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Components Acad
Components Revit
Revit Filter
Revit Parameters
Revit Structural Types


ADDON. Version 1.0. Released on 2018-Apr-28. Provides 46 components. Created by Grevit-dev. Features 9 video tutorials.
Grevit allows you to define BIM Elements in Grasshopper or SketchUp and translate them directly to Autodesk Revit or AutoCad Architecture. Grevit follows a one way process so your design model remains the geometrical source of truth: send geometry and attributes from Rhino/Grassopper or SketchUp to Autodesk Revit or ACA. Don't worry if your design changes, Grevit can even update existing geometries. Grevit supports a lot of BIM elements: like walls, beams, columns, simple components, adaptive components, even topography and many more.

Components Revit

Grevit Revit Adaptive Component (Revit Adaptive)
Grevit Revit Adaptive Component
Grevit Revit Column (Revit Column)
Grevit Revit Column
Grevit Revit Extrusion (Revit Extrusion)
Grevit Revit Extrusion
Grevit Revit FaceWall (Revit FaceWall)
Grevit Revit FaceWall
Grevit Revit Family instance (Revit Family)
Grevit Revit Family instance
Grevit Revit Grid (Revit Grid)
Grevit Revit Grid
Grevit Revit Hatch (Revit Hatch)
Grevit Revit Hatch
Grevit Revit Level (Revit Level)
Grevit Revit Level
Grevit Revit Curve (Revit Curve)
Grevit Revit Curve
Grevit Revit ReferencePlane (Revit RefPlane)
Grevit Revit ReferencePlane
Grevit Revit Roof (Revit Roof)
Grevit Revit Roof
Grevit Revit Room (Revit Room)
Grevit Revit Room
Grevit Revit SelectionSet (Revit SelectionSet)
Grevit Revit SelectionSet
Grevit SetCurtainPanel (Revit SetCurtainPanel)
Grevit SetCurtainPanel
Grevit Revit Shaft (Revit Shaft)
Grevit Revit Shaft
Grevit Revit Slab (Revit Slab)
Grevit Revit Slab
Grevit Revit Text Note (Revit Text)
Grevit Revit Text Note
Grevit Revit Topography (Revit Topography)
Grevit Revit Topography
Grevit Revit Wall (Revit Wall)
Grevit Revit Wall
Grevit Revit Profile based wall (Revit PbWall)
Grevit Revit Profile based wall

Components Acad

Grevit Autocad Column (Acad Column)
Grevit pointbased Autocad Column
Grevit Autocad Curve (Acad Curve)
Grevit Autocad Curve
Grevit Autocad Door (Acad Door)
Grevit Autocad Door
Grevit Autocad Point (Acad Point)
Grevit Autocad Point
Grevit Autocad Room (Acad Room)
Grevit Autocad Room
Grevit Autocad Slab (Acad Slab)
Grevit Autocad Slab
Grevit Autocad Wall (Acad Wall)
Grevit linebased Autocad Wall

Revit Structural Types

Grevit Revit Structural Beam (Revit StructBeam)
Grevit Revit Structural Beam
Grevit Revit Structural Brace (Revit StructBrace)
Grevit Revit Structural Brace
Grevit Revit Structural Column (Revit StructColumn)
Grevit Revit Structural Column
Grevit Revit Structural Footing (Revit StructFooting)
Grevit Revit Structural Footing
Grevit Revit Structural UnknownFraming (Revit StructUnknownFraming)
Grevit Revit Structural UnknownFraming


Grevit Bakery (Bakery)
Grevit Bakery
Grevit Config
Grevit Config no GIDs
Grevit ID (GID)
Grevit ID
Grevit Layer (Layer)
Grevit Layer
Grevit Send (Send)
Send Grevit data to target application

Revit Parameters

Grevit Revit ElementID (Revit ElementID)
Grevit Revit ElementID
Grevit Revit Parameter (Revit Parameter)
Grevit Revit Parameter
Grevit Revit Search ElementID (Revit Search ElementID)
Grevit Revit Search ElementID

Revit Filter

Grevit Revit Filter (Revit Filter)
Grevit Revit Filter
Grevit Revit Filter Rule (Revit Filter Rule)
Grevit Revit Filter Rule
Filter Rule Comparer
Grevit Filter Rule Comparer


Grevit Curve Loop (Curve Loop)
Grevit Curve Loop
Grevit RevitCategory (RevitCategory)
Grevit RevitCategory
Grevit RevitFamily (RevitFamily)
Grevit RevitFamily

Video Tutorials

Site design © Robin Rodricks.   Grevit and associated data © 2024 Grevit-dev.  
Rhinoceros and Grasshopper are registered trademarks of Robert McNeel & Associates.  Hosted by GitHub

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