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Arduino & I/O Boards

Quad Stepper Motor Stream

This component will stream data to control up to four
stepper motors. Note: This component will format the data
according to the Firefly Stepper Arduino sketch.


StartStartInput a boolean value (True/False) to indicate whether or not to activate the motors.Integer
ResetRstInput a boolean value (True/False) to set the current position of the Stepper to the position you are feeding it. This can be used to calibarate the motors (e.g. to the desired zero position)Integer
Max SpeedSpdThe max speed of the motors.Integer
AccelerationAccThe amount of acceleration (and decceleration) to apply to the motors. Note: Range is from 100.0 to 3200.0 where the lower value indicates more acceleration/decceleration.Integer
Motor 1 StepsM1The number of microsteps to move the first stepper. Note: if there are eight microsteps in every step, a 200 step motor would require 1600 steps to move one full turn. If you aren't using this motor, leave the default value at zero.Integer
Motor 2 StepsM2The number of microsteps to move the second stepper. Note: if there are eight microsteps in every step, a 200 step motor would require 1600 steps to move one full turn. If you aren't using this motor, leave the default value at zero.Integer
Motor 3 StepsM3The number of microsteps to move the third stepper. Note: if there are eight microsteps in every step, a 200 step motor would require 1600 steps to move one full turn. If you aren't using this motor, leave the default value at zero.Integer
Motor 4 StepsM4The number of microsteps to move the fourth stepper. Note: if there are eight microsteps in every step, a 200 step motor would require 1600 steps to move one full turn. If you aren't using this motor, leave the default value at zero.Integer
PortPortThe Port Number has to be the same Serial Port assigned in the Arduino Sketch. You can find which COM port you are using by clicking on the Tools>Serial Port button on the Arduino IDE.Integer


Formatted StringOutFormatted String to Send to the Arduino BoardText
Status MessageMsgCurrent status of Serial PortText

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