Name | ID | Description | Type |
Graph Curve | C | External curve as a graph | Curve |
Boundary (Optional) | R | Optional Rectangle boundary | Rectangle |
Numbers | x | List of input numbers | Number |
Input Domain (Optional) | In | Optional Input Domain if omitted, it will be set to 0-1 in "Normalize" mode by default or interval of the input list in" AutoDomain" mode | Interval |
Output Domain (Optional) | Out | Optional Output Domain if omitted, it will be set to 0-1 in "Normalize" mode by default or interval of the input list in " AutoDomain" mode | Interval |
Name | ID | Description | Type |
Number | N | Output Numbers | Number |
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Heteroptera and associated data © 2023 Amin Bahrami (Helioripple Studio).
Rhinoceros and Grasshopper are registered trademarks of Robert McNeel & Associates.
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