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ADDON. Version 1.6.3. Released on 03-Feb-2023. Provides 177 components. Created by Seghier. Features 0 video tutorials.
This addon have useful tools like different extend tools, convert Grasshopper script to geometry, modified pipe , math tools , text tools and more.


Ellipse Tangent Line (EllipseTanLine)
Create an ellipse from point and tangent line
Multiples Curves & Shatter (Shatter)
Shatter intersected curves
Parabola From Focus (ParFocus)
Create parabola from focus
Offset to points (Offset)
Offset Curve to points
Fillet & Chamfer (Fil&Cham)
Create fillet and chamfer curve
Helix around Curve (HelCrv)
Create helix around curve
Create knots from single curve
Ellipse Fit (EllipseFit)
Fit an ellipse to a collection of points
Ellipse Tangent Vector (EllipseTanVec)
Create and ellipse from two points and tangent vector or line
Circle 2 Points (Cir2Pnt)
Create a circle from two points
Smallest Enclosing Circle (SmallEnclosCir)
Find the smallest enclosing circle around list of points
Create regions from intersected curves
Ellipse 3 Points (Ellipse3Pts)
Create ellipse from 3 Points: Center, Radius, Point
Polygon (Plygon)
Create polygon
Extend to Geometry (Ext to Geo)
Extend curve to geometry
Curves Tangent (CrvTan)
Tangent between two closed curves
Angle between 2 lines (Ang2Lin)
Measures the angle between two lines
Ribbon Offset
Closed Curve Orientation (Cls Crv Ort)
Determines the orientation (counterclockwise or clockwise) of a closed, planar curve in a given plane
Parabola From Vertex (ParVert)
Create parabola from vertex
Knot simplified version
Thick Offset (ThickOffset)
Create Thick Offset
Arc SER (ArcSER)
Create arc from start,end points and radius
Curve Part (Part)
Curve part at point with specified length
Circle Tangent (CirTan)
Find tangent circle between two lines
Extend by Length (Ext by len)
Extends a curve by a specific length
Extend to Point (Ext to Pnt)
Extend curve to point
Polygon Star (Star)
Create polygon star
Offset Curve (Offset)
Offset curve with a specified distance
Polyline Fillet & Chamfer (PolyChamFil)
Create fillet and chamfer polyline
Spiral & Helix (SpiHel)
Create 2D helix and 3D spiral
Circle Line TanTan (CirLineTT)
Tangent circle between two curves with guide line
Circle Tan Tan Tan (CTTT)
Create a circle tangent to three circles
Short Curves (IsShort)
Used to quickly find short curves
Circle Tan Tan (CTT)
Create a circle tangent to two circles
Pull Curve (Pull)
Pull curves onto brep
Duplicate Border (DupBor)
Duplicate border
Offset Intersection (Offset Int)
Create offset from intersected curves


Unroll Oloid (UnrollOloid)
Unroll Oloid shape
Pyramid (Pyr)
Create pyramid
Oloid Shape (Oloid)
Create Oloid shape
Planar Difference (PlanDiff)
Create Planar Difference
Cylinder Extrusion (CylExtrusion)
Create Cylinder Extrusion
Planar Union (PlanUnion)
Create Planar Union
Extract Faces (ExtractFaces)
Brep Extract Faces
Create Extrusion
Boolean Split All (SSplit2)
Splits shared areas of All Breps
Create Pipe
Remove Faces (RemFaces)
Brep Remove Faces
Baseball Sphere (Baseball)
Create Baseball Sphere
Boolean Split (SSplit)
Splits shared areas of Breps
Truncated Cone (TruncCone)
Truncated Cone
Trim Brep with Plane (TrimPlane)
Trims a Brep with an oriented cutter
Inner Profile (InnerProfile)
Create Inner Profile
Offset Brep (OffsetBrep)
Offset brep
Pipe Extrusion (PipeExtrusion)
Create Pipe Extrusion
SuBD Oloid
Convert Oloid shape to SuBD


Sort Points (SortPoints)
Sort Point List
Project Points (ProjectPts)
Project points on geometries (mesh or brep)
Inflection Points (InfPts)
Find curve's inflection points
Points On Curves (PtsOnCrvs)
Points on curves
Arc from Tangent (ArcTan)
Find tangent point of an arc from two given lines
Angle between Two points (Ang2Pnts)
Find angles and dimensions between 2 points
Points in Curves (PtsInCrvs)
Find points in curves
Tangent Point (TangPoint)
Search for a location on the curve, near seedParmameter, that is tangent to a test point
Sort Point List (SortPointList)
Sort Point List
Curve S.M.E (CrvPoints)
Curve middle and endpoints
Extremes (Extreme)
Find the extremes points on a curve
Perpendicular Point (PerPoint)
Search for a location on the curve, near seedParmameter, that is perpendicular to a test point
Max Curvature Points (MaxCurvPoints)
Find curve's maximum curvature points


Components Folder (CompFol)
Open components folder
Create Maze (Maze)
Create a maze using the depth-first algorithm described at
Christian Hill, April 2017
Renumber Tree (RenumTree)
Renumber Tree
Component Data (CompData)
Retrieve Component input & output Data
Solve Maze (SolveMaze)
Solve the maze created with Create Maze component
Wire Display (Wire)
Change wire display
Visualize Script (VisScr)
Convert Grasshopper script to geometries
Remove Placeholders (Placeholders)
Remove Placeholders
Table (ExcelTable)
Create text table from tree of values
Par & Mer (ParMer)
Compute the parallel and the meridian
Read Data (ReadData)
Read Data from Component Data
Components List (Component)
Components list


