Area Moments (AMoments) Solve area moments for breps, meshes and planar closed curves. | |
Area Solve area properties for breps, meshes and planar closed curves. | |
Volume Moments (VMoments) Solve volume properties for closed breps and meshes. | |
Volume Solve volume properties for closed breps and meshes. | |
Box Corners Extract all 8 corners of a box. | |
Deconstruct Box (DeBox) Deconstruct a box into its constituent parts. | |
Evaluate Box (Box) Evaluate a box in normalised {UVW} space. | |
Box Properties (BoxProp) Get some properties of a box | |
Deconstruct Brep (DeBrep) Deconstruct a brep into its constituent parts. | |
Brep Wireframe (Wires) Extract the wireframe curves of a brep. | |
Brep Edges (Edges) Extract the edge curves of a brep. | |
Brep Topology (Topology) Get and display the topology of a brep. | |
Dimensions (Dim) Get the approximate dimensions of a surface | |
Is Planar (Planar) Test whether a surface is planar | |
Surface Points (SrfPt) Get the control-points of a Nurbs Surface | |
Brep Closest Point (Brep CP) Find the closest point on a brep | |
Surface Closest Point (Srf CP) Find the closest point on a surface. | |
Point In Trim (TrimInc) Test whether a {uv} coordinate is inside the trimmed portion of a surface | |
Point In Brep (BrepInc) Test whether a point is inside a closed brep | |
Point In Breps (BrepsInc) Test whether a point is inside a collection of closed breps | |
Shape In Brep (ShapeIn) Tests whether a shape is inside a brep | |
Evaluate Surface (EvalSrf) Evaluate local surface properties at a {uv} coordinate. | |
Principal Curvature (Curvature) Evaluate the principal curvature of a surface at a {uv} coordinate. | |
Surface Curvature (Curvature) Evaluate the surface curvature at a {uv} coordinate. | |
Osculating Circles (Osc) Calculate the principal osculating circles of a surface at a {uv} coordinate. |
Control Point Loft (CPLoft) Create a loft through curve control points. | |
Fit Loft (FitLoft) Create a loft fitted through a set of curves. | |
4Point Surface (Srf4Pt) Create a surface connecting three or four corner points. | |
Surface From Points (SrfGrid) Create a nurbs surface from a grid of points. | |
Boundary Surfaces (Boundary) Create planar surfaces from a collection of boundary edge curves. | |
Sum Surface (SumSrf) Create a sum surface from two edge curves. | |
Edge Surface (EdgeSrf) Create a surface from two, three or four edge curves. | |
Loft Create a lofted surface through a set of section curves. | |
Loft Options (Loft Opt) Create loft options from atomic inputs | |
Ruled Surface (RuleSrf) Create a surface between two curves. | |
Network Surface (NetSurf) Create a surface from curve networks | |
Extrude (Extr) Extrude points, curves and surfaces along a vector. | |
Extrude Point (Extr) Extrude curves and surfaces to a point. | |
Extrude Linear (Extrude) Extrude curves and surfaces along a straight path. | |
Extrude Along (ExtrCrv) Extrude curves and surfaces along a curve. | |
Patch Create a patch surface | |
Fragment Patch (FPatch) Create a fragmented patch from a polyline boundary | |
Pipe Create a pipe surface around a rail curve. | |
Pipe Variable (VPipe) Create a pipe surface with variable radii around a rail curve. | |
Sweep1 (Swp1) Create a sweep surface with one rail curve. | |
Sweep2 (Swp2) Create a sweep surface with two rail curves. | |
Revolution (RevSrf) Create a surface of revolution. | |
Rail Revolution (RailRev) Create a surface of revolution using a sweep rail. |
Fillet Edge (FilEdge) Fillet some edges of a brep. | |
Edges from Points (EdgesPt) Select brep edges based on point coincidence | |
Edges from Faces (EdgesFaces) Select all brep edges that delineate certain faces | |
Edges from Directions (EdgesDir) Select brep edges based on edge direction | |
Edges from Length (EdgesLen) Select brep edges based on length | |
Edges from Linearity (EdgesLin) Select brep edges based on linearity | |
Convex Edges (EdgesCvx) Select concave or convex brep edges. | |
Closed Edges (EdgesCls) Select closed edges. | |
Isotrim (SubSrf) Extract an isoparametric subset of a surface. | |
Untrim Remove all trim curves from a surface. | |
Retrim Retrim a surface based on 3D trim data from another surface. | |
Copy Trim (Trim) Copy UV trim data from one surface to another. | |
Brep Join (Join) Join a number of Breps together | |
Merge Faces (FMerge) Merge all adjacent co-planar faces in a brep | |
Cap Holes (Cap) Cap all planar holes in a Brep. | |
Cap Holes Ex (CapEx) Cap as many holes as possible in a Brep. | |
Offset Surface (Offset) Offset a surface by a fixed amount. | |
Offset Surface Loose (Offset (L)) Offset a surface by moving the control points. | |
Flip Flip the normals of a surface based on local or remote geometry | |
Transpose Surface (Transpose) Transpose surface parameterization (swap U and V) | |
Divide Surface (SDivide) Generate a grid of {uv} points on a surface. | |
Surface Frames (SFrames) Generate a grid of {uv} frames on a surface |
Plane Through Shape (PxS) Make a rectangular surface that is larger than a given shape. | |
Plane Surface (PlaneSrf) Create a plane surface | |
Bounding Box (BBox) Solve oriented geometry bounding boxes. | |
Center Box (Box) Create a box centered on a plane. | |
Domain Box (Box) Create a box defined by a base plane and size domains. | |
Box 2Pt (Box) Create a box defined by two points. | |
Box Rectangle (BoxRec) Create a box defined by a rectangle and a height. | |
Sphere (Sph) Create a spherical surface. | |
Quad Sphere (QSph) Create a spherical brep made from quad nurbs patches. | |
Sphere 4Pt (Sph4Pt) Create a spherical surface from 4 points. | |
Cone Create a conical surface | |
Cylinder (Cyl) Create a cylindrical surface. | |
Sphere Fit (SFit) Fit a sphere to a 3D collection of points |
SubD from Mesh (SubDMesh) Create a SubD from a control mesh | |
Mesh from SubD (MeshSubD) Get the approximation mesh of a SubD. | |
SubD Control Polygon (SubDPoly) Extract the control polygon from a SubD. | |
SubD Edges (SubDEdges) Extract all edge data from a SubD. | |
SubD Vertices (SubDVerts) Extract all vertex data from a SubD. | |
SubD Edge Tags (SubDTags) Set the edge tags of a SubD shape. | |
SubD Vertex Tags (SubDVTags) Set the vertex tags of a SubD shape. |
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Grasshopper Surface and associated data © 2024 Robert McNeel & Associates.
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