Name | ID | Description | Type |
Plane | Pln | Base plane of cabochon | Plane |
Type | Type | Type of cabochon. Plug a ValueList component to AutoList function. 0 =; Round 1 =; Oval 2 =; Rounded square 3 =; Marquese | Integer |
Cut | Cut | Cut of cabochon. Plug a ValueList component to AutoList function. 0 =; Common 1 =; Double 2 =; Bevel 3 =; Open | Integer |
Lenght | L | Lenght on X axis of given plane | Number |
Width | W | Width on Y axis of given plane | Number |
Height | H | Height on Z axis of given plane | Number |
Custom shape | Crv | Optional closed planar curve to custom shape | Curve |
Name | ID | Description | Type |
Cabuchon | G | Resulting cabuchon | Brep |
Girdle curve | C | Girdle of cabuchon | Curve |
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