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Section Cuts

Print Summary Report

Prints a summary report of all elements that had design checks performed.


Generic Design ModelGDMThe generic design model to print summary results for.Generic Data
FolderFFolder where the file should be saved. If no folder exists, will try to create it. If that fails, will instead print to your temporary folder.Text
NameNFile name to save summary report as. Defaults to 'DesignSummaryReport'.Text
StrengthStrWhether to include strength design in the summary.Boolean
ServiceSerWhether to include service design in the summary.Boolean
DetailingDetWhether to include detailing design in the summary.Boolean
DeflectionDefWhether to include deflection design in the summary.Boolean
FireFireWhether to include fire design in the summary.Boolean
Color DCRColWhether to color the DCR values in the summary table.Boolean
Detailed ElementsDEsList of design elements to print detailed sample calculations for. Defaults to an empty list.Generic Data
Load CombinationsLCsList of load combinations to print detailed sample calculations for. If no input is provided, or an empty list is provided, defaults to all load combinations.Generic Data
Use Elem NamesENsWhether to use element names when reporting summary output. If false, the GUIDs are displayed. Defaults to false.Boolean


FileFFile name (including path) where the file was saved.Text

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