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Code Generation
Controller Utility
Multi Move

Robot Components

ADDON. Version 2.2.2. Released on 20-Dec-2023. Provides 129 components. Created by Arjen Deetman, Gabriel Rumpf, Benedikt Wannemacher, Mohamed Dawod, Zuardin Akbar, Andrea Rossi. Features 0 video tutorials.
Robot Components is a plugin for intuitive robot programming for ABB robots inside of Rhinoceros Grasshopper. Robot Components offers a wide set of tools to create toolpaths, simulate robotic motion and generate RAPID code within Grasshopper. Main features include: 40+ predefined ABB robot models, Possibility to add your own robot models, Support for external axes (both linear and rotational), Possibility to define custom strategies for all external axis values, Support for work objects (including movable work objects), Efficient forward and inverse kinematics, Possibility to add your own custom code lines, Real-time connection with IRC5 controllers, Robot Components API to develop your custom components using either Python or C#.


Load Data (LoDa)
Defines load data.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
Robot Preset (RobPres)
Defines a robot which is needed for Code Generation and Simulation

Robot Components: v2.2.2
External Rotational Axis
Defines an External Rotational Axis.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
Work Object (WorkObj)
Defines a new work object.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
External Linear Axis
Defines an External Linear Axis for any Robot.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
Robot (Rob)
Defines a robot which is needed for Code Generation and Simulation

