Name | ID | Description | Type |
Kx | Kx | Stiffness in X-direction. | Number |
Ky | Ky | Stiffness in Y-direction. | Number |
Kz | Kz | Stiffness in Z-direction. | Number |
Krx | Krx | Rotational stiffness about the X-axis. | Number |
Kry | Kry | Rotational stiffness about the Y-axis. | Number |
Krz | Krz | Rotational stiffness about the Z-axis. | Number |
X-Vector | V | Vector that defines the local X-axis of the spring. Defaults to the global X-axis (1,0,0). | Vector |
Rot | R | Rotation of the local Y & Z axes, about the local X-axis, in degrees. Defaults to 0. | Number |
Name | ID | Description | Type |
Spring Property | SP | Spring properties object | Generic Data |
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