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Grasshopper Surface

SYSTEM COMPONENTS. Version Released on 12-Dec-2023. Provides 90 components. Created by David Rutten. Features 0 video tutorials.


Area Moments (AMoments)
Solve area moments for breps, meshes and planar closed curves.
Solve area properties for breps, meshes and planar closed curves.
Volume Moments (VMoments)
Solve volume properties for closed breps and meshes.
Solve volume properties for closed breps and meshes.
Box Corners
Extract all 8 corners of a box.
Deconstruct Box (DeBox)
Deconstruct a box into its constituent parts.
Evaluate Box (Box)
Evaluate a box in normalised {UVW} space.
Box Properties (BoxProp)
Get some properties of a box
Deconstruct Brep (DeBrep)
Deconstruct a brep into its constituent parts.
Brep Wireframe (Wires)
Extract the wireframe curves of a brep.
Brep Edges (Edges)
Extract the edge curves of a brep.
Brep Topology (Topology)
Get and display the topology of a brep.
Dimensions (Dim)
Get the approximate dimensions of a surface
Is Planar (Planar)
Test whether a surface is planar
Surface Points (SrfPt)
Get the control-points of a Nurbs Surface
Brep Closest Point (Brep CP)
Find the closest point on a brep
Surface Closest Point (Srf CP)
Find the closest point on a surface.
Point In Trim (TrimInc)
Test whether a {uv} coordinate is inside the trimmed portion of a surface
Point In Brep (BrepInc)
Test whether a point is inside a closed brep
Point In Breps (BrepsInc)
Test whether a point is inside a collection of closed breps
Shape In Brep (ShapeIn)
Tests whether a shape is inside a brep
Evaluate Surface (EvalSrf)
Evaluate local surface properties at a {uv} coordinate.
Principal Curvature (Curvature)
Evaluate the principal curvature of a surface at a {uv} coordinate.
Surface Curvature (Curvature)
Evaluate the surface curvature at a {uv} coordinate.
Osculating Circles (Osc)
Calculate the principal osculating circles of a surface at a {uv} coordinate.


Control Point Loft (CPLoft)
Create a loft through curve control points.
Fit Loft (FitLoft)
Create a loft fitted through a set of curves.
4Point Surface (Srf4Pt)
Create a surface connecting three or four corner points.
Surface From Points (SrfGrid)
Create a nurbs surface from a grid of points.
Boundary Surfaces (Boundary)
Create planar surfaces from a collection of boundary edge curves.
Sum Surface (SumSrf)
Create a sum surface from two edge curves.
Edge Surface (EdgeSrf)
Create a surface from two, three or four edge curves.
Create a lofted surface through a set of section curves.
Loft Options (Loft Opt)
Create loft options from atomic inputs
Ruled Surface (RuleSrf)
Create a surface between two curves.
Network Surface (NetSurf)
Create a surface from curve networks
Extrude (Extr)
Extrude points, curves and surfaces along a vector.
Extrude Point (Extr)
Extrude curves and surfaces to a point.
Extrude Linear (Extrude)
Extrude curves and surfaces along a straight path.
Extrude Along (ExtrCrv)
Extrude curves and surfaces along a curve.
Create a patch surface
Fragment Patch (FPatch)
Create a fragmented patch from a polyline boundary
Create a pipe surface around a rail curve.
Pipe Variable (VPipe)
Create a pipe surface with variable radii around a rail curve.
Sweep1 (Swp1)
Create a sweep surface with one rail curve.
Sweep2 (Swp2)
Create a sweep surface with two rail curves.
Revolution (RevSrf)
Create a surface of revolution.
Rail Revolution (RailRev)
Create a surface of revolution using a sweep rail.


Fillet Edge (FilEdge)
Fillet some edges of a brep.
Edges from Points (EdgesPt)
Select brep edges based on point coincidence
Edges from Faces (EdgesFaces)
Select all brep edges that delineate certain faces
Edges from Directions (EdgesDir)
Select brep edges based on edge direction
Edges from Length (EdgesLen)
Select brep edges based on length
Edges from Linearity (EdgesLin)
Select brep edges based on linearity
Convex Edges (EdgesCvx)
Select concave or convex brep edges.
Closed Edges (EdgesCls)
Select closed edges.
Isotrim (SubSrf)
Extract an isoparametric subset of a surface.
Remove all trim curves from a surface.
Retrim a surface based on 3D trim data from another surface.
Copy Trim (Trim)
Copy UV trim data from one surface to another.
Brep Join (Join)
Join a number of Breps together
Merge Faces (FMerge)
Merge all adjacent co-planar faces in a brep
Cap Holes (Cap)
Cap all planar holes in a Brep.
Cap Holes Ex (CapEx)
Cap as many holes as possible in a Brep.
Offset Surface (Offset)
Offset a surface by a fixed amount.
Offset Surface Loose (Offset (L))
Offset a surface by moving the control points.
Flip the normals of a surface based on local or remote geometry
Transpose Surface (Transpose)
Transpose surface parameterization (swap U and V)
Divide Surface (SDivide)
Generate a grid of {uv} points on a surface.
Surface Frames (SFrames)
Generate a grid of {uv} frames on a surface


Plane Through Shape (PxS)
Make a rectangular surface that is larger than a given shape.
Plane Surface (PlaneSrf)
Create a plane surface
Bounding Box (BBox)
Solve oriented geometry bounding boxes.
Center Box (Box)
Create a box centered on a plane.
Domain Box (Box)
Create a box defined by a base plane and size domains.
Box 2Pt (Box)
Create a box defined by two points.
Box Rectangle (BoxRec)
Create a box defined by a rectangle and a height.
Sphere (Sph)
Create a spherical surface.
Quad Sphere (QSph)
Create a spherical brep made from quad nurbs patches.
Sphere 4Pt (Sph4Pt)
Create a spherical surface from 4 points.
Create a conical surface
Cylinder (Cyl)
Create a cylindrical surface.
Sphere Fit (SFit)
Fit a sphere to a 3D collection of points


SubD from Mesh (SubDMesh)
Create a SubD from a control mesh
Mesh from SubD (MeshSubD)
Get the approximation mesh of a SubD.
SubD Control Polygon (SubDPoly)
Extract the control polygon from a SubD.
SubD Edges (SubDEdges)
Extract all edge data from a SubD.
SubD Vertices (SubDVerts)
Extract all vertex data from a SubD.
SubD Edge Tags (SubDTags)
Set the edge tags of a SubD shape.
SubD Vertex Tags (SubDVTags)
Set the vertex tags of a SubD shape.

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