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Pset Space Thermal Requirements

Create IFC Pset_SpaceThermalRequirements


SpaceSIfcSpace, IfcSpatialZone, IfcZoneGeometry
SpaceTemperatureTTemperature of the space or zone, that is required from user/designer view point. If no summer or winter space temperature requirements are given, it applies all year, otherwise for the intermediate period. Provide this value, if no temperatur range (Min-Max) is available.Number
SpaceTemperatureMaxMMaximal temperature of the space or zone, that is required from user/designer view point. If no summer or winter space temperature requirements are given, it applies all year, otherwise for the intermediate period.Number
SpaceTemperatureMinMMinimal temperature of the space or zone, that is required from user/designer view point. If no summer or winter space temperature requirements are given, it applies all year, otherwise for the intermediate period.Number
SpaceTemperatureSummerMaxSMaximal temperature of the space or zone for the hot (summer) period, that is required from user/designer view point and provided as requirement for cooling.Number
SpaceTemperatureSummerMinSMinimal temperature of the space or zone for the hot (summer) period, that is required from user/designer view point and provided as requirement for cooling.Number
SpaceTemperatureWinterMaxWMaximal temperature of the space or zone for the cold (winter) period, that is required from user/designer view point and provided as requirement for heating.Number
SpaceTemperaturWinterMinWMinimal temperature of the space or zone for the cold (winter) period, that is required from user/designer view point and provided as requirement for heating.Number
SpaceHumidityHHumidity of the space or zone that is required from user/designer view point. If no summer or winter space humidity requirements are given, it applies all year, otherwise for the intermediate period. Provide this property, if no humidity range (Min-Max) is available.Number
SpaceHumidityMaxHMaximal permitted humidity of the space or zone that is required from user/designer view point. If no summer or winter space humidity requirements are given, it applies all year, otherwise for the intermediate period.Number
SpaceHumidityMinHMinimal permitted humidity of the space or zone that is required from user/designer view point. If no summer or winter space humidity requirements are given, it applies all year, otherwise for the intermediate period.Number
SpaceHumiditySummerSHumidity of the space or zone for the hot (summer) period, that is required from user/designer view point and provided as requirement for cooling.Number
SpaceHumidityWinterWHumidity of the space or zone for the cold (winter) period that is required from user/designer view point and provided as requirement for heating.Number
DiscontinuedHeatingDIndication whether discontinued heating is required/desirable from user/designer view point.Boolean
NaturalVentilationVIndication whether the space is required to have natural ventilation (TRUE) or mechanical ventilation (FALSE).Boolean
NaturalVentilationRateRIndication of the requirement of a particular natural air ventilation rate, given in air changes per hour.Number
MechanicalVentilationRateRIndication of the requirement of a particular mechanical air ventilation rate, given in air changes per hour.Number
AirConditioningAIndication whether this space requires air conditioning providedBoolean
AirConditioningCentralCIndication whether the space requires a central air conditioning provided (TRUE) or not (FALSE). It should only be given, if the property "AirConditioning" is set to TRUE.Boolean


IfcPropSetPIfcPropertySetGeneric Data

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