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Grasshopper Rhino

SYSTEM COMPONENTS. Version 1.0.0007. Released on 2022-Mar-08. Provides 83 components. Created by David Rutten. Features 0 video tutorials.


Query Directory (Directory)
Query on the file system under the specified directory path.
Filter Content (Filter)
Separate content by filter condition
Logical And Filter (And)
Combine two filters together using a logical AND operator
Contains Text Filter (Contains)
Create a filter that determines if a piece of text occurs within another text
Equality Filter (Equals)
Create a filter that determines if a value is equal to another
Intersection Filter (Intersection)
Combine multiple filters together into an intersection which returns true only if all input filters evaluate to true.
Greater Than Filter (Greater)
Create a filter that determines if a value is greater than another
Logical Not Filter (Not)
Create a filter as the logical NOT of another.
Logical Or Filter (Or)
Combine two filters together using a logical OR operator.
Less Than Filter (Less)
Create a filter that determines if a value is less than another
Match Text Filter (Match)
Create a filter that determines if a text value matches a pattern.
Union Filter (Union)
Combine multiple filters together into a union which returns true if at least one input filter evaluates to true.
Group Content (Group)
Group content by key
Order Content (Order)
Order content by key
Content Cache (Cache)
Push or Pull content to and from a Rhino model
Text Field Expression (Field Expression)
Build a field expression which can be used as a text field on annotations or as a user text value.
Evaluate Text Fields (Evaluate)
Evaluates fields expressions of a text.
User Text (U-Text)
Modify the key/value pair text collection of a model element.
Import Content (Import)
Import a model from file
Content Details (Details)
Retrieve some details about Rhino content elements.
Content Information (Information)
Get or set some information about Rhino content elements.
Unit System (U-System)
Unit System
Convert Units (C-Units)
Performs a unit conversion on input Data


Query Annotation Styles (Styles)
Query a Rhino document for all available annotation styles
Query Installed Fonts (Fonts)
Query for all available fonts
Angle Dimension (Lines) (Angle Dimension)
Angle Dimension From Lines
Angle Dimension (Points) (Angle Dimension From Points)
Angle Dimension
Angle Dimension (Arc) (Arc Dimension)
Angle Dimension From Arcs
Annotation Style Overrides (A-Style)
Get-Set annotation style and overriden attributes
Annotation Text Overrides (A-Text)
Manage annotation text attributes
Annotation Arrow Settings (AS-Arrows)
Annotation Style Arrow Settings
Annotation Dimension Settings (AS-Dimension)
Annotation Style Dimension Settings
Annotation Leader Settings (AS-Leaders)
Annotation Style Leader Settings
Annotation Text Settings (AS-Text)
Annotation Style Text Settings
Annotation Tolerance Settings (AS-Tolerance)
Annotation Style Tolerance Settings
Annotation Units Settings (AS-Units)
Annotation Style Units Settings
Linear Dimension
Linear Dimension
Aligned Dimension
Aligned Dimension
Annotation Style
Annotation Style
Model Font (Font)
Typography Font
Ordinate Dimension
Ordinate Dimension
Radial Dimension
Radial Dimension
Text Dot
Text Dot
Text Entity
Text Entity


Query Model Objects (Objects)
Query a Rhino document for all available rhino objects
Display Attributes (Display)
Object display attributes
Display Colour
Object display colour attributes
Drafting Attributes (Drafting)
Object drafting attributes
Print Colour
Object print colour attributes
Print Width
Object print width attributes
Object Linetype
Object linetype attributes
Render Attributes (Render)
Object render attributes
Render Material (Object Material)
Object render material attributes
Visibility Attributes (Visibility)
Object visibility attributes
Explode Object (Explode)
Explode Object
Model Object (Object)
Model Object


Query Model Linetypes (Linetypes)
Query a Rhino document for all available linetypes
Query Model Hatch Patterns (Hatches)
Query a Rhino document for all available hatch patterns
Model Space Scale (Ms-Scale)
Get or set the model space scale factor for linetypes and/or hatch patterns.
Model Hatch (Hatch)
Model Hatch
Import Hatch Pattern (Hatch)
Import Hatch Pattern
Hatch Line
Hatch Line
Model Hatch Pattern (Hatch Pattern)
Model Hatch Pattern
Model Linetype (Linetype)
Model Linetype
Colour Gradient
Colour Gradient
Gradient Colour Stop (Colour Stop)
Gradient Colour Stop


Query Model Block Definitions (Block Definition)
Query a Rhino document for all available block definitions
Query Model Layers (Layers)
Query a Rhino document for all available layers
Model Block Instance (Block Instance)
Block Instance
Model Layer (Layer)
Model Layer
Hide Model Layer (L-Hide)
Controls layer visibility on model viewports and new details.
Model Block Definition (Block Definition)
Block Definition
Import Model Block Definition (Import Definition)
Import a file and create a new block definition.
Export Model Block Definition (Export Definition)
Export a block definition as a Rhino (*.3dm) file.


Model Viewport
Model Viewport
Model View (View)
Model View
Zoom Extents (Zoom Ext)
Zoom view to show all objects
Query Viewports (Viewports)
Query a Rhino document for all available viewports
Query Pages (Pages)
Query a Rhino document for all available page layouts


Query Model Materials (Materials)
Query a Rhino document for all available render materials
Model Material (Material)
Model Material

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