Ellipse Tangent Line (EllipseTanLine) Create an ellipse from point and tangent line | |
Multiples Curves & Shatter (Shatter) Shatter intersected curves | |
Parabola From Focus (ParFocus) Create parabola from focus | |
Offset to points (Offset) Offset Curve to points | |
Fillet & Chamfer (Fil&Cham) Create fillet and chamfer curve | |
Helix around Curve (HelCrv) Create helix around curve | |
Knot Create knots from single curve | |
Ellipse Fit (EllipseFit) Fit an ellipse to a collection of points | |
Ellipse Tangent Vector (EllipseTanVec) Create and ellipse from two points and tangent vector or line | |
Circle 2 Points (Cir2Pnt) Create a circle from two points | |
Smallest Enclosing Circle (SmallEnclosCir) Find the smallest enclosing circle around list of points | |
Regions Create regions from intersected curves | |
Ellipse 3 Points (Ellipse3Pts) Create ellipse from 3 Points: Center, Radius, Point | |
Polygon (Plygon) Create polygon | |
Extend to Geometry (Ext to Geo) Extend curve to geometry | |
Curves Tangent (CrvTan) Tangent between two closed curves | |
Angle between 2 lines (Ang2Lin) Measures the angle between two lines | |
Ribbon Ribbon Offset | |
Closed Curve Orientation (Cls Crv Ort) Determines the orientation (counterclockwise or clockwise) of a closed, planar curve in a given plane | |
Parabola From Vertex (ParVert) Create parabola from vertex | |
Knot2 Knot simplified version | |
Thick Offset (ThickOffset) Create Thick Offset | |
Arc SER (ArcSER) Create arc from start,end points and radius | |
Curve Part (Part) Curve part at point with specified length | |
Circle Tangent (CirTan) Find tangent circle between two lines | |
Extend by Length (Ext by len) Extends a curve by a specific length | |
Extend to Point (Ext to Pnt) Extend curve to point | |
Polygon Star (Star) Create polygon star | |
Offset Curve (Offset) Offset curve with a specified distance | |
Polyline Fillet & Chamfer (PolyChamFil) Create fillet and chamfer polyline | |
Spiral & Helix (SpiHel) Create 2D helix and 3D spiral | |
Circle Line TanTan (CirLineTT) Tangent circle between two curves with guide line | |
Circle Tan Tan Tan (CTTT) Create a circle tangent to three circles | |
Short Curves (IsShort) Used to quickly find short curves | |
Circle Tan Tan (CTT) Create a circle tangent to two circles | |
Pull Curve (Pull) Pull curves onto brep | |
Duplicate Border (DupBor) Duplicate border | |
Offset Intersection (Offset Int) Create offset from intersected curves |
Unroll Oloid (UnrollOloid) Unroll Oloid shape | |
Pyramid (Pyr) Create pyramid | |
Oloid Shape (Oloid) Create Oloid shape | |
Planar Difference (PlanDiff) Create Planar Difference | |
Cylinder Extrusion (CylExtrusion) Create Cylinder Extrusion | |
Planar Union (PlanUnion) Create Planar Union | |
Extract Faces (ExtractFaces) Brep Extract Faces | |
Extrusion Create Extrusion | |
Boolean Split All (SSplit2) Splits shared areas of All Breps | |
Pipe Create Pipe | |
Remove Faces (RemFaces) Brep Remove Faces | |
Baseball Sphere (Baseball) Create Baseball Sphere | |
Boolean Split (SSplit) Splits shared areas of Breps | |
Truncated Cone (TruncCone) Truncated Cone | |
Trim Brep with Plane (TrimPlane) Trims a Brep with an oriented cutter | |
Inner Profile (InnerProfile) Create Inner Profile | |
Offset Brep (OffsetBrep) Offset brep | |
Pipe Extrusion (PipeExtrusion) Create Pipe Extrusion | |
SuBD Oloid Convert Oloid shape to SuBD |
Sort Points (SortPoints) Sort Point List | |
