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Section Cuts


ADDON. Version . Released on 01-Jan-0001. Provides 172 components. Created by protoGen Software. Features 0 video tutorials.
Fenix is a full-featured elastic finite element analysis and structural design plug-in for Grasshopper. It is both fast and powerful. Use it for anything from a single beam to a high-rise building, and everything in between! It is capable of handling large building models that mesh into tens or hundreds-of-thousands of elements. Fenix includes a multitude of element types, including frames, links, springs, shells, and solids. Multiple formulations are available for many elements, allowing more control over accuracy and speed.


Assign Rigid End Zone (AsnREZ)
Assigns the rigid end zone for the design frame element.
Frame Max DCR (FrameDCR)
Returns the maximum DCR for the frame element.
Deconstruct Cross Section (DecXS)
Deconstructs a design cross section, giving access to properties
All Design Frames (AllDFEs)
Gets all of the design frame elements defined in the model.
Deconstruct Design Frame (DeconDFE)
Deconstructs a design frame element, giving access to properties
Deconstruct End Release (DeconER)
Deconstructs a frame element end release.
Deconstruct Force Ordinate (DecFO)
Deconstructs a frame element internal force ordinate
Deconstruct Frame Displacement Diagram (DeconFD)
Deconstructs the displacement diagram into points and displacement vectors. Points and displacements are returned in the results display unit system.
Deconstruct Frame Modifiers (DeconFrameKMod)
Deconstructs a FrameStiffnessModifiers object.
Deconstruct Rigid End Zone (DeconREZ)
Deconstructs a frame element rigid end zone.
Assign Frame Axes (SetAxes)
Overrides the local axes of the frame element by orienting either the local 2 or local 3 axis along a specified vector. Works by computing and assigning the approrpiate cross section rotation.
Frame Force at Loc (FFaRL)
Returns a frame internal force ordinate at the specified relative location (from 0 to 1) along the frame.
Frame Force at Point (FFaP)
Returns a frame internal force ordinate at the specified point. If multiple frames are found, returns a list of force ordinates (one for each frame).
Add XS Boundary (ASB)
Adds a list of custom cross section boundaries to the global model parameters static list. This allows the boundaries to be accessed in Model Definitions. IMPORTANT
Create XS Boundary (XSB)
Creates a custom cross section boundary from a polygon or planar surface.
Select Steel Section from Catalog (SelectSteelSection)
Selects a Steel Section from the Catalog
Create Offset Frame Element (DOFE)
Creates an offset design frame element
XS from Name (XSN)
Retrieves a cross section from a string name value, if it is defined in the model definitions.
Create Frame Bracing (FrBr)
Creates a frame bracing options object that can be assigned to a frame element.
Assign End Release (AsnFrmRel)
Overrides the end releases for the frame element.
Assign Frame Load (AssFrmLoad)
Assigns a frame load to the frame element.
Assign Frame Section (AssFrmXS)
Overrides the cross-section for the frame element.
Assign RBS (AsnRBS)
Overrides the reduced beam section (RBS) for the frame element. The frame elemen must be a wide-flange steel frame element. Otherwise, this component will do nothing.
Assign Frame Rotation (AsnFrmRot)
Overrides the cross-section rotation for the frame element.
Frame Force Diagram (FFD)
Outputs a list of frame internal force ordinates for the given design frame and load combination.
Frame Displacement Diagram (FD)
Retrieves the global displacement diagram for the specified design frame element at the specified load combination.
Frame from GUID (FfGuid)
Retrieves a design frame element from the specified GUID, if it exists.
Global to Local Disp Diagram (GlobToLocDispDiag)
Given a global frame displacement diagram and local axes, computes the local frame displacement diagram.
Local Frame Displacement Diagram (LocFrameDisp)
Retrieves the local displacement diagram for the specified design frame element at the specified load combination.
Max Abs Frame Force (MaxAbsFFF)
Retrieves the maximum absolute internal frame forces for the specified design frame element and load combination.
Min/Max Frame Force (MinMaxFF)
Retrieves the minimum or maximum (NOT absolute) internal frame forces for the specified design frame element and load combination.
Create Design Frame Element (CreateDFE)
Creates a Design Frame Element
All Analytical Frames (AnlysFrames)
Retrieves all analytical frame elements from the analysis model. These are not design frames, but instead the internal discretized analysis elements.


