Stream Bake Revit IFC Stream Bake | |
Stream Revit IFC Stream | |
Swept Blend Create a swept blend in Revit. | |
Blend Create a Blend in Revit | |
Brep Create a Brep for Revit | |
Cut Create a Revit cut shape | |
Extrusion Create an extrusion in Revit | |
Extrusion Symmetric Create an extrusion in Revit both sides from profile | |
Grid Create Revit Grid | |
Level Create Revit Level | |
Loft Create a loft for a mass in Revit | |
Material Create Revit Material | |
Material Layer Create Revit Material Layer | |
Profile Create Revit Profile | |
Taper Profile Create Revit Taper Profile | |
Sweep Create a sweep in Revit | |
Project Info Revit Project Information | |
Set Host Nominate Host of element | |
Circle Profile Create Revit Circular Profile | |
CProfile Def Create Revit C Profile Def | |
IProfile Def Create Revit I Profile Def | |
Rectangle Profile Create Revit Rectangle Profile | |
TProfile Def Create Revit T Profile Def |
Create Adaptive Component Create instance of an Adaptive Component | |
Arch Direct Shape Create Architecture DirectShape Instance, works well with Geometry Gym importer for Revit 2015 and newer, or native IFC import by Autodesk in earlier (so use Ifc2x3) | |
Column Create Revit Column | |
Door Create Revit Door | |
Element Attributes Create Revit Element Attributes | |
Floor Create Revit Floor | |
Foundation Create Revit Foundation | |
Framing Create Revit Structural Framing | |
Framing Void Create Void for Revit Structural Framing | |
Create Instance Create instance of a family | |
Model Curve Create Model Curve | |
Roof Create Revit Roof | |
Wall Create Revit Wall | |
Window Create Revit Window | |
Cut Geometry Cut an element with a void |
Arch Adapt Comp Type Create Architecture Adaptive Component Type | |
Arch Generic Model Type Create Architecture Generic Model Type | |
Column Type Create Revit Column Type | |
Door Type Assign a Revit Door Type. This should be an existing door type loaded in the revit project prior to import (else an opening should be created). | |
Floor Type Create Revit Floor Type | |
Foundation Type Create Revit Foundation Type | |
Framing Type Create Revit Framing Type | |
Mass Type Create a Mass Type | |
Roof Type Create Revit Roof Type | |
Struct Generic Model Type Create Architecture Generic Model Type | |
Type Attributes Create Revit Type Attributes | |
Wall Type Create Revit Floor Type | |
Window Type Assign a Revit Window Type. This should be an existing Window type loaded in the revit project prior to import (else an opening should be created). |
Angle Parameter Create Revit Angle Parameter | |
Area Parameter Create Revit Area Parameter | |
Boolean Parameter Create Revit Boolean Parameter | |
Integer Parameter Create Revit Integer Parameter | |
Length Parameter Create Revit Length Parameter | |
Number Parameter Create Revit Number Parameter | |
Text Parameter Create Revit Text Parameter | |
Volume Parameter Create Revit Volume Parameter |
Filled Region Create Revit Filled Region | |
Plan View Create Revit Plan View | |
Sheet Create Revit Sheet | |
View Port Create Revit ViewPort | |
Nominate Filled Region Type Nominate Revit Filled Region Type | |
Nominate View Nominate Revit View by Id |
Curve Analytic Member Assign Structural Curve Analytic Member | |
End Release Create Revit Element End Release | |
Point Restraint Create Revit Point Restraint |
Site design © Robin Rodricks.
Site co-created by Andrew Heumann.
GeomGym Revit and associated data © 2024 Geometry Gym Pty Ltd.
Rhinoceros and Grasshopper are registered trademarks of Robert McNeel & Associates.
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