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Arduino & I/O Boards


ADDON. Version Released on 2015-Mar-25. Provides 88 components. Created by Andrew Payne (LIFT architects). Features 23 video tutorials.
Firefly is a set of comprehensive software tools dedicated to bridging the gap between Grasshopper (a free plug-in for Rhino), the Arduino micro-controller, the internet and beyond. It allows near real-time data flow between the digital and physical worlds, and will read/write data to/from internet feeds, remote sensors and more.


reacTIVision Listener (reacTIVision)
The reacTIVision Listener draws the position and rotation of each fiducial marker
Kinect V1 Depth To Point (Depth)
Get Points from Kinect Depth Map
Kinect V1 Skeletal Tracker (Skeleton)
The Kinect V1 Skeletal Tracker will allow tracking of up to two people at a time.
Kinect V1 Color Stream (Video Stream)
Kinect Color Video Stream
Kinect V1 Depth Stream (Depth Stream)
Kinect Depth Video Stream
Kinect V2 Skeleton Tracker (Skeleton)
The Kinect V2 Skeletal Tracker will allow tracking of up to six people at a time.
Kinect V2 Mesh Reconstruction (Mesh Reconstruction)
Returns a reconstructed colored mesh based on the color/depth information from the Kienct sensor.
Kinect V2 Video Stream (Video Stream)
Stream video data from the Kinect sensor.
Exposure (Accumulative) (Exposure)
Temporally add color information to a Firefly Bitmap.
Additive Time Lapse (Time Lapse)
Additive Time Lapse
Bitmap Decompose (Decompose)
Decompose a bitmap into its constituent channels
Bitmap Info (Info)
Statistics about a Firefly Bitmap.
Bitmap Layers (Layers)
Bitmap Layers
Bitmap Painter (Painter)
Bitmap Painter
Bitmap Recompose (Recompose)
Recompose a bitmap from its constituent channels
Bitmap Sampler (Sample)
Sample a Firefly Bitmap based on an incoming set of points for a specified filter type.
Save a snapshot of a Firefly Bitmap
Snapshot Sequence (Sequence)
Create a sequence of image snapshots
Bitmap Threshold (Threshold)
Using the Average Dithering, find the threshold color quantization of an image.
Bitmap Tracer
Spawn a series of particles which trace the edges of a bitmap using the nearest contour vector
Blur a Firefly Bitmap.
Color Correction (Color)
Modify the color properties (red, green, blue) for a Firefly Bitmap.
Contour Vector
Generate a Contour Vector for a Firefly Bitmap.
Modify the contrast of a Firefly Bitmap.
Convolution Filter (Convolver)
Create your own filter based on a 3x3 convolution matrix (kernel).
Edge Detection (Edge)
Find edges in a Firefly Bitmap.
Emboss a Firefly Bitmap.
Image Region (Region)
Extract a smaller region within a Firefly Bitmap
Video Averages (Average)
Find movement vectors and color averages within an area of a Firefly Bitmap.
Flip Image (Flip)
Flip or Mirror a Firefly Bitmap.
Gamma Correction (Gamma)
Specify the Gamma Correction for a Firefly Bitmap.
Gradient Vector
Generate a Gradient Vector for a Firefly Bitmap.
Resize Bitmap (Resize)
Change the resolution of a Firefly Bitmap
Invert a Firefly Bitmap.
Leap Finger Tracker (Leap)
Return frame information from LEAP sensor
Load Bitmap
Load Bitmap
Mesh From Image (Mesh)
Create a mesh where the height of the mesh is determined by the brightness of a Firefly Bitmap.
Exposure (Movement) (Exposure)
Temporally add movement information (in greyscale) to a Firefly Bitmap.
Optical Flow
Generate an Optical Flow for a Firefly Bitmap.
Replace Color (Replace)
Replace a color in a Firefly Bitmap.
Brightness and Saturation (Saturation)
Modify the brightness and saturation properties of a Firefly Bitmap.
Sharpen a Firefly Bitmap.
Swirl Vector
Generate a Swirl Vector for a Firefly Bitmap.
Test Color
Test whether a color is included within a second list of colors
Video Player
Load or play a movie or video file.
WebCam Video Stream (Video Stream)
WebCam Video Stream