Analysis Springs (Springs)
Retrieves all analytical one-node spring elements from the analysis model.
Create Area Spring Properties (ArSprProp)
Create area spring properties to assign to a design area spring.
Create Area Spring (ArSpr)
Creates an area spring that applies a unique spring stiffness to the nodes of any shell elements that fall on the area spring polygon. This is a delayed restraint (or support).
Create Area Support (CreateAS)
Creates an area support that applies the given fixities to nodes that fall on the planar area provided. This is a delayed restraint (or support).
Deconstruct Analysis Spring (DecAnalysSpr)
Deconstructs an analysis spring.
Spring Reaction (SprReac)
Returns the reaction (if any) from the input analysis spring.
All Nodes (AllNodes)
Returns all nodes (as AnalysisNodes) from the analysis model. These include mid-side nodes.
Deconstruct Reaction (DecNR)
Deconstructs a nodal reaction providing broken-out forces and moments.
Connected Elements (ConnElem)
Returns all design elements connected to this node. Only available once the model has been meshed.
Connected Frames (ConnFram)
Returns all design frame elements connected to this node. Only available once the model has been meshed.
Node Reaction (NR)
Returns the reaction (if any) from the input analysis node.
Delayed Support Nodes (DSN)
Gets all of the analysis nodes (vertex + internal) along the input line or area support.
Point Reaction (PtReac)
Retrieves the reaction for the given design point element and load combination.
Deconstruct Analysis Node (DeconAN)
Deconstructs an analysis node and generates a Rhino point in model coordinates.
Deconstruct Design Point Element (DeconDPE)
Deconstructs a design point element, giving access to properties
Deconstruct Drift Stack (DeconDS)
Deconstructs a drift stack into a list of points and a list of drift vectors.
Deconstruct Nodal Displacement (DecND)
Deconstructs a nodal displacement objects into the three translations and three rotations.
Maximum Displacement (MaxDisp)
Retrieves the maximum displacement (NOT absolute) from the model at the specified load combination.
Maximum Drift (MaxDrift)
Retrieves the maximum absolute drift from the model at the specified load combination.
Minimum Displacement (MinDisp)
Retrieves the minimum displacement from the model at the specified load combination.
Retrieve Nodal Displacement (GetND)
Retrieves the nodal displacement for an analysis node at the specified load combination.
Create Spring Properties (CreateSP)
Create spring properties to assign to a design point.
Assign to Drift Group (AssignDG)
Assigns a point to a drift group.
Create Drift Group (CreateDG)
Create a drift group for calculating drifts between points.
Create Line Support (CreateLS)
Creates a line support that applies the given fixities to nodes along the define line. This is a delayed restraint (or support).
Create Design Point Element (CreateDPE)
Creates a Design Point Element
All Vertices (Verts)
Returns all vertices (as AnalysisNodes) from the analysis model. These are only physical nodes used to model the elements, and do not include mid-side nodes.
Element Vertices (ElemVerts)
Returns a list of AnalysisNode that define the vertices of the analytical element.
Retrieve Drift Stack (GetDS)
Retrieve a drift stack for a particular load combination from its load group.


Surface Holes (SrfHole)
Returns a list of internal boundaries that constitute holes in a surface.
Surface Outer Edge (OuterEdge)
Returns the outer boundary of a surface. Does not return internal boundaries (i.e. holes).
Create Design Area Element from Mesh (DAEFM)
Creates a design area element from the specified Rhino or Grasshopper mesh. Note that this element will NOT automesh itself. Thus, connectivity is not guaranteed.
Split Brep Faces (SBF)
Splits brep faces by projecting input curves onto the brep and splitting the brep faces.
Create Offset Area Element (ODAE)
Creates an offset design area element, utilizing the same mesh as the host area element, but offset by the specified amount.
Deconstruct Shell (DecSE)
Deconstructs an analytical shell element, giving access to properties
Rhino Mesh from Shells (RMfS)
Creates a mesh from shell elements defined by 3 or 4 points
Shell Displacement (ShDsp)
Returns the maximum or minimum shell displacements from the nodal values.
All Design Areas (AllDA)
Gets all of the design area elements defined in the model.
Deconstruct Design Area (DecDA)
Deconstructs a design area element, giving access to properties
Deconstruct Shell Modifiers (DeconSKMod)
Deconstructs a ShellStiffnessModifiers object.
Create Design CLT Element (CreateDCLTE)
Creates a Design CLT Element
Create Design Area Element (CreateDAE)
Creates a Design Area Element
Create Design Area Element From Surface (DEAFS)
Creates a design area element from a surface, which allows holes to be included.
Create Shell Element (CreateSE)
Creates a Shell Element
Average Shell Stress Envelope (AvgShStEnv)
Returns the envelope of the average shell stress for the given design context. The average shell stress ic omputed by summing the average nodal stresses and dividing by the number of nodes.
Shell Nodal Stresses (ShNodSt)
Returns a list of total average local shell stress at each node of the shell element.
All Analytical Shells (AnlysShells)
Returns all analytical shell elements from the analysis model. These are not design elements, but instead the internal, discretized shell elements.
Deconstruct Shell Stress (DeconSS)
Deconstructs a shell stress tensor into primitive vaules.
Shell Stress to String (SST-to-Str)
Converts a shell stress tensor into a string using the specified delimeter
Rhino Surface from Points (SP)
Creates a surface from a list of points (3 or 4 long)
Assign Mesh to Area (AssignMesh)
Assigns parts of a mesh that fall within the design area element to that element's analysis elements.
Mesh From Surface (SrfMsh)
Meshes a surface with lines and points included.
Average Shell Force (AvgShFor)
Average shell forces, computed by taking the average of the average nodal forces. Returns a single value for each shell.
Average Shell Stress (AvgShSt)
Average shell stress, computed by taking the average of the average nodal stresses. Returns a single value for each shell.
Assign Shell Axes (SetAreaAxes)
Overrides the local axes of the area (shell) element by orienting either the local 1 or local 2 axis along a specified vector. Works by computing and assigning the approrpiate cross section rotation.


