Name | ID | Description | Type |
Curve | Rail | Rail curve | Curve |
Text | Text | The text to draw | String |
Font | Font | The font name to display | String |
Height | Hgt | Height in Rhino units | Number |
Separation | Sep | Adjust the separation between characters | Goo |
Angle | Ang | Rotation angle in radians | Number |
Bold | Bold | Bold font | Boolean |
Cursive | Cur | Cursive font | Boolean |
Fit | Fit | If true, text will fit the length of the curve. | Boolean |
Preserve structure | PS | If true, preserve structure of letters | Boolean |
Name | ID | Description | Type |
Text | T | Resulting text as surfaces | Surface |
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Peacock and associated data © 2024 Daniel Gonzalez Abalde.
Rhinoceros and Grasshopper are registered trademarks of Robert McNeel & Associates.
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