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Annotation Units Settings

Annotation Style Units Settings


Units SettingsUUnits SettingsUnits Settings
Length Units FormatLuLength units format: 0) Decimal model units 1) Fractional inches 2) Fractional feet and inches 3) Decimal millimeters 4) Decimal centimeters 5) Decimal meters 6) Decimal kilometers 7) Decimal inches 8) Decimal feet 9) Decimal milesInteger
Length FactorLfLength factorNumber
Linear ResolutionLrLinear resolutionInteger
Zero SuppressionZsAngle zero suppression: 0) No zero suppression 1) Suppress leading zeros 2) Suppress trailing zeros 3) Suppress leading and trailing zeros 4) Suppress zero feet 8) Suppress zero inches. 12) Suppress zero feet and zero inchesInteger
Fraction FormatFfFraction format: 0) No stacking 1) Stack with horizontal line 2) Stack with angled lineInteger
Fraction Height ScaleFsFraction height scale (percentage)Number
Angular Units FormatAuAngular units format: 0) Decimal degrees 1) Degrees minutes seconds 2) Decimal radians 3) Decimal gradiansInteger
Angle ResolutionArAngle resolutionInteger
Angle RoundoffAoRoundoffNumber
Angle Zero SuppressionAzAngle zero suppression: 0) No zero suppression 1) Suppress leading zeros 2) Suppress trailing zeros 3) Suppress leading and trailing zeros 4) Suppress zero feet 8) Suppress zero inches. 12) Suppress zero feet and zero inchesInteger


Units SettingsUUnits SettingsUnits Settings
Length Units FormatLuLength units format: 0) Decimal model units 1) Fractional inches 2) Fractional feet and inches 3) Decimal millimeters 4) Decimal centimeters 5) Decimal meters 6) Decimal kilometers 7) Decimal inches 8) Decimal feet 9) Decimal milesInteger
Length FactorLfLength factorNumber
Linear ResolutionLrLinear resolutionInteger
Zero SuppressionZsAngle zero suppression: 0) No zero suppression 1) Suppress leading zeros 2) Suppress trailing zeros 3) Suppress leading and trailing zeros 4) Suppress zero feet 8) Suppress zero inches. 12) Suppress zero feet and zero inchesInteger
Fraction FormatFfFraction format: 0) No stacking 1) Stack with horizontal line 2) Stack with angled lineInteger
Fraction Height ScaleFsFraction height scale (percentage)Number
Angular Units FormatAuAngular units format: 0) Decimal degrees 1) Degrees minutes seconds 2) Decimal radians 3) Decimal gradiansInteger
Angle ResolutionArAngle resolutionInteger
Angle RoundoffAoRoundoffNumber
Angle Zero SuppressionAzAngle zero suppression: 0) No zero suppression 1) Suppress leading zeros 2) Suppress trailing zeros 3) Suppress leading and trailing zeros 4) Suppress zero feet 8) Suppress zero inches. 12) Suppress zero feet and zero inchesInteger

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