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Agent Rules
Particle Rules
Vehicle Rules

Surface Flow Force

Applies a force to simulate water flowing over the surface.


Apply?BIf false, the Force will not be applied to the Quelea. This is useful for having Behaviors override Forces. Can also be used for only applying the force if the Quelea is within a certain area.Boolean
Weight MultiplierWThe factor by which the force will be multiplied by.Number
Particle QueleaPQA particle is a point that can be affected by forces that do not require a perception of its surroundings or used to supply settings for an agent.Goo
EnvironmentEnThe Surface or Polysurface Environment to flow over.Goo
Step distanceDThe distance the particle will move each timestep. Smaller distances will lead to more accurate results.Number
Rotation AngleAThe angle that the surface tangent vector will be multiplied by PI and rotated by. A 0 angle will cause the particle to flow across the surface whereas a 0.5 angle will cause the particle to flow down the surface.Number


ForceFThe resulting force vector for debugging purposes.Goo
Desired VelocityDThe calcuted desired velocity of this rule before it is applied to the quelea. Supplied for debugging and visualization purposes.Goo

Video Tutorials

Quelea: Agent-Based Design Plugin For Quelea: Introduction Tutorial - Simple Particle Scene Quelea - Polymorphic Types (particles/agents) Quelea - Flocking Agents Tutorial Quelea - Generating Support Structure From Rainflow Analysis Quelea - Braitenberg Vehicle Tutorial Quelea - Braitenberg Vehicles On Solar Radiance Analysis Quelea - Sharks And Minnows Demo Quelea - Interactive Design With Surface Flow On Roof Demo Quelea - Flow Down Surface Analysis Demo Quelea - Flow Down Surface Force Quelea - Wander Force Quelea - Polysurface Environments Quelea - Dynamic Spatial Data Strucutre Demo Quelea - Obstacle Avoidance Agent Based Design In Rhino  - Jewelry - Heart Necklace Agent Based Design In Rhino  - Digital Fabrication - Cabinet Door Patterning
Quelea: Agent-Based Design Plugin For

Site design © Robin Rodricks.   Site co-created by Andrew Heumann.   Quelea and associated data © 2024 Alex Fischer.  
Rhinoceros and Grasshopper are registered trademarks of Robert McNeel & Associates.  Hosted by GitHub

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