Camera Plane | cameraPlane | Plane whose origin is the camera location, Y vector is the camera target direction and Z vector is the camera up direction. | Plane |
Folder Path | folderPath | Folder path for exported cube maps. If no path is provided, no cubemap will be saved. A ray casting visualization is still possible by added meshes to the Mesh Obstacles input. | Text |
Prefix | prefix | Prefix for exported cube maps. | Text |
Resolution | res | The width resolution of the cube map. | Integer |
Display Mode | displayMode | Set the display mode to be used when creating the cubemap. If no display mode is set or does not exist in the document, the active view's display mode will be used. | Text |
Color Filter | colors | Filter the analysis for specific colors. If no filter colors are provided, all colors in the cubemap will be included. | Colour |
Mesh Obstacles | obstacles | Mesh obstacles for ray casting vizualization. If no meshes are provided, no visualization will show. | Mesh |
Run | run | Go ahead and run the component | Boolean |