Plane | Pln | Base plane of circle | Plane |
Regional system | Reg | Regional system to gauge rings. Plug a ValueList component to AutoList function.
0 =; ISO (International Organization for Standardization). mm of circunference.
1 =; European size.
2 =; British size.
3 =; American size.
4 =; Japanese size. | Integer |
Size | Size | Size of ring. Plug a ValueList component to AutoList function | Number |
Front Curve | Front | Closed planar curve to front of ring | Curve |
Lateral curve | Side | Open planar curve to lateral of ring | Curve |
Top width | TopW | Width at top | Number |
Bottom width | BotW | Width at bottom | Number |
Height hole | Hole | Adjust height of hole | Number |
Side Thickness | ThkS | Thickness on both sides | Number |
Up/Bottom Thickness | ThkUB | Thickness on up and bottom | Number |