Surface | Srf | Surface to apply the texture | Surface |
Image | File | Location of image file | String |
Resolution | Res | Image resolution between 0 and 1 | Number |
Samples | UV | Number of UV samples (a value for U and one for V) | Integer |
Height | Hgt | Texture height (set a negative value for flip the texture) | Goo |
Blur | Blr | Blurring iterations | Integer |
Fixed | Fix | Texture fixed on the edges of the surface
Note * Must have sufficient resolution | Boolean |
Channel | Chn | Channel of values (Plug a ValueList component | AutoList function by Florian Frank,
0 = Colour
1 = Hue
2 = Saturation
3 = Brightness
4 = Alpha
5 = Red
6 = Green
7 = Blue | Goo |