Robot Components: v2.2.2
Robot Tool (RobTool)
Generates a robot tool based on attachment and effector planes.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
ABB IRB1010-1.5/0.37 (IRB1010)
An ABB IRB1010-1.5/0.37 Robot preset component.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
ABB IRB1520ID-4/1.5 (IRB1520ID)
An ABB IRB1520ID-4/1.5 Robot preset component.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
ABB IRB1100-4/0.475 (IRB1100)
An ABB IRB1100-4/0.475 Robot preset component.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
ABB IRB1100-4/0.58 (IRB1100)
An ABB IRB1100-4/0.58 Robot preset component.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
ABB IRB1300-11/0.9 (IRB1300)
An ABB IRB 1300-11/0.9 Robot preset component.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
ABB IRB1300-10/1.15 (IRB1300)
An ABB IRB 1300-10/1.15 Robot preset component.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
ABB IRB1300-7/1.4 (IRB1300)
An ABB IRB 1300-7/1.4 Robot preset component.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
ABB IRB6640-185/2.8 (IRB6640)
An ABB IRB6640-185/2.8 Robot preset component.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
ABB IRB6650S-200/3.0 (IRB6650S)
An ABB IRB6650S-200/3.0 Robot preset component.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
ABB IRB6650S-125/3.5 (IRB6650S)
An ABB IRB6650S-125/3.5 Robot preset component.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
ABB IRB6700-300/2.7 (IRB6700)
An ABB IRB6700-300/2.7 Robot preset component.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
ABB IRB6700-245/3.0 (IRB6700)
An ABB IRB6700-245/3.0 Robot preset component.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
ABB IRB6700-205/2.8 (IRB6700)
An ABB IRB6700-205/2.8 Robot preset component.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
ABB IRB6700-200/2.6 (IRB6700)
An ABB IRB6700-200/2.6 Robot preset component.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
ABB IRB6700-175/3.05 (IRB6700)
An ABB IRB6700-175/3.05 Robot preset component.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
ABB IRB6700-155/2.85 (IRB6700)
An ABB IRB6700-155/2.85 Robot preset component.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
ABB IRB6700-150/3.2 (IRB6700)
An ABB IRB6700-150/3.2 Robot preset component.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
ABB IRB6790-205/2.8 (IRB6790)
An ABB IRB6790-205/2.8 Robot preset component.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
ABB IRB6700-235/2.65 (IRB6700)
An ABB IRB6700-235/2.65 Robot preset component.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
ABB IRB7600-150/3.5 (IRB7600)
An ABB IRB7600-150/3.5 Robot preset component.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
ABB IRB7600-340/2.8 (IRB7600)
An ABB IRB7600-340/2.8 Robot preset component.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
ABB IRB6790-235/2.65 (IRB6790)
An ABB IRB6790-235/2.65 Robot preset component.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
ABB IRB7600-500/2.55 (IRB7600)
An ABB IRB7600-500/2.55 Robot preset component.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
ABB IRB7600-400/2.55 (IRB7600)
An ABB IRB7600-400/2.55 Robot preset component.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
ABB IRB7600-325/3.1 (IRB7600)
An ABB IRB7600-325/3.1 Robot preset component.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
ABB IRB6650S-90/3.9 (IRB6650S)
An ABB IRB6650S-90/3.9 Robot preset component.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
ABB IRB6640-235/2.55 (IRB6640)
An ABB IRB6640-235/2.55 Robot preset component.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
ABB IRB6620-150/2.20 (IRB6620)
An ABB IRB6620-150/2.20 Robot preset component.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
ABB IRB6650-200/2.75 (IRB6650)
An ABB IRB6650-200/2.75 Robot preset component.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
ABB IRB1200-5/0.9 (IRB1200)
An ABB IRB 1200-5/0.9 Robot preset component.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
ABB IRB1200-7/0.7 (IRB1200)
An ABB IRB 1200-7/0.7 Robot preset component.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
ABB IRB120-3/0.58 (IRB120)
An ABB IRB120-3/0.58 Robot preset component.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
ABB IRB140-6/0.81 (IRB140)
An ABB IRB140-6/0.81 Robot preset component.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
ABB IRB1600-X/1.2 (IRB1600)
An ABB IRB1600-X/1.2 Robot preset component.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
ABB IRB1600-X/1.45 (IRB1600)
An ABB IRB1600-X/1.45 Robot preset component.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
ABB IRB1660ID-X/1.55 (IRB1660ID)
An ABB IRB1660ID-x/1.55 Robot preset component.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
ABB IRB2600ID-15/1.85 (IRB2600)
An ABB IRB2600ID-15/1.85 Robot preset component.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
ABB IRB2600ID-8/2.0 (IRB2600)
An ABB IRB2600ID-8/2.0 Robot preset component.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
ABB IRB2600-12/1.85 (IRB2600)
An ABB IRB2600-12/1.85 Robot preset component.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
ABB IRB2600-X/1.65 (IRB2600)
An ABB IRB2600-X/1.65 Robot preset component.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
ABB IRB4600-20/2.5 (IRB4600)
An ABB IRB4600-20/2.5 Robot preset component.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
ABB IRB4600-40/2.55 (IRB4600)
An ABB IRB4600-40/2.55 Robot preset component.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
ABB IRB4600-X/2.05 (IRB4600)
An ABB IRB4600-X/2.05 Robot preset component.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
ABB IRB6650-125/3.2 (IRB6650)
An ABB IRB6650-125/3.2 Robot preset component.

Robot Components: v2.2.2

Code Generation

External Joint Position (EJ)
Defines an External Joint Position for a Robot Target or Joint Target declaration.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
Joint Target (JT)
Defines a Joint Target for a Move instruction.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
Configuration Data (CD)
Defines a configuration data declaration for robot targets.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
Pulse Digital Output (PDO)
Defines an instruction to pulse a digital ouput signal.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
Circle Path Mode (CPM)
Defines the Circle Path Mode for all following MoveC instructions.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
Robot Joint Position (RJ)
Defines a Robot Joint Position for a Joint Target declaration.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
Robot Target (RT)
Defines a Robot Target declaration for an Instruction : Movement or Inverse Kinematics component.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
Speed Data (SD)
Defines a speed data declaration for Move components.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
Zone Data (ZD)
Defines a zone data declaration for robot movements in RAPID program code generation.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
Wait for Analog Input (WAI)
Defines an instruction to wait for the signal of a Analog Input from the ABB robot controller.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
Linear Configuration Control (LCC)
Defines an instruction to activate or deactivate linear configuration control for all following MoveL instructions.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
Joint Configuration Control (JCC)
Defines an instruction to activate or deactivate joint configuration control for all following MoveJ instructions.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
Code (C)
Defines manually an instruction or declaration.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
Comment (C)
Defines a single comment line.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
Move (M)
Defines a joint, linear or circular movement instruction.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
Override Robot Tool (Overrides the current Robot Tool)
Defines an instruction to change the current robot tool of the ABB robot.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
RAPID Generator (RG)
Generates the RAPID module for the ABB robot controller.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
Wait Time (WT)
Defines an instruction to wait a given amount of time between two other RAPID instructions.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
Wait for Digital Input (WDI)
Defines an instruction to wait for the signal of a Digital Input from the ABB robot controller.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
Circle Path Modes (CPM)
Defines a value list with circle path modes