Project Points (ProjectPts) Project points on geometries (mesh or brep) | |
Inflection Points (InfPts) Find curve's inflection points | |
Points On Curves (PtsOnCrvs) Points on curves | |
Arc from Tangent (ArcTan) Find tangent point of an arc from two given lines | |
Angle between Two points (Ang2Pnts) Find angles and dimensions between 2 points | |
Points in Curves (PtsInCrvs) Find points in curves | |
Tangent Point (TangPoint) Search for a location on the curve, near seedParmameter, that is tangent to a test point | |
Sort Point List (SortPointList) Sort Point List | |
Curve S.M.E (CrvPoints) Curve middle and endpoints | |
Extremes (Extreme) Find the extremes points on a curve | |
Perpendicular Point (PerPoint) Search for a location on the curve, near seedParmameter, that is perpendicular to a test point | |
Max Curvature Points (MaxCurvPoints) Find curve's maximum curvature points |
Components Folder (CompFol) Open components folder | |
Create Maze (Maze) Create a maze using the depth-first algorithm described at https://scipython.com/blog/making-a-maze/ Christian Hill, April 2017 | |
Renumber Tree (RenumTree) Renumber Tree | |
Component Data (CompData) Retrieve Component input & output Data | |
Solve Maze (SolveMaze) Solve the maze created with Create Maze component | |
Wire Display (Wire) Change wire display | |
Visualize Script (VisScr) Convert Grasshopper script to geometries | |
Remove Placeholders (Placeholders) Remove Placeholders | |
Table (ExcelTable) Create text table from tree of values | |
Par & Mer (ParMer) Compute the parallel and the meridian | |
Read Data (ReadData) Read Data from Component Data | |
Toggle Toggle | |
Components List (Component) Components list |
Text Style (Style) Text style | |
Arabic Text Fix Arabic Text | |
Text Entity (Text) Text entity | |
Replace Text (RepText) Replace Text in Rhino Document | |
Replace Text Attributes (RepTextAttrib) Replace Text Attributes | |
Dimensions Styles (DimStyles) Dimensions styles available in RhinoDoc | |
Text To Geometry (TextGeo) Convert TextEntity to curves,surfaces,solids | |
Text Outlines (TextOutline) Creates outline curves created from a text string | |
Fonts List of Fonts | |
Text Attributes (TextAttrib) TextEntity Attributes | |
Alphabet Alphabet fro A to Z |
Hyperbolic functions (Hyp Func) Hyperbolic functions | |
Geometric Progression (Geo Prog) Arithmetic Progression | |
Trigonometric functions (Tri Func) Trigonometric functions | |
Golden Spiral (GoldSpiral) Create Golden Spiral | |
Quadratic Equation (QuadEqu) Solve Quadratic Equation | |
Greatest common divisor & Least common multiple (GCD & LCM) GCD & LCM of set of numbers | |
Arithmetic Progression (Arith Prog) Arithmetic Progression | |
Shuffle & Choice (ShCh) Shuffle and choice | |
General Root (GR) General Root, nth root | |
Range Create a range of numbers |
Trace Image (TraceImage) Set trace image in the active view | |
Image Viewport (ImgView) Show image in viewport | |
View Image (ViewImage) View Image in viewport | |
Pixelate Image (Pixel) Pixelate Image | |
Curves in Viewport (CrvViewport) Show curves in the viewport | |
3 Views Images (3ViewsImages) View images in 3 views: Top, Front, Right | |
Pixelate Data Points (PixelPoints) Pixelate Data Points | |
Image Boundary (ImageBound) Image Boundary |
Stair From Plan Create stair from plan | |
Architectural Grid (ArchGrid) Create architectural grid | |
Single Door (SingleDoor) Single Door | |
Column Column | |
