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Document Info
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Texture Mapping

Render Mesh to Screen

Displays a Mesh object in a fixed position on screen


MeshMMesh to display to screen. Make sure the mesh is positioned at (or near) the world origin.Mesh
LocationLThe location to display the mesh. If \"Scale With Viewport\" is unchecked, specify points in pixel coordinates - \n 100,100,0 will be 100 pixels right and down from the upper-left corner of the viewport.Point
Scale FactorSA multiplier on the scale. Use this to adjust the size of the mesh in the display.Number
ColorCThe color to display the mesh. This will not override per-vertex mesh colors.Colour
DepthDA value between 0-1 that controls the Z-depth of the mesh display. \nA high number will appear in front of most objects - low will go behind.\nHowever, values exactly equal to 0 or 1 should be avoided - stay slightly within the \nlimits to avoid artifactsNumber
FixedFIf true, objects remain fixed, oriented to the screen plane - if false, objects rotate when the viewport does.Boolean
Bitmap TextureTIf provided, a bitmap texture for the mesh. Use texture mapping components to align texture.Text

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