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Annotation Text Settings

Annotation Style Text Settings


Text SettingsTsText SettingsText Settings
FontFTypography fontFont
Text HeightThText HeightNumber
Text GapGText GapNumber
Mask FrameMfMask frame: 0) None 1) Rectangular 2) Capsule Integer
Mask ColourMcMask Colour. If left empty, the background colour will be used.Colour
Mask MarginsMmMask MarginsNumber
View OrientedVoText orientated to viewBoolean
Horizontal AlignmentHaHorizontal text alignment: 0) Left - Attach at left of text lines (Independent of glyphs being displayed) 1) Center - Attach point at center of text horizontal advance (not glyph bounding box) 2) Right - Attach point at right text horizontal advance (not glyph bounding box) 3) Auto - Used for Leaders only. Attach point adjusts to Right or Left depending on leader tail direction in view If tail direction is to the Left, alignment is Right. If tail direction is to the Right, alignment is Left.Integer
Vertical AlignmentVaVertical text alignment: 0) Top - Attach to top of an "I" on the first line. (Independent of glyphs being displayed) 3) Middle - Attach to middle of text vertical advance. (Independent of glyphs being displayed) 5) Bottom - Attach to the basline of the last line. (Independent of glyphs being displayed.) Integer
Fit TextFtFit text: 0) Auto - Display inside when space permits 1) Text Inside - Force text inside extensions 2) Text Right - Force text outside to the right of extensions 3) Text Left - Force text outside to the left of extensions 4) Text Hint Right - Move text outside to the right of extensions when it won't fit inside 5) Text Hint Left - Move text outside to the left of extensions when it won't fit inside Integer


Text SettingsTsText SettingsText Settings
FontFTypography fontFont
Text HeightThText HeightNumber
Text GapGText GapNumber
Mask FrameMfMask frame: 0) None 1) Rectangular 2) Capsule Integer
Mask ColourMcMask Colour. If left empty, the background colour will be used.Colour
Mask MarginsMmMask MarginsNumber
View OrientedVoText orientated to viewBoolean
Horizontal AlignmentHaHorizontal text alignment: 0) Left - Attach at left of text lines (Independent of glyphs being displayed) 1) Center - Attach point at center of text horizontal advance (not glyph bounding box) 2) Right - Attach point at right text horizontal advance (not glyph bounding box) 3) Auto - Used for Leaders only. Attach point adjusts to Right or Left depending on leader tail direction in view If tail direction is to the Left, alignment is Right. If tail direction is to the Right, alignment is Left.Integer
Vertical AlignmentVaVertical text alignment: 0) Top - Attach to top of an "I" on the first line. (Independent of glyphs being displayed) 3) Middle - Attach to middle of text vertical advance. (Independent of glyphs being displayed) 5) Bottom - Attach to the basline of the last line. (Independent of glyphs being displayed.) Integer
Fit TextFtFit text: 0) Auto - Display inside when space permits 1) Text Inside - Force text inside extensions 2) Text Right - Force text outside to the right of extensions 3) Text Left - Force text outside to the left of extensions 4) Text Hint Right - Move text outside to the right of extensions when it won't fit inside 5) Text Hint Left - Move text outside to the left of extensions when it won't fit inside Integer

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