Spiral Stair (SpiralStair) Create spiral stair | |
Stair Create stair from curve | |
Window Create Window | |
Double Doors (DoubleDoors) Double Doors |
Mesh Pipe (MeshPipe) Create Mesh pipe | |
EdgeSoftening (EdgeSoft) Edge Softening | |
ShutLining (ShutLin) ShutLining | |
Ornament Create Ornament from curve | |
Mesh to NGon (MeshNGon) Convert mesh to NGon | |
ShutLining Info (ShutLinInfo) ShutLining Curve Info | |
Join & Weld Meshes (JoinWeldMesh) Join and Weld Meshes |
Zebra Preview (Zebra) Draw ZebraPreview | |
Random Colors (RandColors) Random Colors | |
Create Hatch (CreateHatch) Create hatch from curves | |
Explode Hatch (ExpHatch) Explode hatch geomety | |
Curve Display (CurveDisplay) Set curve color with thickness | |
Dotted Curve (DottCurve) Display dotted curve | |
Curve Direction (AnalyseDirection) Analyse curve direction |
Sweep Curve (SwpCrv) Create a sweep with curve | |
HemiSphere (HemiSph) Create Hemisphere | |
Torus (Tor) Create torus | |
Egg https://scipython | |
Swap UV (SwapUV) Transposes surface parameterization (swap U and V) | |
Ruled Surface New (RuleSrfNew) Create a surface between two curves | |
Sphere 2 Points (Sp2pnt) Create a sphere from two points |
Geometry Plane (GeoPlane) Geo|Plane: Brep or Mesh | |
Mesh Outlines (MeshOutlines) Mesh Outlines from different views | |
Silhouette Vector (SilVector) Create Silhouette from Vector view | |
Silhouette Perspective (SilPersp) Create Silhouette from Perspective view | |
Silhouette Parallel (SilParal) Create Silhouette from Parallel view |
Mesh to Subd (MeshSubd) Convert mesh to subd | |
Subd to Mesh (SubdMesh) Convert subd to mesh | |
Mesh Offset to Subd (MeshOffset2Subd) Create subd from mesh offset | |
SubDDisplayToggle (SubDDispTog) SubD DisplayToggle | |
SubD Offset (SubDOffset) SubD offset |
Model Unit System (ModelUnit) Change model unit system | |
Show Hide Grid (ShowHideGrid) Show Hide Grid in activeview or all views | |
Sun Control Rhino Sun | |
Zoom Extents (Zoom) Zoom extents selected view or all views | |
Modify Tolerance (ModTol) Modify absolute and angle tolerance |
Curve From 2Views (Crv2View) Creates a third curve from two curves that are planar in different construction | |
Curve SoftEdit (CrvSoftEdit) Create soft edit curve | |
Surface Variable Offset (SrfVarOffset) Create Surface variable offset | |
Fillet Edges (FilEdg) Fillet edges of a brep |
List Index (Ind) List index | |
Sets Intersection (Set Int) Intersection between sets | |
Consecutive Numbers (ConsecN) Create consecutive numbers from a number (for example: list length) | |
Cull Dupl Numbers (CullNum) Cull duplicate numbers with tolerance |
X Line (XLine) Create X axis line | |
V Line (VLine) Create a line from vector | |
Y Line (YLine) Create Y axis line | |
Z Line (ZLine) Create Z axis line |
Curve To PointCloud (CrvToPc) Convert Curve To PointCloud | |
PointCloud Colors (PcColors) Assign colors to PointCloud | |
PointCloud Display (PointCloud) PointCloud Display |
Create Material (CreateMaterial) Create Material from image | |
Materials List (MaterialsList) List of exist materials in Rhino | |
Remove Materials (RemoveMaterials) Remove list of materials from Rhino |
About About the plugin |
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Site co-created by Andrew Heumann.
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Rhinoceros and Grasshopper are registered trademarks of Robert McNeel & Associates.
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