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Model Linetype

Model Linetype


Model LinetypeLThe Rhino model linetypeModel Linetype
NameNThe name of the linetypeText
SegmentsSA list of segment lengths in millimeters. Positive values are interpretted as a line. Negative values are interpretted as a gap. If left empty or undefined, the linetype will be continuous.Number
Cap StyleCsCap Style: 0) Round 1) Flat 2) SquareInteger
Join StyleJsJoin Style: 0) Round 1) Miter 2) BevelInteger
WidthWThe linetype width when no taper points are definedNumber
Width UnitsWuThe line width values will use these units to determine the size of the line on the screen.Unit System


Model LinetypeLThe Rhino model linetypeModel Linetype
NameNThe name of the linetypeText
SegmentsSA list of segment lengths in millimeters. Positive values are interpretted as a line. Negative values are interpretted as a gap. If the parameter is empty or undefined, the line will be continuous.Number
Cap StyleCsCap Style: 0) Round 1) Flat 2) SquareInteger
Join StyleJsJoin Style: 0) Round 1) Miter 2) BevelInteger
WidthWThe linetype width when no taper points are definedNumber
Width UnitsWuThe line width values will use these units to determine the size of the line on the screen.Unit System

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