Robot Components: v2.2.2
Inequality Symbols (IS)
Defines a value list with inequality symbols.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
Code Types (CT)
Defines a value list with code types

Robot Components: v2.2.2
Movement Types (MT)
Defines a value list with movement types

Robot Components: v2.2.2
Predefined Zone Data (PZD)
Defines a value list with predefined zone data

Robot Components: v2.2.2
Predefined Speed Data (PSD)
Defines a value list with predefined speed data

Robot Components: v2.2.2

Controller Utility

Get Joint Targets (GetJT)
Gets the current joint targets from an ABB controller.

This component uses the ABB PC SDK.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
Get Robot Targets (GetRT)
Gets the current robot targets from an ABB controller.

This component uses the ABB PC SDK.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
Read Rapid Domain (ReadRapid)
Connects to a real or virtual ABB controller and extracts data from the rapid domain.

This component uses the ABB PC SDK.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
Get Analog Input (GetAI)
Gets the signal of a defined analog input from an ABB controller.

This component uses the ABB PC SDK.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
Get Analog Output (GetAO)
Gets the signal of a defined analog output from an ABB controller.

This component uses the ABB PC SDK.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
Get Controller (GetCont)
Connects to a real or virtual ABB controller.

This component uses the ABB PC SDK.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
Get Digital Input (GetDI)
Gets the signal of a defined digital input from an ABB controller.

This component uses the ABB PC SDK.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
Get Digital Output (GetDO)
Gets the signal of a defined digital output from an ABB controller.

This component uses the ABB PC SDK.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
Get External Joint Positions (GetEJ)
Gets the current external joint position from an ABB controller.

This component uses the ABB PC SDK.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
Get Log (GL)
Connects to a real or virtual ABB controller and extracts the log messages from it.

This component uses the ABB PC SDK.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
Get Task Names (GTN)
Gets the task names from an ABB robot controller.

This component uses the ABB PC SDK.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
Get Robot Base Frames (GetBF)
Gets the robot base frame from an ABB controller.

This component uses the ABB PC SDK.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
Get Robot Joint Positions (GetJP)
Gets the current robot joint position from an ABB controller.

This component uses the ABB PC SDK.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
Get External Axis Planes (GetEAP)
Gets the current external planes from an ABB controller.

This component uses the ABB PC SDK.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
Get Robot Tool Planes (GetEP)
Gets the current robot tool planes from an ABB controller.

This component uses the ABB PC SDK.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
Read Configuration Domain (ReadConf)
Connects to a real or virtual ABB controller and extracts data from the configuration domain.

This component uses the ABB PC SDK.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
Run Program (RP)
Starts and stops RAPID programs directly on a real or virtual ABB controller.

This component uses the ABB PC SDK.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
Set Analog Input (SetAI)
Changes the state of a defined analog input from an ABB controller in realtime.

This component uses the ABB PC SDK.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
Set Analog Output (SetAO)
Changes the state of a defined analog output from an ABB controller in realtime.

This component uses the ABB PC SDK.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
Set Digital Input (SetDI)
Changes the state of a defined digital input from an ABB controller in realtime.

