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Create Varying Area Load

Creates a linearly varying area load (or body force) to be applied to the design element. Body forces for area elements are in units of force or moment per area. This body forcewill linearly vary between the start and end points based on the start and end factor.


Local CoordLocCSSet to true to indicate that load is in the local coordinate system. Otherwise, load is assumed to be in the global coordinate system.Boolean
FxFxBody force in the X-direction, in units of force / area (area elements).Number
FyFyBody force in the Y-direction, in units of force / area (area elements).Number
FzFzBody force in the Z-direction, in units of force / area (area elements).Number
MxMxBody moment about the X-axis, in units of moment per area.Number
MyMyBody moment about the Y-axis, in units of moment per area.Number
MzMzBody moment about the Z-axis, in units of moment per area.Number
TTUniform temperature delta, in consistent units with alpha parametersNumber
Start PtSPThe start point for linear variation.Point
End PtEPThe end point for linear variation.Point
Start FacSFThe start factor for linear variation.Number
End FacEFThe end factor for linear variation.Number
Zero BeyondZBWhether the load goes immediately to zero outside the bounds of the start and end points. If false, the start factor is used for any location below the start point while the end factor is used for any location above the end point. If true, the factor is set to zero for any location below the start point or above the end point.Boolean


Area LoadALLinearly varying design area load to apply to the design elements.Generic Data

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