Assign Element Name (AEN)
Sets a string name to a design element
Bake Fenix Geom (Bake)
Bakes Fenix geometry output, including attached user attributes.
Create Grid System (CreateGS)
Create a grid system containing horizontal, vertical, and general grid lines.
Load Generic Design Model (LoadGDM)
Load a Generic Design Model
Save Generic Design Model (SaveGDM)
Save a Generic Design Model
Deconstruct Material (DecMat)
Deconstructs a material.
Mat from Name (MN)
Retrieves a material from a string name value, if it is defined in the model definitions.
Export E2K (E2K)
Exports an ETABS .E2K file.
Export Shell Connectivity (ExportShells)
Exports two files for shell connectivity, a 'Nodes' and a 'Shells' file, to the users temp folder.
Preview Analysis Model (PM)
Previews Analysis Model
Automate Design (AD)
Runs model analysis and design iterations
Mode Information (MI)
Returns information for the specified mode number.
Mode Shape (MS)
Returns the mode shape from modal analysis.
Zero K (ZK)
Reads the zero stiffness dictionary of the GDM and outputs any nodes that have zero stiffness.
Set Display Units (DispUnits)
Sets the units that results are displayed in.
Base Reaction (BaseReac)
Gets the base reaction for the specified load combination and result type..
Assign to Group (Assign Group)
Assigns an element to a group.
Create Element Group (CreateEG)
Create an element group
Create Generic Design Model (CreateGDM)
Creates a Generic Design Model
ModelDefinitions (MD)
Create and Edit Global Model Definitions
All Analytical Elements (AnlysElem)
Returns all analysis elements. These are not design elements, but instead the individual, discretized analysis elements.
Analyze Model (AM)
Runs Model Analysis
Element Local Axes (LocAxes)
Returns the local axes of an analytical element (IGeneralElement).
Sum of Reactions (SumReac)
Sum of all reactions for the specified load combination. Sums the individual reactions for each node. Not appropriate for RSA results (use Base Reactions instead).
Deconstruct Local Axes (DecAxes)
Deconstructs local axes into X, Y, and Z vectors.


Response Spectrum Utility (RSU)
Allows the user to display the response spectrum utility window, which provides the means to generate response spectra (elastic & inelastic) from time history files.
Compare Text (CT)
Compares two text strings. Returns true if the texts are equalt. Otherwise returns false.
Curve from Polysurface (PolyCrv)
Returns the curve that forms the boundary of the largest surface.
Grow List (GL)
Grows a list to the specified size. If it is already larger, does nothing.
If Gate (If)
Creates an 'If' statement, taking in a boolean, value if true, and value if false
InterpolateXY (IntXY)
Interpolates between X-Y data points.
List To String (L2S)
Returns a single string constructed by concatenating the items in a list with an optional delimeter.
Max of List (ListMax)
Returns the maximum of a list of numbers
Max of List Indeces (ListIndMax)
Returns the maximum of each index between a group of lists.
Min of List (ListMin)
Returns the minimum of a list of numbers
Get Attribute (GetAttr)
Retrieves an attribute from a Rhino object or a Grasshopper geometry object with a valid ReferenceID. Returns the default value if the attribute is not found.
Returns the sign of the input number. If input is > 0, returns 1. If input is less than 0, returns -1. If input is 0, returns 0.
To File (S2F)
Writes the given list of string to a file. Each string is written on its own line.
Discover Physical Cores (PhysCores)
Discovers the number of phyiscal cores that the computer has.
Unique Values (ULV)
Filters a list by culling duplicate values. Uses an object's equality comparer.