This component uses the ABB PC SDK.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
Set Digital Output (SetDO)
Changes the state of a defined digital output from an ABB controller in realtime.

This component uses the ABB PC SDK.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
Upload Program (UP)
Uploads RAPID modules directly to a real or virtual ABB controller.

This component uses the ABB PC SDK.

Robot Components: v2.2.2


Deconstruct Load Data (DeLoDa)
Deconstructs a Load Data component into its parameters.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
Deconstruct External Rotational Axis (DeConERA)
Deconstructs an External Rotational Axis component into its parameters.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
Deconstruct Work Object (DeConWobj)
Deconstructs a Work Object into its parameters.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
Deconstruct External Linear Axis (DeConELA)
Deconstructs an External Linear Axis component into its parameters.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
Deconstruct Robot (DeRob)
Deconstructs a Robot component into its parameters

Robot Components: v2.2.2
Deconstruct Robot Tool (DeRobTool)
Deconstructs a Robot Tool component into its parameters.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
Deconstruct Configuration Data (DeConConf)
Deconstructs a Configuration Data component into its parameters.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
Deconstruct External Joint Position (DeConExtJoint)
Deconstructs an External Joint Position Component into its parameters.

Robot Components : v2.2.2
Deconstruct Joint Target (DeConJointTar)
Deconstructs a Joint Target Component into its parameters.

Robot Components : v2.2.2
Deconstruct Robot Joint Position (DeConRobJoint)
Deconstructs a Robot Joint Position Component into its parameters.

Robot Components : v2.2.2
Deconstruct Robot Target (DeConRobTar)
Deconstructs a Robot Target into its parameters.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
Deconstruct Zone Data (DeConZone)
Deconstructs a Zone Data component into its parameters.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
Deconstruct Move (DeConMove)
Deconstructs a Move component into its parameters.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
Deconstruct Speed Data (DeConSpeed)
Deconstructs a Speed Data component into its parameters.

Robot Components: v2.2.2


Ungroup Actions (Ungroup)
Ungroup a set of Actions.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
Group Actions (Group)
Groups a set of Actions.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
Robot Tool Calibration (ToolCal)
EXPERIMENTAL: Calculates the robot tool TCP from given joint positions.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
Get Object Manager
Gets the Robot Components object manager of this Grasshopper document.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
Quaternion to Plane (QtoP)
Converts quaternion values to a plane
Flip Plane X
Flips the plane to the oposite direction by setting it's x-axis negative.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
Flip Plane Y
Flips the plane to the oposite direction by setting it's y-axis negative.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
Info (I)
Gives info about the plugin.
Plane to Quaternion (PtoQ)
Converts a plane to quaternion values
Plane Visualizer (PV)
Visualizes the orientation vectors of a plane.

Robot Components: v2.2.2

Multi Move

Sync Move Off (SMOFF)
Defines a Sync Move Off synchronization point for Multi Move programming.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
Sync Move On (SMON)
Defines a Sync Move On synchronization point for Multi Move programming.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
Wait Sync Task (WST)
Defines a Wait Sync Task synchronization point for Multi Move programming.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
Task List (TL)
Defines a collection of RAPID program tasks for a Task List declaration for Multi Move programming.

Robot Components: v2.2.2


Forward Kinematics (FK)
Computes the position of the end-effector of a defined ABB robot based on a set of given axis values.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
Path Generator (PG)
Generates and displays an approximation of the movement path for a defined ABB robot based on a list of Actions.

Robot Components: v2.2.2
Inverse Kinematics (IK)
Computes the axis values for a defined ABB robot based on an Action: Movement.

Robot Components: v2.2.2

Site design © Robin Rodricks.   Robot Components and associated data © 2024 Arjen Deetman, Gabriel Rumpf, Benedikt Wannemacher, Mohamed Dawod, Zuardin Akbar, Andrea Rossi.  
Rhinoceros and Grasshopper are registered trademarks of Robert McNeel & Associates.  Hosted by GitHub

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