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Grasshopper Mesh

SYSTEM COMPONENTS. Version 1.0.0007. Released on 2022-Mar-08. Provides 62 components. Created by David Rutten. Features 0 video tutorials.


Occlusion (Occ)
Solve occlusion for a collection of view rays and obstructions.
Solve mesh exposure for a collection of energy rays and obstructions.
Mesh Shadow (MShadow)
Compute the shadow outline for a mesh object
Mesh Join (MJoin)
Join a set of meshes into a single mesh
Disjoint Mesh (Disjoint)
Split a mesh into disjoint pieces.
Mesh Split Plane (MSplit)
Split a mesh with an infinite plane.
Align Vertices (AlignVert)
Align nearby vertices in a mesh
Weld Mesh (Weld)
Weld (merge) creases in a mesh
Unweld Mesh (Unweld)
Unweld (split) creases in a mesh
Flip Mesh (FlipM)
Flip the normal vectors of a mesh
Unify Mesh (UniM)
Unify the normals of a mesh
Blur Mesh (MBlur)
Blur the colours on a mesh
Settings (Speed) (Jagged)
Represents 'Jagged & faster' mesh settings.
Settings (Quality) (Smooth)
Represents 'Smooth & slower' mesh settings.
Settings (Custom) (Custom Mesh Settings)
Represents custom mesh settings.
Mesh Brep (Mesh)
Create a mesh that approximates Brep geometry
Mesh Surface (Mesh UV)
Create a Surface UV mesh
Simple Mesh (SMesh)
Create a mesh that represents a Brep as simply as possible
Triangulate (Tri)
Triangulate all quads in a mesh
Quadrangulate (Quad)
Quadrangulate as many triangles as possible in a mesh
Delete Faces (DeleteF)
Delete faces from a mesh
Cull Faces (CullF)
Cull faces from a mesh
Delete Vertices (DeleteV)
Delete vertices from a mesh
Cull Vertices (CullV)
Cull vertices from a mesh
Smooth Mesh (MSmooth)
Smooth the vertices of a mesh


2D Metaball isocurve through point
2D Metaball isosurface by threshold
MetaBall(t) Custom (MetaBall(t))
2D Metaball isosurface by threshold and custom charge values
ShrinkWrap (Wrap)
ShrinkWrap a mesh or point cloud object
Quad Remesh Settings (QRSettings)
Create setting for Quad-remeshing.
Quad Remesh (QRMesh)
Perform quad-remeshing on a shape.
Convex Hull (Hull)
Compute the planar, convex hull for a collection of points
Delaunay Mesh (Del)
Delaunay triangulation
Delaunay Edges (Con)
Delaunay connectivity
QuadTree (QT)
A two-dimensional quadtree structure
OcTree (OcT)
A three-dimensional oc-tree structure
Proximity 2D (Prox)
Search for two-dimensional proximity within a point list
Proximity 3D (Prox)
Search for three-dimensional proximity within a point list
Substrate algorithm inspired by Jared Tarbell (Complexification.net)
Planar voronoi diagram for a collection of points
Voronoi Groups (VorGroup)
Compute a custom set of nested voronoi diagrams.
Facet Dome (Facet)
Create a facetted dome
Voronoi Cell (VCell)
Compute a single 3D Voronoi cell
Voronoi 3D (Voronoi³)
Volumetric voronoi diagram for a collection of points


Construct Mesh (ConMesh)
Construct a mesh from vertices, faces and optional colours.
Mesh Triangle (Triangle)
Create a mesh triangle.
Mesh Quad (Quad)
Create a mesh quad.
Mesh Plane (MPlane)
Create a mesh plane.
Mesh Box (MBox)
Create a mesh box.
Mesh Sphere (MSphere)
Create a mesh sphere.
Mesh Sphere Ex (MSphereEx)
Create a mesh sphere from square patches.
Mesh Colours (MCol)
Assign a repeating colour pattern to a mesh object.
Mesh Spray (MSpray)
Assign colours to a mesh based on spray points.


Mesh Closest Point (MeshCP)
Finds the closest point on a mesh
Mesh Eval (MEval)
Evaluate a mesh at a given parameter
Deconstruct Mesh (DeMesh)
Deconstruct a mesh into its component parts.
Deconstruct Face (DeFace)
Deconstruct a mesh face into its four corner indices.
Face Normals (FaceN)
Extract the normals and center points of all faces in a mesh
Face Circles (FaceC)
Solve the circumscribed circles for all mesh faces
Face Boundaries (FaceB)
Convert all mesh faces to polylines
Mesh Edges (MEdges)
Get all the edges of a mesh
Mesh Inclusion (MInc)
Test a point for Mesh inclusion

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