Convert Ifc (ggSBI) Convert Ifc | |
Create Timber Material (ggTM) Create Timber Material | |
Beam Atts (ggBA) Create Beam Attributes | |
Shell Property Modifier (ggSPM) Create Shell Property Modifier | |
Find Section Prop (ggFSP) Find Structural Section Property | |
Finite Element Generation Option (ggFEO) Options for generation of Finite Element | |
Element Orientation (ggEO) Element Orientations | |
Support (ggNS) Create Support for Nodal, Linear or Planar Element | |
Beam Release (R) Beam Release | |
Support Dir Param (ggSDP) Directional and rotational values for a support | |
Create Design Group (ggDG) Create Design Group | |
Nominate Material (ggNominateMaterial) Nominate a Robot Cataglogue Material by Name | |
Create Cable Section Property (ggRCSP) Create Cable Section Property | |
Create Section Explicit (ggExplicitSection) Generates a Explicit Section based on Numerical Input Values | |
Create Bar Prop Non Prismatic (ggNPBP) Create Non Prismatic Bar Section Property | |
Generate Welded Box (ggWeldedBox) Generates a Rectangular Welded Box | |
Generate T (ggT) Generates a Tee Section | |
Create RC Beam Section Property (ggRCBP) Create RC Beam Section Property | |
Create RC Column Section Property (ggRCCP) Create RC Column Section Property | |
Create Timber Section Property (ggTP) Create Timber Section Property | |
Edge Support (ggEdgeSupport) Create Edge Support | |
Edge Release (ggEdgeRelease) Create Edge Release | |
Create Coons Meshing (ggCoons) Create Coons Meshing Parameters | |
Create Del Meshing (ggDel) Create Delaunay Meshing Parameters | |
Create Thickness Prop Orthotropic (ggTP) Create Orthotropic Thickness Property for panels and finite elments | |
Create Thickness Hollow Core (ggTHC) Create Orthotropic Thickness Property for HollowCore Slabs | |
Create Elastic Isotropic Material (ggEIM) Create Elastic Isotropic Material | |
Create Section Prop (ggSP) Create Section Property | |
Create Thickness Prop (ggTP) Create Thickness Property for panels and finite elments | |
Create Linear Release (ggLR) Create Linear Release |
Load Case (ggLC) Create Load Case | |
Case Combination (ggCC) Create Case Combination | |
Load Gravity (ggGL) Create Gravity Load | |
Load Node (ggNL) Create Node Load | |
Node Displacment Load (ggNDL) Create Node Displacement Load, use settlement if node has restraint in applied direction | |
Load Network Trib Area (ggTAL) Create Tributory Area Loads for structure grid | |
Load Crv UDL (ggCUDL) Create Uniform Distributed Loads for Curve Elements | |
Load Crv Patch (ggCP) Create Patch Loads for Curve Elements | |
Load2d Face (ggFL) Create Face Loads for 2d Elements | |
Load Crv Dilation (ggCLD) Create Dilation or Lack of Fit Load for Curve Elements | |
Load Case Footfall (ggLC) Create Footfall Load Case | |
Load Case Modal (ggLCM) Create Modal Load Case | |
Load To Mass Converion (ggLMC) Set an auto Load to Mass conversion in Robot | |
Load Panel Line Load (ggPLL) Create Line Load on Panel Elements | |
Load2d Contour3Point (ggCL) Create Contour loads for 2d Elements. Specify Loading Data with 3 Points | |
Load2d Contour Uniform (ggCL) Create Contour loads for 2d Elements | |
Load Crv UDM (ggCUDM) Create Uniform Distributed Moment Loads for Curve Elements | |
Load Crv CF (ggCCF) Create Concentrated Force Load for Curve Elements | |
Load Crv CM (ggCCM) Create Concentrated Moment Load for Curve Elements |
Solver (ggS) This component will execute Structural Analysis solution process and query results. Advised to have only one solver component per model and manage result extraction using list access in Grasshopper. | |
Query Node Displacements (ggQNodeDisp) Query Node Displacements | |
Query Node Reaction Force (ggQNodeReactF) Query Node Reaction Force | |
Query Beam Force (ggQueryBeamFor) Query Beam Element Forces | |
Decompose Result Set Beam Force (ggRD1dSet) Decomposes 1d Element Result Set | |
Query Beam Forces (ggQueryBeamFor) Query Beam Element Forces | |
Decompose Result Set Beam Forces (ggRDBFSet) Decomposes Beam Forces (1d Forces) Result Set | |
Query Footfall (ggQueryFootfall) Query Footfall | |
Query Modal (ggQueryModal) Query Modal | |
Decompose Result Set Modal Freq (ggRDMF) Decompose Modal Frequency Result Set | |
Decompose Result Set Panel Reduced (ggRDPanelRed) Decompose Panel Reduced Forces Result Set | |
Query Panel Reduced (ggQueryPanelRed) Query Panel Reduced Results | |
Query Principal Stress Panel (ggQueryPrinStrssPanel) Query Principal Stress Panel, derived from averaged point values so will not match precisely SAP results | |
Query2d Principal Stress (ggQ2dPrinStrss) Query 2d Element Principal Stress, derived from averaged point values so will not match precisely SAP results | |
Query Result2d Options (ggQResult2dOpt) Query Result 2d options | |
Decompose Result Set2d Principal Stress (ggRDPrincStress) Decompose 2d Principal Stress Result | |
Decompose Result Set Node (ggRDN) Decompose Node Set Result | |
Decompose Result Set Footfall (ggRDF) Decompose Set Result Footfall |
Transform Structure (ggTransform) Transform Structure | |
Create Beam (ggBeam) Create Structural Beam part | |
Decompose Beam (ggBeam) Decompose Structural Beam Element | |
Rigid Link (ggRL) Create Rigid Link (Master Slave) | |
Create Group (ggGroup) Create Group | |
Create Finite Element (ggFE) Create Structural Finite Element from points | |
Brep Convert Finite Elements (ggBFE) Create Structural Finite Elements from brep with plane faces | |
Mesh Convert Finite Elements (ggMFE) Create Structural Finite Elements from mesh | |
Mesh Convert Panel (ggMP) Create Structural Panel from mesh | |
Create Building Storey (ggBS) Create Building Storey | |
Create Or Find Node (ggNode) Locate Existing or Create Structural Node | |
Create Revolution (ggRev) Create Geometrical Revolution | |
Create Cladding (ggClad) Create Cladding Panel | |
Create Panel (ggPanel) Create Panel | |
Create Solid (ggSolid) Create Solid |
to Karamba (ggRobottoKaramba) Import Robot model into Karamba | |
Stream Bake To Ifc (ggSBI) Stream Bake Ifc | |
Convert Ifc Options (O) Options for converting from IFC | |
Convert Ifc Filter (F) IFC Elemnt filter for converting from IFC to Structural Analysis | |
Convert Ifc To Database (ggSBI) Convert Ifc File to a Robot Database. Use a model decompose component to view the contents of the Model Database. | |
Convert From Ifc (ggCFI) Convert From Ifc | |
Import Data (ggID) Import Structural Analaysis Data | |
Model Decompose (ggMD) Decompose Existing Model, WARNING WORK IN PROGRESS NOT ALL FIELDS BEING POPULATED | |
Bake Model (ggBS) Bake Structure |
gg Karamba Robot (ggKarambaRobot) Export Karamba model to Autodesk Robot |
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GeomGym Robot and associated data © 2024 Geometry Gym Pty Ltd.
Rhinoceros and Grasshopper are registered trademarks of Robert McNeel & Associates.
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