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Create Support for Nodal, Linear or Planar Element


NameNOptional Support LabelText
UXUXX Direction. Default is Free. Provide True to Fix direction. Provide Support Direction Parameters Component input for Futher optionsGeneric Data
UYUYX Direction. Default is Free. Provide True to Fix direction. Provide Support Direction Parameters Component input for Futher optionsGeneric Data
UZUZX Direction. Default is Free. Provide True to Fix direction. Provide Support Direction Parameters Component input for Futher optionsGeneric Data
RXRXX Direction. Default is Free. Provide True to Fix direction. Provide Support Direction Parameters Component input for Futher optionsGeneric Data
RYRYX Direction. Default is Free. Provide True to Fix direction. Provide Support Direction Parameters Component input for Futher optionsGeneric Data
RZRZX Direction. Default is Free. Provide True to Fix direction. Provide Support Direction Parameters Component input for Futher optionsGeneric Data
AxisARestraint axis orientationPlane


SupportSNodal, Linear or Planar Rigid SupportGeneric Data

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Rhinoceros and Grasshopper are registered trademarks of Robert McNeel & Associates.  Hosted by GitHub

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