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Section Cuts

Deconstruct Design Frame

Deconstructs a design frame element, giving access to properties


Design Frame ElementDFEThe design frame element to deconstruct.Generic Data


GUIDGUIDThe design frame's GUID.Text
Node InINode I, or the start point of the design frame, as an AnaysisNode.Generic Data
Node JnJPoint J, or the end point of the design frame, as an AnalysisNode.Generic Data
Cross SectionXSThe DesignCrossSection object assigned to the design frame element.Generic Data
Cross Section RotationXsRotThe cross section rotation about the local X-axis, in degrees.Number
UsageUsageWhat is the design frame element used for (beam, column, brace).Text
End I ReleaseReleaseIThe FrameElementEndRelease object associated with point I (start point).Generic Data
End J ReleaseReleaseJThe FrameElementEndRelease object associated with point J (end point).Generic Data
ModifiersModsThe FrameStiffnessModifiers object associated with the design frame element.Generic Data
Axial BehaviorAxBehavThe axial behavior of the design frame element (tension/compression, tension only, compression only).Text
Shear DeformationShearDefDoes the design frame element include the effects of shear deformation?Boolean
Include P-DeltaPDeltaDoes the design frame element have P-Delta turned on?Boolean
Use End I Rigid ZoneUseRezEndIIs a rigid end zone included at end I (start point)?Boolean
End I Rigid ZoneRezEndIThe RigidEndZone object defined at end I (start point).Generic Data
Use End J Rigid ZoneUseRezEndJIs a rigid end zone included at end J (end point)?Boolean
End J Rigid ZoneRezEndJThe RigidEndZone object defined at end J (end point).Generic Data
Analysis FramesFramesList of analysis frame elements generated by the design frame.Generic Data
SeismicEQWhether the element is designated as part of the seismic force resisting system.Boolean
Lateral SystemLatSysThe type of lateral system the element is defined as. Empty if the element is not designated as a seismic element.Text
Local AxesLocAxThe local axes of the design frame.Generic Data
NameNameThe user-defined name of the element (if any was assigned).Text

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