Name | ID | Description | Type |
Tag Text | T | The text to display in the tag | Text |
Tag Screen Location | SL | The location in screen (pixel) coordinates where the tag should be located | Point |
Tag World Location | WL | The location in world space that you want the tag to point to | Point |
Tag Justification | J | The alignment of the tag. This controls both the text alignment and the direction the tag line extends from.\nIf you choose left-aligned, the tag line will extend out to the right. | Integer |
Font Name | F | The name of the font to use | Text |
Font Size | FS | The size of the text font | Number |
Color | C | The color of the text and linework | Colour |
Tag Extension | TE | The extension length (in pixels) of the line leading off the tag. Set to 0 for a simple straight line. | Integer |
Line Weight | LW | The weight of the line | Integer |
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