Text Style (Style)
Text style
Arabic Text
Fix Arabic Text
Text Entity (Text)
Text entity
Replace Text (RepText)
Replace Text in Rhino Document
Replace Text Attributes (RepTextAttrib)
Replace Text Attributes
Dimensions Styles (DimStyles)
Dimensions styles available in RhinoDoc
Text To Geometry (TextGeo)
Convert TextEntity to curves,surfaces,solids
Text Outlines (TextOutline)
Creates outline curves created from a text string
List of Fonts
Text Attributes (TextAttrib)
TextEntity Attributes
Alphabet fro A to Z


Hyperbolic functions (Hyp Func)
Hyperbolic functions
Geometric Progression (Geo Prog)
Arithmetic Progression
Trigonometric functions (Tri Func)
Trigonometric functions
Golden Spiral (GoldSpiral)
Create Golden Spiral
Quadratic Equation (QuadEqu)
Solve Quadratic Equation
Greatest common divisor & Least common multiple (GCD & LCM)
GCD & LCM of set of numbers
Arithmetic Progression (Arith Prog)
Arithmetic Progression
Shuffle & Choice (ShCh)
Shuffle and choice
General Root (GR)
General Root, nth root
Create a range of numbers


Trace Image (TraceImage)
Set trace image in the active view
Image Viewport (ImgView)
Show image in viewport
View Image (ViewImage)
View Image in viewport
Pixelate Image (Pixel)
Pixelate Image
Curves in Viewport (CrvViewport)
Show curves in the viewport
3 Views Images (3ViewsImages)
View images in 3 views: Top, Front, Right
Pixelate Data Points (PixelPoints)
Pixelate Data Points
Image Boundary (ImageBound)
Image Boundary


Stair From Plan
Create stair from plan
Architectural Grid (ArchGrid)
Create architectural grid
Single Door (SingleDoor)
Single Door
Spiral Stair (SpiralStair)
Create spiral stair
Create stair from curve
Create Window
Double Doors (DoubleDoors)
Double Doors


Mesh Pipe (MeshPipe)
Create Mesh pipe
EdgeSoftening (EdgeSoft)
Edge Softening
ShutLining (ShutLin)
Create Ornament from curve
Mesh to NGon (MeshNGon)
Convert mesh to NGon
ShutLining Info (ShutLinInfo)
ShutLining Curve Info
Join & Weld Meshes (JoinWeldMesh)
Join and Weld Meshes


Zebra Preview (Zebra)
Draw ZebraPreview
Random Colors (RandColors)
Random Colors
Create Hatch (CreateHatch)
Create hatch from curves
Explode Hatch (ExpHatch)
Explode hatch geomety
Curve Display (CurveDisplay)
Set curve color with thickness
Dotted Curve (DottCurve)
Display dotted curve
Curve Direction (AnalyseDirection)
Analyse curve direction


Sweep Curve (SwpCrv)
Create a sweep with curve
HemiSphere (HemiSph)
Create Hemisphere
Torus (Tor)
Create torus
Swap UV (SwapUV)
Transposes surface parameterization (swap U and V)
Ruled Surface New (RuleSrfNew)
Create a surface between two curves
Sphere 2 Points (Sp2pnt)
Create a sphere from two points


Geometry Plane (GeoPlane)
Geo|Plane: Brep or Mesh
Mesh Outlines (MeshOutlines)
Mesh Outlines from different views
Silhouette Vector (SilVector)
Create Silhouette from Vector view
Silhouette Perspective (SilPersp)
Create Silhouette from Perspective view
Silhouette Parallel (SilParal)
Create Silhouette from Parallel view


Mesh to Subd (MeshSubd)
Convert mesh to subd
Subd to Mesh (SubdMesh)
Convert subd to mesh
Mesh Offset to Subd (MeshOffset2Subd)
Create subd from mesh offset
SubDDisplayToggle (SubDDispTog)
SubD DisplayToggle
SubD Offset (SubDOffset)
SubD offset


Model Unit System (ModelUnit)
Change model unit system
Show Hide Grid (ShowHideGrid)
Show Hide Grid in activeview or all views
Control Rhino Sun
Zoom Extents (Zoom)
Zoom extents selected view or all views
Modify Tolerance (ModTol)
Modify absolute and angle tolerance


Curve From 2Views (Crv2View)
Creates a third curve from two curves that are planar in different construction
Curve SoftEdit (CrvSoftEdit)
Create soft edit curve
Surface Variable Offset (SrfVarOffset)
Create Surface variable offset
Fillet Edges (FilEdg)
Fillet edges of a brep


List Index (Ind)
List index
Sets Intersection (Set Int)
Intersection between sets
Consecutive Numbers (ConsecN)
Create consecutive numbers from a number (for example: list length)
Cull Dupl Numbers (CullNum)
Cull duplicate numbers with tolerance


X Line (XLine)
Create X axis line
V Line (VLine)
Create a line from vector
Y Line (YLine)
Create Y axis line
Z Line (ZLine)
Create Z axis line


Curve To PointCloud (CrvToPc)
Convert Curve To PointCloud
PointCloud Colors (PcColors)
Assign colors to PointCloud
PointCloud Display (PointCloud)
PointCloud Display


Create Material (CreateMaterial)
Create Material from image
Materials List (MaterialsList)
List of exist materials in Rhino
Remove Materials (RemoveMaterials)
Remove list of materials from Rhino


Planes XY, XZ, YZ
Vectors X, Y, Z


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Site design © Robin Rodricks.   Site co-created by Andrew Heumann.   Fennec and associated data © 2024 Seghier.  
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