Breps | B | Target Breps to give form | Brep |
Size | S | Size of Tessellation | Number |
Type | T | Tessellation Type (0=WeairePhelan 1=BitruncatedCubic 2=CantitruncatedCubic 3=CantitruncatedAltCubic 4=TruncatedAlternatedCubic 5=RegularOctahedron 6=RegularOctahedronWireDiag 7=BiSymmetricHendecahedron 8=SphenoidHendecahedron 9=RhombicDodecahemioctahedronA 10=RhombicDodecahemioctahedronB 11=CuboctahedronOctahedron) | Integer |
Arangement | A | Tessellation Arrangement (0=BoundingBox 1=Intersect 2=Enclosing) | Integer |
Nature | N | Tessellation Nature (0=AllFaces 1=SingleFaces 2=WireFrame) | Integer |
Plane | P | Orientation Plane | Plane |
Tol | T | Tolereance | Number |