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01 | Spawn Types
02 | Initialize
03 | Behaviors
04 | Forces
05 | Engine
06 | Display

Weaving Wandering

Expanded 2D Wandering Algorithm using step triggers to create a weaving type movement 2D Wandering Algorithm, Wandering is a type of random steering which has some long term order. Force Values from Move Settings have a strong effect on behavior


ChangeCInput value specifying the incremented change value used to get the polar coordinates.Number
RadiusWRInput value specifying the radius for the wandering circleNumber
DistanceWDInput the distance for the wander circle, this is a projection value in the direction of the objects speed vector.Number
Rotation TriggerRTThis value is compared against each movement step. If rotationTrigger value > iteration count then we will reverse the change valueNumber
TypeTInput value specifying the type of Wandering (0 = Type A | 1 = Type B | 2 = Type CInteger


Wandering BehaviorWBThe Wandering Behavior Data StructureGeneric Data

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