Binary Blink (Blink)
Oscillates 0's and 1's based on an incoming pattern of integers
Store the last number of values based on the buffer domain
Constrains a number to a specific numeric range.
Data Log (Log)
Create a log of incoming data.
Fader One Way (Fader1)
Fade between one value to another based on a time interval (ms). Use the GH_Timer component (Parameters/Special/Timer) to update the Fader values in real-time.
Fader Two Way (Fader2)
Fade between a minimum and maximum value based on the fade in and fade out time interval (ms). Use the GH_Timer component (Parameters/Special/Timer) to update the Fader values in real-time.
Retrieve a text file and return individual lines at a given frame rate.
Smoothing Moving Average (Smooth)
Find the Mean Smoothing value (or average) based on a sampling level (number of samples to average). Larger sample sizes result in greater smoothing
AND Flip Flop (AND FlipFlop)
The AND flip-flop differs from the NOR flip-flop in the sense that the output gate is determined by its present output state as well the states of both of its inputs
Detects when an input boolean has switched states. The equivalent of a 'Bang' component in other programs like MAX/MSP, Pd, and VVVV.
Counts upwards and downwards.
Frame Rate (FrameRate)
Time in milliseconds since the data was updated.
Is Geometry Selected (Selected)
Test whether or not some Rhino geometry is selected.
Is Key Pressed (Pressed)
Test whether or not a specified key has been pressed on the keyboard.
NOR Flip Flop (NOR FlipFlop)
The NOR flip-flop has two inputs, namely, a Set input (S) and a Reset (R) input
Calculates the error value as the difference between a measured process variable and a desired set point.
State Detection (Detect)
Used when you want to detect when something has switched from LOW to HIGH (0 or 1) or vice versa. For more information see: http://arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/ButtonStateChange
Stop Watch (Elapsed)
Elapsed time in milliseconds since the stop watch was started
Smoothing Temporal (Smoothing)
This smoothing algorithm returns a smoothed value that is the sum of the weighted average of the previous observations and the current value.

Arduino & I/O Boards

Due Read
This component will read values to all corresponding digital
and analog pins on an Arduino Mega board
Due Write
This component will write values to all corresponding digital
pins on an Arduino Due board.
Mega Read
This component will read values to all corresponding digital
and analog pins on an Arduino Mega board
Mega Write
This component will write values to all corresponding digital
pins on an Arduino Mega board.
Open/Close Port (Open Port)
Open or Close the Serial Port Connection
COM Ports Available (Ports Available)
Check to see which COM Ports are curretly available
Serial Read (Generic) (Read)
Retrieve a value coming over the serial port. Use the Timer
component (Parameters/Special/Timer) to update the sensor values.
Serial Write (Generic) (Write)
Write a string value to the Serial Port.
Uno Read
This component will read values to all corresponding digital
and analog pins on the Arduino Uno board
Uno Write
This component will write values to all corresponding digital
pins on an Arduino Uno board
Wii Nunchuck
This component will read all of the sensor values from
the Wii Nunchuck.
Code Generator (CodeGen)
This component will attempt to convert a Grasshopper
definition into Arduino compatible code. The code can be
simultaneously saved as a .ino file to be opened in the
Arduino IDE.
Convert Degrees To Steps (Convert To Steps)
Convert an angle value in degrees to the appropriate amount of steps to move a Stepper Motor.
Quad Stepper Motor Stream (Stepper Motor)
This component will stream data to control up to four
stepper motors.


OSC Listener
OSC Listener.
OSC Sender
OSC Sender. The OSC Sender will automatically format incoming data into the appropriate OSC format and send the message over a UDP port to a specified IP address.
UDP Listener
UDP Listener.
UDP Sender
UDP Sender. The UDP Sender will automatically send any message (string) over a UDP port to a specified IP address.
XML Search
Search an XML file (either from the web or from a local directory) for a specific element tag


Sound Capture (Capture)
Capture the audio frequencies from the left and right channel from an input (eg. microphone).
Frequency Spectrum (Spectrum)
Map the incoming frequency spectrum
Note To Frequency (Notes)
Generate frequency from notes. For more information visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piano_key_frequencies
Tone Generator (Tones)
Create tones based on incoming frequencies

Video Tutorials

Site design © Robin Rodricks.   Firefly and associated data © 2024 Andrew Payne (LIFT architects).  
Rhinoceros and Grasshopper are registered trademarks of Robert McNeel & Associates.  Hosted by GitHub

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