Category | C | Category (0=Casework 1=Column 2=Door 3=ElectricalEquipment 4=ElectricalFixture 5=Entourage 6=Furniture 7=FurnitureSystem 8=GenericModel 9=LightingFixture 10=MechanicalEquipment 11=Parking 12=Planting 13=PlumbingFixture 14=Railing 15=Site 16=SpecialityEquipment 17=Window) | Integer |
Name | N | Name | String |
Geometry | G | Geometry Objects | GeometricGoo |
RvtMaterial | M | Default Revit Material, can be overriden per instance if not common | Goo |
Mark | M | Mark | String |
SubCategory | S | SubCategory | String |
Parameters | P | Revit Parameters | Goo |
Attributes | A | Attributes | Goo |
Host | H | Host, more to be implemented (0=NONE 1=FACE) | Integer |