Create Design Frame Point Load (CreateDFPL)
Creates a DesignFramePointLoad object representing a point load on a frame element.
Create Percent Weight Line Load (CreatePWLL)
Creates a new percent weight line load. This creates a linear element line load that is equivalent to a percent of the element'sself weight applied in the specified direction.
Create Varying Area Load (VarArLd)
Creates a linearly varying area load (or body force) to be applied to the design element
Load Combo From Name (LCn)
Returns the load combination with the specified name, from the list of load combinations that were anlayzed.
Create Solid Load (SldLd)
Creates a solid load (or body force) to be applied to the design element. Body forces for solid elements are in units of force or moment per volume.
Deconstruct Load Combo (DeconLC)
Deconstructs a load combination and outputs primitive values.
Create Design Nodal Displacement (CreateDND)
Create a new imposed nodal displacement.
Create Area Load (ArLd)
Creates an area load (or body force) to be applied to the design element. Body forces for area elements are in units of force or moment per area.
Create Design Frame Thermal Load (CreateDFTL)
Creates a DesignFrameThermalLoad object representing a thermal load on a frame element.
Create Design Frame Line Load (CreateDFLL)
Creates a new DesignFrameLineLoad object representing a line load on a frame element.
Create Design Nodal Force (CreateDNF)
Create Design Nodal Force
Create Wind Parameters (CreateWindParameters)
Load Combinations (AllLCs)
Rturns all load combinations that were run by the analysis model.
Load Combo From Index (LCi)
Returns the load combination at the specified index, i, from the list of load combinations that were anlayzed.

Section Cuts

Add Section Strips (AddStrips)
Adds section strips to an analysis model
All Section Strips (SecStrips)
Returns all section strips defined in the design model
Create Section Strip (SecStrip)
Creates a section strip that auto generates section cuts along its length.
Deconstruct Section Cut (DecSecCut)
Deconstructs a section cut providing detailed information about the cut.
Deconstruct Section Strip (DecStrip)
Deconstructs a section strip providing detailed information about the strip.
Deconstruct Strip Force (DecSF)
Deconstructs a section strip force.
Strip Forces at Combo (StripForce)
Returns the section strip forces at the specified load combination.
Add Section Cuts (AddCuts)
Adds section cuts to an analysis model
Create Section Cut (SecCut)
Create a section cut
All Section Cuts (SecCuts)
Returns all section cuts defined in the design model
Create Surface Section Cut (SurfSecCut)
Create a section cut defined by a line that must lie on a surface (or closed polygon).
Cut Forces at Combo (CutForce)
Returns the section cut forces at the specified load combination.


Create Local Link Element (CreateLLE)
Creates a local link element, which is a link whose stiffness is defined in the link's local coordinate system.
Deconstruct Design Link (DeconDLE)
Deconstructs a design link element, giving access to properties
Link from GUID (LfGuid)
Retrieves a design link element from the specified GUID, if it exists.
Create Global Link Element (CreateGLE)
Creates a global link element, which is a link whose stiffness is defined in the global coordinate system.
Deconstruct Link Forces (DeconLF)
Deconstructs a link forces object into primitive values
All Link Elements (AllLEs)
Returns all link elements in the design model.
Link Forces (LF)
Returns the link internal forces associated with the link and load combo.


Create Solid Extrusion (SolEx)
Creates a solid extrusion element that extrudes all shells from the host design area element and creates solids. Does not delete any shell elements.
Create Design Solid (CreateDSE)
Creates a solid pentahedron or hexahedron element, depending on the geometry input. Input must be closed (capped) breps representing either a pentahedron (5-sided wedge) or hexahedron (6-sided box).
Solid Surfaces (SS)
Creates a list of surfaces from the input solids
Create Design Hexahedron (CreateDHE)
Creates a Hexahedron solid element.
Create Design Pentahedron (CreateDPE)
Creates a Pentahedron solid element.
All Analytical Solids (AnlysSolids)
Returns a list of all analytical solid elements. These are not design elements, but instead the internal, discretized solid elements.


Print Summary Report (Report)
Prints a summary report of all elements that had design checks performed.
Required Steel Area (AsReq)
Calculates the required area of steel for a rectangular singly-reinforced concrete section based on ACI 318-19.
Print Element Designs (PrintED)
Prints design results for the specified elements.
DesignEquations (DE)
Preview design equations
Run Design Checks (DesignChecks)
Runs design checks for all elements that are set to be designed.

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