rhino scene


Fitness ValuesFitness ValuesInsert the Fitness Values from the WallaceiX component to plot them next to the distributed phenotypesNumber
DataDataInsert the Data output from the WallaceiX component to plot the recorded data onto a gridGoo
Wallacei PhenotypesWPhenotypesInsert the Wphenotypes from the WallaceiX component; Do not simplify the tree in order to take full advantage of data structureGoo
Size of the grid in the x directionSize XInsert a number to define the size of the grid in the x directionNumber
Size of the grid in the y directionSize YInsert a number to define the size of the grid in the y directionNumber
Size of the textsText SizeInsert a number to define the size of the texts on the gridNumber
Output OptionsOptionsInput a value between 0 and 3 to select which data type to output from the WPhenotype. 0 = All, 1 = geometry, 2 = mesh, 3 = numberInteger


Distributed Fitness ValuesFitness ValuesOutputs the fitness values associated with the exported phenotypesGoo
Distributed DataDataOutputs the data associated with the exported phenotypesGoo
Distributed GeometriesGeometriesOutputs the geometries onto a grid.Goo
Distributed MeshesMeshesOutputs the meshes onto a grid.Mesh
Distributed NumbersNumbersOutputs the numbers onto a grid.Number
Grid LocationsGridOutputs the location of the grid for users who want to plot more information next to the solutionsGoo

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Site design © Robin Rodricks.   Site co-created by Andrew Heumann.   Wallacei and associated data © 2024 Wallacei Team (Mohammed Makki, Milad Showkatbakhsh, Yutao Song).  
Rhinoceros and Grasshopper are registered trademarks of Robert McNeel & Associates.  Hosted by GitHub

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