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Section Cuts

Deconstruct Material

Deconstructs a material.


MaterialMThe material to deconstruct.Generic Data


NameNThe unique material name.Text
GUIDGUIDThe unique material GUID.Text
TypeZThe type of material.Text
DensityWDThe weight density of the material, in the display unit system.Number
E1E1The elastic modulus along the local 1-axis, in the display unit system.Number
E2E2The elastic modulus along the local 2-axis, in the display unit system.Number
E3E3The elastic modulus along the local 3-axis, in the display unit system.Number
Nu12Nu12The Poisson ratio corresponding to a contraction in the 2-direction due to an extension in the 1-direction.Number
Nu21Nu21The Poisson ratio corresponding to a contraction in the 1-direction due to an extension in the 2-direction.Number
Nu13Nu13The Poisson ratio corresponding to a contraction in the 3-direction due to an extension in the 1-direction.Number
Nu31Nu31The Poisson ratio corresponding to a contraction in the 1-direction due to an extension in the 3-direction.Number
Nu23Nu23The Poisson ratio corresponding to a contraction in the 3-direction due to an extension in the 2-direction.Number
Nu32Nu32The Poisson ratio corresponding to a contraction in the 2-direction due to an extension in the 3-direction.Number
G12G12The shear modulus for shear acting on the 1-face in the 2-direction, in the display unit system.Number
G13G13The shear modulus for shear acting on the 1-face in the 3-direction, in the display unit system.Number
G23G23The shear modulus for shear acting on the 2-face in the 3-direction, in the display unit system.Number
A1A1The thermal coefficient in the local 1-direction.Number
A2A2The thermal coefficient in the local 2-direction.Number
A3A3The thermal coefficient in the local 3-direction.Number
Spec GravSGThe specific gravity.Number

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