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Section Cuts

Average Shell Force

Average shell forces, computed by taking the average of the average nodal forces. Returns a single value for each shell.


Shell ElementSEAnalytical shell element to retrieve results for.Generic Data
Load ComboLCLoad combination to retrieve results at.Generic Data


F11F11Shell axial force in the local 1-direction, in units of force per length, converted to the display unit system.Number
F22F22Shell axial force in the local 2-direction, in units of force per length, converted to the display unit system.Number
F12F12Shell in-plane shear force, in units of force per length, converted to the display unit system.Number
F13F13Shell through-thickness force in the local 1-face in the local 3-direction, in units of force per length, converted to the display unit system.Number
F23F23Shell through-thickness force in the local 2-face in the local 3-direction, in units of force per length, converted to the display unit system.Number
M11M11Shell bending moment in the direction of the 1-axis (about the local 2-axis), in units of moment per length, converted to the display unit system.Number
M22M22Shell bending moment in the direction of the 2-axis (about the local 1-axis), in units of moment per length, converted to the display unit system.Number
M12M12Shell twisting moment, in units of moment per length, converted to the display unit system.Number

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